PCV Systems - How They Work

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025

Комментарии • 491

  • @Principlesofpleasure
    @Principlesofpleasure 4 года назад +115

    Dude pulled my sons off and it was broken inside ,I put hundred in parts trying to fix my sons Chevy blazer and all it took was your video and this lil 4$ part and it’s fixed 😍 at least I gave his car a free tune up 🤣 thank you brotha your the man 👊🏽

    • @arealmaintenanceandrepairl1103
      @arealmaintenanceandrepairl1103 3 года назад +6

      What if they are stuck open I been chasing a maf code and I checked my valve and I can blow air threw both ways and there oil on the tube fans intake

    • @azharjawaid104
      @azharjawaid104 3 года назад +1

      @@arealmaintenanceandrepairl1103 same with me

    • @kellismith4329
      @kellismith4329 2 года назад +1

      @@arealmaintenanceandrepairl1103 they need to be getting vacuum through the tube that is connected to it

    • @ColoradoAdventures5280
      @ColoradoAdventures5280 2 года назад +3

      RUclips do it yourself saves soooo much money

    • @gerlandkent6377
      @gerlandkent6377 2 года назад +2

      I've got a 87 R-20 Chevy Surburban w/ a 350 throttle body I've notice one morning I, went to check the fluids like I always do before starting any engine I notice that the pvc valve was laying on top of the right top of the valve cover which came out of the pvc hole so I took the pvc valve off of the rubber hose and shook it and their was no rattle sound so I clean the pvc valve with mass air spray cleaner and put it back in to the hole on top of the right valve cover and rehooked it back up to the rubber hose after that I had not had any more problem with it blowing out any more

  • @fredbraid818
    @fredbraid818 3 года назад +131

    I never leave RUclips comments. I have never seen such a wonderfully simple explanation of how a PCV system functions. Awesome, sir!

    • @donavanflowers4656
      @donavanflowers4656 2 года назад +4

      I was gonna say the exact same thing, great explanation and illustrations.

    • @hanc37
      @hanc37 2 года назад +3

      @@donavanflowers4656 I never realized how important a PCV valve was. I always figured if you hear that valve rattle around... all was good.

    • @Steven_Will
      @Steven_Will Год назад

      I never read comments but your is the very first I've read 😃😃

    • @cumshot247
      @cumshot247 Год назад

      @@hanc37 Nope! I just removed 2 PCV valves to clean for my relatives. They both rattled and they both allowed air to pass through both ways. What I'd like to see in this vid, is what will happen if you had a bad PCV valve.

    • @matthewdo9027
      @matthewdo9027 Год назад +1

      He earns my credit for cutting the part in half for illustration.

  • @DirtyNate98
    @DirtyNate98 6 месяцев назад +20

    Videos like this are truly priceless. The beauty of free information is one of life’s greatest things in my opinion.

  • @TorchVert
    @TorchVert Год назад +46

    I've been around cars for decades, and I'm quite familiar with how the basic systems work, but every once in a while, I like to watch an explanation video just to see how well somebody does presenting the info. This was superb, clear, concise, simple for anyone to follow👍

    • @JOEY0872
      @JOEY0872 Год назад +3

      He did a great job for those that don't know, replacing your pcv valves are so important it might be a small part but it plays a very important role in your engine. Do not drill bigger holes in your valve

    • @IwokeUpInSOMA
      @IwokeUpInSOMA 7 месяцев назад

      Why not? Surely that would allow the pressure differential inside the crankcase to equalise and perform optimally again?​@@JOEY0872

  • @stanlick62
    @stanlick62 3 года назад +18

    This might be the greatest explanation of crankcase ventilation I have ever seen! Not sure what your career decision is, but you should be in an automotive classroom. Thanks, brother

