  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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    Friends in the video:
    ​▶️ ‪@fourzer0seven‬
    ▶️ ‪@Grizzy‬
    Outro Song is HI-HO by [B]- Rogers
    / itsbrogersyo
    #basicallyidowrk #marcel #smii7y

Комментарии • 235

  • @haydenhowell9277
    @haydenhowell9277 Месяц назад +556

    To give context. His key cap and door rage was because he couldn't pull the parachute. It was a bug where no matter how many times you pressed the button to pull it the parachute would never pull out and it happened twice in the same video

    • @bananajesus9133
      @bananajesus9133 Месяц назад +10

      I was literally about to type explaining why he got so mad the i saw your comment xd

    • @aidcrazysol3207
      @aidcrazysol3207 Месяц назад +23

      And SMii7y letting him die and giving him a little bit a shit the entire record

    • @joaodias9547
      @joaodias9547 Месяц назад

      Smitty: "Me beating my meat"

    • @EntropyPunk
      @EntropyPunk Месяц назад +3

      Nahh bro, he got sniped. Definitely sniped.

    • @Leeloo-Foxx
      @Leeloo-Foxx Месяц назад +16

      bro got sniped.... by a shitty game.

  • @silverblitzen_ag
    @silverblitzen_ag Месяц назад +307

    The Grizzy keycap and door rage is an all time classic

    • @dominicwilliamson7912
      @dominicwilliamson7912 Месяц назад +13

      I remember watching those when it dropped shit it so fucking funny to this day

    • @WhiteboyDWill
      @WhiteboyDWill Месяц назад

      Gotta be in the top 5 gamer rages of all time!🤣

  • @SlyGrim
    @SlyGrim Месяц назад +149

    2:49 prior to this death this happened before there was a bug in warzone that would not allow you to pull your parachute no matter how many times you tried, and this death was i believe the 3rd time that session it happened to grizzy

    • @elijahcuevas3805
      @elijahcuevas3805 Месяц назад +1

      It was so bad, that he had to take a break

  • @VENOM-tb7oy
    @VENOM-tb7oy Месяц назад +620

    Still waiting on the reaction to what Nogla sent. The Jewish one and the other one. And also the end of the call 💀

    • @Shadow_The_Edgy
      @Shadow_The_Edgy Месяц назад +22

      Same 💀

    • @aname8106
      @aname8106 Месяц назад +13


    • @Nyanpasu_pasu
      @Nyanpasu_pasu Месяц назад +10

      "I can't build" said George flowberry

    • @uraratoast485
      @uraratoast485 Месяц назад +4

      Yeah I can't wait to see it LMAO

    • @-kai-1691
      @-kai-1691 Месяц назад +5

      Its on scottys last reaction vid with Marcel

  • @coyotefang
    @coyotefang Месяц назад +70

    (18:45) Grizzy got so angry, only dogs could hear him scream

  • @Decklanx
    @Decklanx Месяц назад +37

    15:57 He went 'R.I.P.' and assumed the position

  • @ThisIsAYoutubeHandleForYou
    @ThisIsAYoutubeHandleForYou Месяц назад +55

    Come on Marcel and Scotty...we know what number 1. We all know. We just came here for that special clip.

  • @PlasmaStorm24
    @PlasmaStorm24 Месяц назад +54

    Thank you for the support Marcel

  • @HajimeKomaeda
    @HajimeKomaeda Месяц назад +28

    Marcel forgot Grizzy had told him AT HIS FACE his iconic Warzone rage story. 💀

  • @tweedledeevine
    @tweedledeevine Месяц назад +41

    "The best Grizzy rage"
    It's Grizzy. All of his rage is the BEST

  • @MrsHateLove95
    @MrsHateLove95 Месяц назад +18

    I want to see them react to Pezzy freak out in horror games, the first time I "witnessed" him vanish was hysterical. Didn't even blink, I barely glanced away and he was just gone. The rage vids are awesome too, I just prefer watching people get scared lol