  • @u.e.u.e.
    @u.e.u.e. 2 года назад +8

    Very well explained. 😃👍
    You just forgot to mention 2 things/functions:
    - At high revs but closed throttle it's necessary to restrict the flow for avoiding the PCV-valve beeing a bypass around the throttle. That's necessary for revving down.
    - In case of a backfire into the intake system the pressure rises spontaneously, so the little piston in the PCV-valve is pressed backwards, shutting completely with the plate against the washer. This is for avoiding the backfire entering the crankcase and damaging the engine.
    That's all.
    I had never seen a cut open PCV-valve yet, just drawings, but not in real. 😉

    • @billcowhig5739
      @billcowhig5739 Год назад

      @U.E. U.E. Can you explain how a backfire into the intake is caused? I’m repairing a 2021 Traverse (w/114 miles) that caught on fire from an intake backfire that melted down most of the plastic intake “duct” and burned the side of the engine that faces the radiator. Have the wiring harness and all melted parts replaced and am ready to start it up, but need to find what originally caused the backfire. Any ideas?

    • @u.e.u.e.
      @u.e.u.e. Год назад +2

      @billcowhig5739 In the case you worked on the engine the most likely is to mischange the ignition cables and having the spark during the intake stroke with open intake valve (I did it once in a boat, mischanged 1/4 and 2/3 - boom! 🤦‍♂️ The oil filler cap was shot vertically up, passed so close by my head that I felt the wind in my hair and shot a hole in the roof above me.).
      Other reasons can be excessive amount of fuel in the hot intake or ignition/valves very far off.

  • @benbam6519
    @benbam6519 Год назад +7

    That explains the function of PCV valve better than I've seen from others. Thank you.

  • @unhinged-menagerie
    @unhinged-menagerie 4 года назад +38

    "These things weren't designed to be cut open."
    That right there got me to click the subscribe button. Excellent video.

  • @CoroPlanesLLC
    @CoroPlanesLLC Месяц назад

    I was looking for a video to help explain to my son how the PCV works. It's one thing to describe it, but to see the valve cut open, with a demonstration of what is happening inside, is way more helpful. A picture is worth a thousand words!

  • @intothevoid3962
    @intothevoid3962 2 года назад +9

    Excellent video! 👌🏻 Clear delivery, nice illustration, no excessive rambling, normal human voice! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @only7772
    @only7772 Год назад +2

    Thank you for making a great video! I am an automotive instructor and we watched your video in my class and talked about it. It was very informative and I love the way you showed the cutaway of the PCV valve itself.

  • @ec63
    @ec63 4 года назад +17

    I’ve been researching PCV systems for awhile now with the intent of picking out a catch can system and haven’t really found great resources... This video is excellent! It very clearly explained how these systems work, thanks!

  • @mykel812
    @mykel812 Год назад +2

    Glade to listen when someone is not talking 90 miles an hour.
    Great vid

  • @troywiler
    @troywiler 4 месяца назад +2

    During times of higher intake manifold vacuum (idle, cruise, deceleration) and thus lower crankcase pressures, the PCV valve activates, creating a metered draft to draw the crankcase vapors into the intake manifold vacuum port via the PCV valve hose (aka "ported" vacuum).
    During times of lower intake manifold vacuum (acceleration) and thus higher crankcase pressures, the PCV valve deactivates and the crankcase vapors are then pulled into the air intake tube via suction (aka "venturi" vacuum).
    Note the consistant vapor-drafting overall, but in two entirely different senerios and directions.
    Truly a simple but brilliant design once fully understood.
    Hope this helps. 😃

  • @ruz6135
    @ruz6135 4 года назад +12

    I'm having oil leak into my air filter and I read it might be from a bad PVC valve. I literally never heard of that or had any idea what it was but now I understand. Still not sure if it's what is causing my problem but I think it a good place to start. Amazing explanation that even a non-mechanical person like myself can understand. Thank you!

    • @matttoothaker4201
      @matttoothaker4201 4 года назад +6

      You can also pick up a oil catch can as well. So if any oil still slips by it will go into there instead of your filter.

    • @zepedaman
      @zepedaman 2 года назад +8

      Did changing the PCV change fix your problem? I’m having the same issue.

  • @pilgrimhere652
    @pilgrimhere652 3 года назад +1

    I was paying too much on car repair , so I started to watch many of you guys teaching the work in mechanics, And Im very thank full to all of you , Because I've been doing a lot of work on my cars, And it became fun after the results" Thank you again.It is a blessing .

  • @brkumawenberu4304
    @brkumawenberu4304 Год назад +2

    What a beautiful video is this. The more I know about how modern car works the more I become interested and wants to learn more. Not only how pcv works but also how you explain it are pleasing. Thank you buddy.

  • @steviemichelle7271
    @steviemichelle7271 2 года назад +20

    I just found your channel, and I noticed that you haven’t uploaded since last year. You explain things in a way that’s so easy to follow! I hope you’re doing well. Thank you so much for such awesome content 🙌🏻

  • @jet-z2r
    @jet-z2r 4 года назад +2

    Excellent demonstration video. I now realise the importance of this valve. Recently noticed my idle slightly higher than normal & increased engine oil consumption. Checked pipes/hoses etc... for vaccum leaks, no leaks. I checked my pcv & its jammed open 100%. Now going to purchase a new pcv valve. Thankyou very much. 👌🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 👋 🇦🇺

  • @alamistheking
    @alamistheking 4 месяца назад +1

    Wonderful, you had my attention without skip. They way you explained things verbally and visually was amazing! And now I can assume the result of my PCV valve hose being compromised, as it's not able to return those gases into the crankcase and thus a low MPG!!

  • @TheWeirdSide1
    @TheWeirdSide1 2 месяца назад

    I hate that the best channels are pushed to bottom of youtube heap. Thanks for this clear explanation!

  • @somerandomguy3241
    @somerandomguy3241 5 лет назад +1

    If this explanation does not help you understand the complexity of pcv system, I do not know what will.
    Thank you sir for taking all the time and effort to simplify this system for us

  • @joe78377
    @joe78377 5 лет назад +37

    Sir, Thank you in your explanation on how PCV works. Great detail information and very articulate. If we all had instructors as yourself, we would all be Master mechanics.
    Once again, Thank you!

  • @gordonmcconachie2492
    @gordonmcconachie2492 Месяц назад +1

    Thanks for a nice clear demonstration on the PCV valve 😊

  • @Salvador-i6x
    @Salvador-i6x 3 месяца назад +2

    Very very clear and excellent presentation skills.

  • @glasser2819
    @glasser2819 4 года назад +7

    very clear! A key maintenance item very often overlooked that causes engine seal leaks when restricted (80kMi)

    • @dr.samsung_8855
      @dr.samsung_8855 4 года назад

      Your telling me!!! I had an oil seal burst on my bikes engine today because I disconnected my PCV from my intake a while ago... how dumb of me to do 🤦‍♂️

  • @brianhind6149
    @brianhind6149 2 года назад

    Great video Sir! I suspect many DIYers have no idea what the internals of the PCV valve are, but now they do if they watched the video. Thank you for the elucidation.

  • @DIYAutoHomeschool
    @DIYAutoHomeschool  5 лет назад +30

    Thanks everyone for checking out the video. If you liked this video, we have more videos on Emissions Control Systems and many other videos you might enjoy about the Automotive Industry.

  • @YourLastVictory
    @YourLastVictory 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for this video. I have watched several videos, read articles, and asked different people and couldn’t understand how the PCV system works. This did it for me. Excellent job, thank you so much!

  • @thadumway225
    @thadumway225 Месяц назад

    Great video most people don't have a clue how much damage a $10 part can do

  • @oftenwrongphong
    @oftenwrongphong 6 месяцев назад +3

    Best explanation I've seen. The cutout PCV really solidifies understanding. I was only looking for a refresher since my classes were in the 90's, but got a really deep understanding of the system. Wish my teachers cared this much. Thanks for the effort.