    • @beeluvsbunni
      @beeluvsbunni Месяц назад +4

      pezzy throwing his headphones so hard they slice his hand open while whipping his mouse into the abyss that is his room as his heartbeat monitor shows 150/bpm and rag-dolling his body out off frame is always funny

    • @MrsHateLove95
      @MrsHateLove95 Месяц назад

      @@beeluvsbunni Haha that too, it's just so memorable because that was the first time I "saw "some one actually "ninja vanish" and go "Wha- where'd he go!?". I rewatched that part a few times and I really wish I could remember the exact video I'm thinking of so that I can link it, just another -I wish I had eidetic memory- moment lol

  • @jennareally
    @jennareally Месяц назад +18

    puffer and nogla being uninvited over mario party is valid.

  • @zenovia1004
    @zenovia1004 Месяц назад +9

    i just can't when he Just Do the Pose Like that on 16:01😂😂😂

  • @SR-71BlackbirdA2
    @SR-71BlackbirdA2 Месяц назад +26

    3:50 and that's why his name is Grizzy. Bro turned into a bear right there!

  • @seuless771
    @seuless771 Месяц назад +62

    24:24 honestly valid reaction. Guy has grey armour so 150hp and Grizzy hit him for 148; dude had 2hp and lived 💀

  • @kaoticzi3350
    @kaoticzi3350 Месяц назад +3

    “these adderall kids” comment at 25:15 actually jumpscared me lmfao- i have this playing in the backgound rn and it startled me literally as i grabbed my prescription bottle & my pill cutter to precut some adderall for the week (≧▽≦)

    • @Kinopawjob
      @Kinopawjob 28 дней назад

      You cut your addies?

  • @reedeayers
    @reedeayers Месяц назад +12

    4:16 didn’t grizzy and basically do a podcast where grizzy talked about this exact clip and how it was glitched

    • @MochaFen
      @MochaFen Месяц назад +3

      Yea the GWB thing

  • @jacobhosler1982
    @jacobhosler1982 Месяц назад +3

    3:31 he bashed his head with the door until it came off the hinges.😂

  • @astrolisgd
    @astrolisgd Месяц назад +3

    15:58 Dracula when he realizes the sun is rising

  • @Trane141Kingz
    @Trane141Kingz Месяц назад +2

    9:05 ay,mans has got priorities - he wants to have a good smell goin on so he doesn't get too upset 😂 I respect that👍🏻😁

  • @jessequillen4695
    @jessequillen4695 Месяц назад +9

    13:20, laugh sounded like a chihuahua that jusy haf it's tail stepped on.

  • @MartinCruz-cv7ve
    @MartinCruz-cv7ve Месяц назад +8

    2:21 that's a drawing table

  • @lunarramstore7588
    @lunarramstore7588 Месяц назад +8

    Grizzy not only going to try to not get you demonetized, home boy will actively think of getting you edits like face zooms! Gribby the Goat

  • @AlexandraMedina-r9c
    @AlexandraMedina-r9c Месяц назад

    I cannot believe this was my childhood! I love your videos and came so far to come back and watch you again!

  • @austinspence4248
    @austinspence4248 Месяц назад +2

    While watching these clips, it makes me want to put Grizzy in a rage room and just tell him let out all the years of rage from games

  • @Ghost_Clan_Leader
    @Ghost_Clan_Leader Месяц назад +1

    I've seen some clips of grizzy but I might have to start watching him after this lol

  • @DakotaCraddock
    @DakotaCraddock Месяц назад +3

    2:48 that dest was an artist desk for like drawing and shit that's why it's slanted

  • @miguelcataquet7402
    @miguelcataquet7402 Месяц назад +5

    We see puffer rages it’s so good

  • @Rayvally
    @Rayvally Месяц назад

    Am sick today and this just made my day so thx for the entertainment

  • @xdrakon8196
    @xdrakon8196 Месяц назад +1

    15:59 Bro I have seen the face cam clip long time ago. Had no idea that was grizzy who did that bit.

  • @aftrlif
    @aftrlif Месяц назад +1

    I want one huge reaction video with everyone. I think that would be gold. They just make one big chat room of memes from all of them. Then they can all have a movie night together and record

  • @Blackraven6
    @Blackraven6 Месяц назад +1

    22:29 That is either Striper, or Protecta, my dude.

  • @Zakrose_
    @Zakrose_ Месяц назад +3

    Havent even watched yet and i can hear bedroom doors crying out in fear everywhere

    • @Zakrose_
      @Zakrose_ Месяц назад

      Also , 27:02 Multiversus just put out its last announced update and wont be getting anything new after may. Yall should 100% hop on here an try an bring some attention to the game. People have been pushing to try and save it

  • @Juansolous
    @Juansolous Месяц назад +3

    I like Grizzy he reminds me of panda and he's a big foodie, when he talks about food sometimes sounds like me obsessed with burgers.

  • @1969sport
    @1969sport Месяц назад +15

    The context to that keyboard/door breaking clip was:
    His redeploy didn’t work twice
    And he hit the ground at mach two

  • @KAIsibs
    @KAIsibs 23 дня назад

    2:46 Remember, Grizzy told Marcel about this moment

  • @BlueRobotMiner
    @BlueRobotMiner Месяц назад +2

    2:26 its and art table

  • @ryanstrife
    @ryanstrife Месяц назад +11

    You forgot a censor about 9:06 in lol

    • @Christianityg2002
      @Christianityg2002 Месяц назад +7

      He can say it he doesn’t need to censor it

    • @iamzxnty
      @iamzxnty Месяц назад

      ​@@Christianityg2002its tos on yt

  • @UndeadJohnGaming
    @UndeadJohnGaming Месяц назад +3

    Grizzy is such a gem though honestly

  • @ZodiacBoi
    @ZodiacBoi Месяц назад +5

    grizzy never got shot out of the air, he had a bug that wouldnt let him pull his chute. he got bought back and it happened a 2nd time hence the rage

    • @Bawskey
      @Bawskey Месяц назад

      Y'all not seeing the joke in saying"he got sniped" physically hurts

  • @StinoBearfrfr
    @StinoBearfrfr Месяц назад +3

    When Grizzy angy, give Grizzy food

  • @nathanielmalcolm6623
    @nathanielmalcolm6623 Месяц назад

    Grizzy destroying his keyboard AND door in the same gaming session & for the se reasons (which was not being able to pull his chute before he hit the ground) *had me stitched up & dying fr.*
    His Warzone/COD days were undeniably the peak of how angry Grizzy could get, all without his blood vessels blowing up from the sheer malding. 😂😂😂

  • @LadyVader
    @LadyVader Месяц назад

    Grizzy's facial expressions are literally the best 😭😭😭

  • @johanelenius7878
    @johanelenius7878 Месяц назад +2

    25:00 407 no is the awnser not with flatline

  • @rickycha5868
    @rickycha5868 Месяц назад

    The frizzy stroke made me want to like
    The video twice 😂

  • @Im_Just_KJ
    @Im_Just_KJ Месяц назад +1


  • @Eldersh1eld
    @Eldersh1eld Месяц назад +1

    Seeing the difference between rage in warzone 1 and 2 is so funny ngl

  • @Fadedshadows
    @Fadedshadows Месяц назад +15

    I think it’s crazy that people don’t understand that every gun has different amount of damage they can output no matter the attachments. If every gun had the same amount of damage then yeah I’d say “ghost bullets” or blame hitmarkers.

  • @jjroberts8066
    @jjroberts8066 Месяц назад

    Still can’t believe you blew my speakers a year or two ago raging

  • @Darkassassin09
    @Darkassassin09 Месяц назад +2

    2:30 the sign on the wall is mounted diagonally, not square to the floor. That's screwing with the perspective.