  • @renegademind1833
    @renegademind1833 2 года назад

    Excellent knowledge here. .. As the plastic PVC housing on the plastic valve cover, the new valve would not seal properly on the engine vacuum side. I plumbed the pcv valve to the other valve cover, to the smaller hose fitting, then to the manifold inlet on the other end of the hose. .. The air box vent hose went to the larger broken side, with a minor repair. Everything worked great.. Thank you for this video.

  • @eightsix3700
    @eightsix3700 3 года назад +1

    Probably the best explanation on how PVC systems work. Good job!

  • @ryanc7160
    @ryanc7160 Год назад

    Gotta say, this is the best damn explanation ive ever had the chance to be present for. No room for misinterpretaton whatsoever. I even had the spring actuation behavior straight nackwards in my mind for awhile now, thinking that vacuum was acting in the complete opposite direction. No wonder i was confused. Right on my bradda, myth busted! Mahalo!

  • @vladispassov
    @vladispassov 3 месяца назад

    I like watching videos about automobiles in RUclips so I have seen quite a few. So far, however, I have seen very few that are as informative as this one. Excellent job!

  • @GeorgeKennedy-u4r
    @GeorgeKennedy-u4r Год назад

    Excellent training and explanation. I never thought that the pcv is actually 2 valves in one. Bottom part closes and top one meters.

  • @local80g
    @local80g 11 месяцев назад

    Best explanation of the PCR I have seen on RUclips.

  • @georgemoomaw9437
    @georgemoomaw9437 2 года назад +3

    Fascinating. Over my head, but kept me riveted. I now have somewhat of an understanding of positive crankcase ventilation. Thanks 😊

  • @waltofalltrades6817
    @waltofalltrades6817 4 года назад +10

    Wow! Really well explained! Good drawing and showing the actual parts themselves along with using simple words to explain it all. Excellent video!!

  • @okieone
    @okieone 5 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome. Easy to understand. Thank you

  • @VeloceGav
    @VeloceGav 8 месяцев назад +1

    Great video! Clear and concise explanation with helpful illustration and demonstration. Thank you.

  • @luisd.2109
    @luisd.2109 Год назад

    after seeing a lot of diagrams and videos, this video has explained all I need to know. Thank you very much!!!

  • @shwndh
    @shwndh Год назад

    Thank you. You did a great job of simply explaining the PCV system. I had a general understanding but this helped me a lot.

  • @johnchen4767
    @johnchen4767 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you. Very clear explanation.

  • @DougHinVA
    @DougHinVA 4 года назад +1

    I like guys like him... good talker, plain speaker, and lots of mechanical skill and common sense... PCVs are cheap and easy to replace by yourself and are simple to overlook!. Mine can be thoroughly cleaned with parts cleaner and replaced or a new one is a few dollars and easy to install on my 2000 Corolla....

  • @elg1514
    @elg1514 3 месяца назад +1

    Excellent video, thank you.

  • @vijayam1
    @vijayam1 4 месяца назад

    God damn! It took 5 years to find this gem!

  • @carlosk8103
    @carlosk8103 3 года назад +1

    Very clear easy to understand explanation must have watched 10 vids on this subject and this is the only one that was detailed and I was understood completely...

  • @dunaweezel
    @dunaweezel 4 года назад +1

    The most informative PCV video on the web. Thank you

  • @stevemarshall766
    @stevemarshall766 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for cutting the pcv valve and explaining how engine vacuum affects the valve!

  • @astrogumbo
    @astrogumbo 2 месяца назад

    dude is squared away.
    appreciate it breaux

  • @magna_3923
    @magna_3923 Год назад

    After all these years I've learned something thanks 🙏

  • @goognamgoognw6637
    @goognamgoognw6637 4 года назад +2

    Excellent teacher, good verbal skills and logic. Good details efficiently delivered.