  • @Ya_boys936
    @Ya_boys936 Месяц назад +2

    16:03 got me dying

  • @tristianbrown9245
    @tristianbrown9245 29 дней назад +1

    I’m Suprised you haven’t Watched the 12 Days of Christmas CaseOh Edition yet, It’s so Fricken Funny 😂😂

  • @burnttoastwolf1946
    @burnttoastwolf1946 Месяц назад

    The parachute one where he fell to the ground was the glitch where no matter what u did u couldn’t pull your chute and that was like the third time it happened in that session 😂

  • @jennareally
    @jennareally Месяц назад

    Your face when he was smashing that keyboard was mostly shock and a tiny bit of understanding.

  • @rockstarjames2005
    @rockstarjames2005 Месяц назад +2

    Next Puffer rages

  • @chikijonadominguez2508
    @chikijonadominguez2508 Месяц назад

    Ya'll should react to MXC funniest moments or collab with NTR. Love the react vids Scotty & Marcel.

  • @dobber43
    @dobber43 Месяц назад

    Would love to see yall react to yumi incriminating moments both parts that dude is unhinged

  • @itzjeshi
    @itzjeshi Месяц назад

    Ahh my three favourite 🥷🏿’s Marcel, Scotty and Grizzy perfect for bhm

  • @BlueNosePittbull52
    @BlueNosePittbull52 Месяц назад

    I really wish they show the clip where Grizzy threw and handed the game to Marcel in Among Us. 😂

  • @shajay_the_blue_knight
    @shajay_the_blue_knight Месяц назад

    2:50 He didn't get sniped, it's that thing when it won't let him parachute when he wants to parachute. That's why he busted his keyboard like that

  • @Eddieavina123
    @Eddieavina123 Месяц назад

    Love your video and keep up the great work you are awesome

  • @haydnberthold9489
    @haydnberthold9489 Месяц назад

    This is a liked-based petition to have Scotty play Sumo.

  • @braunbravado6456
    @braunbravado6456 Месяц назад +1

    Hey!! You saw my comment!! Grizzy rage is unmatched 😂

  • @Nikoruin
    @Nikoruin Месяц назад

    next Four0Seven rage moments

  • @shaylanacub2978
    @shaylanacub2978 Месяц назад

    7:31 that would have done it for me too 😂 I’m too competitive to play games like Mario party 😅

  • @YuNoReCordHD
    @YuNoReCordHD Месяц назад

    Y’all should react to the goons and then do jafar moments(blarg)

  • @Odran4837
    @Odran4837 Месяц назад

    Grizzy yells What so much it became a known phrase to smitty

  • @MoistPurgekitty
    @MoistPurgekitty Месяц назад

    Grizzly and Anthony in Mario kart lol the rage masters

  • @aidcrazysol3207
    @aidcrazysol3207 Месяц назад

    18:40 Bro started speaking Dr. Zomboss (Or Dave) from Plants Vs Zombies

  • @lyeyeruyass5809
    @lyeyeruyass5809 Месяц назад

    Mario kart 9 supports 24 players so im exited to see how that goes the rage will be great

  • @johnwilliams9179
    @johnwilliams9179 Месяц назад

    Marcel,you and grizzly were literally on a podcast and he talked about it being a glitch

  • @Nightwing1933
    @Nightwing1933 Месяц назад

    Grizzy didn't get sniped in the door clip. What happened was a glitch where the parachute wouldn't pull when you pushed the button to pull so he just hit the ground, and it happened twice in a row.

  • @PrinceKein27
    @PrinceKein27 Месяц назад

    Scotty should play the Sumo Remix on GTA Online with the next session with Pasta who kind of new to GTA Online.. or on the next Modded GTA V session.. because I don't think Pasta don't have the FiveM version of GTA yet.

  • @IncogNegroGaming
    @IncogNegroGaming Месяц назад

    0:42 why the Grizzler look like he's a qb in a 2 minute drill 😅

  • @StinoBearfrfr
    @StinoBearfrfr Месяц назад

    Playing with Nogla is always fun, unless you're in a bad mood then it's easy to get pissed at Nogla for maybe even no reason at all hahaha
    Marcel will definitely agree with me cause he is the nr.1 love/hater of nogla lmao

  • @patrickdetzler1568
    @patrickdetzler1568 Месяц назад

    Please do a grizzy wheeze compilation reaction video I would love to see it

  • @EporterYTC
    @EporterYTC Месяц назад +1

    Yeah: 2:49, He didn't pull his parachute

  • @for_the_lore5567
    @for_the_lore5567 Месяц назад

    2:25 Camera's angle is normal, Grizzy is just naturally tilted.

  • @Goostave-sb9zb
    @Goostave-sb9zb Месяц назад

    4:16 Weren’t Grizzy and Marcel on a talk show or something together where Grizzy explained this exact moment?

  • @mobiusZero2
    @mobiusZero2 Месяц назад

    Grizzy, The hood still in him

  • @scottinWV
    @scottinWV Месяц назад

    Grizzy may not be the best at games but he is one heck of an entertainer!

  • @genarolmarrero7360
    @genarolmarrero7360 28 дней назад

    Ok, is it just me or that some people can relate (in real life scenarios) to this moment around 28:49 - 29:21 (in almost any competitive on-line games)

  • @Inquisitor66330
    @Inquisitor66330 Месяц назад

    3:50 Grizzy didn't get shot
    His spacebar wouldn't let him deploy his parachute in time and he has the setting where he disabled auto-deploy during his warzone match

  • @SamSabotage
    @SamSabotage 25 дней назад

    "is it puffer" it's mario party, of course it's Puffer xD

  • @brockroberts3424
    @brockroberts3424 Месяц назад

    One day he will upload these to the BasicallyIReact channel…

  • @SJuaaan97
    @SJuaaan97 Месяц назад

    @21:11 the game mode is called sumo in vanilla GTA

  • @DiamondBatToons
    @DiamondBatToons Месяц назад

    YES!! Grizzy rage is incredible! Compared to most, Grizzy is the HULK of raging; Strongest there is! XD

  • @debunkd8050
    @debunkd8050 Месяц назад

    Yo marcel remember the story grizzy told you when there was a glitch and when you pressed to open the parachute it wouldn’t open right? That’s why he broke the keyboard and door idk if you remember or not but I seen a short or video when you both met to talk and then talk about your rage moments

  • @sharkface2.084
    @sharkface2.084 Месяц назад

    22:24 nah, stryker/street sweeper

  • @Glaudge
    @Glaudge Месяц назад

    2:35 nah bro he a film student he just doing his Dutch angle

  • @aqu434
    @aqu434 Месяц назад

    they gotta react to grizzy and aches flirting

  • @ThatBrunetteFromCali
    @ThatBrunetteFromCali Месяц назад

    I want people to realize something:
    Grizzy ripped his door off the hinges that easily BEFORE he started weight lifting. What do you think he’s capable of now that he’s practically a Demi god?😮

  • @DimSum9685
    @DimSum9685 Месяц назад +1

    I'm Marcel watching Marcel with a son named Marcel.

  • @Eccentrix-fg6le
    @Eccentrix-fg6le Месяц назад

    I've always wondered; what are those championships in the background? what are they from?

  • @nolans3026
    @nolans3026 Месяц назад +1

    how did Scotty know about throwing beats on keys and Marcel didn't? I am FULLY stereotyping btw

  • @SA1NT53
    @SA1NT53 Месяц назад

    Best Grizzy rage ever was the airport tower in Warzone

  • @cb_shinobi
    @cb_shinobi Месяц назад

    The only thing that would've made Apex better is Solos, their steadfast refusal to let people play proper solos is a HUGE reason why that game is on life support

  • @michaelzainey5781
    @michaelzainey5781 Месяц назад

    Grizzy might have y’all beat when it comes to rage screaming.

  • @ace69beast
    @ace69beast Месяц назад +1

    Jafar moments when?

  • @fitimkurshumliu5704
    @fitimkurshumliu5704 Месяц назад

    You should react to Blarg going to far moments.