  • @joer5000
    @joer5000 2 года назад

    Thanks finally a video that really explains how the valve actually work at idle and full throttle!

  • @mariesepich7557
    @mariesepich7557 4 года назад +2

    great video! Love that you cut it open! Very clear concise explanation

  • @LakesideAutobody
    @LakesideAutobody 6 месяцев назад +1

    Nice explanation 👍😊

  • @edwinjewell5359
    @edwinjewell5359 8 месяцев назад +1

    Great presentation

  • @nigell.8705
    @nigell.8705 3 года назад

    Definitely in the top 2 videos I've seen about this.

  • @robertadamczuk5608
    @robertadamczuk5608 4 года назад

    The best explanation of how it works on RUclips. Thank you.

  • @pablojimenez5736
    @pablojimenez5736 3 года назад

    I have subscribed because is the type of mechanical explanations I am looking for...thank you

  • @Drakos99
    @Drakos99 2 месяца назад

    excellent demo and explanation, i finally understand it, thank you.

  • @stevelowe6848
    @stevelowe6848 Год назад

    Excellent explanation of the PCV valve. I am building a custom engine and have seen many variations on how to control crankcase pressure. I'm installing an EFI system and was thinking of going with venting to a can, but now I think the best way is to run it into the base of the throttle body. I don't want to run it in such a way as to add oil sludge at the intake valves. Great job, thanks!

  • @_ckr
    @_ckr 2 года назад

    TY for an excellent explanation of PCV system.

  • @MegaGeorge1948
    @MegaGeorge1948 Год назад

    I remember my 55 Chevy 265 V8 with the crankcase draft tube facing the ground to vent the hydrocarbon gasses. It would stink in the Summer when it ran in traffic. My next newer mid-1960's car had the PCV system and did what it had to do as you had explained. But one thing that you did not mention was that with the PCV system the engine actually got better gas mileage as well as the cleaner air to breathe. Because the metered unburnt blowby hydrocarbons were reburned when sucked into the intake manifold along with the air fuel mixture for extra fuel efficiency.

  • @BentleyOnABudget-mp8jj
    @BentleyOnABudget-mp8jj 2 месяца назад +1

    Thanks very much! Great video 😊

    @AUTOTUB3 Год назад

    It is amazing how cars work. PCV valve is a very important part that people almost never change. It is a part that goes silently Unnoticed!

  • @arthurfricchione8119
    @arthurfricchione8119 5 лет назад +28

    Kyle,your videos are great. Like how you breakdown and simplify everything. Thanks for taking the time to explain things. 👍👍👍

  • @EmpireBosscali
    @EmpireBosscali Месяц назад +1

    Cool explanation 💪

  • @carlodonnell146
    @carlodonnell146 2 года назад +1

    Yes I remember, I was a boy then and driving behind a vehicle I saw the tube spitting out the gasses on the road, it's interesting to be learning about it now after all those years.

  • @dennischolo909
    @dennischolo909 Год назад

    first thing i'm going to check in the morning. thanks for all the great info. great job.

  • @DanD9969
    @DanD9969 3 года назад +3

    Thank you for this video; it makes perfect sense. I have a forced induction 2v modular ford that is converted to non-emissions, non-cat, non-egr, etc. that runs a blow-through MAF. I currently have a PCV and one breather on the opposite valve cover (the inlet side) and started thinking better of it. After finding a mix of information online about it your video lead me to a bit of a shift in my thinking. I now realize that I have a pretty serious unmetered air condition going on. My car idles a bit erratically; but my car also has a cam so it's somewhat to be expected. I do on occasion stall at lights and wonder if this has something to do with it. Time to rethink that inlet side I think; I'll just weld another port onto my intake tubing and connect the inlet side to that tubing (upstream from the MAF) instead of using that breather. Also thinking I could install a check-valve below the breather (would probably fix the unmetered air condition), but I wonder if this would increase my crankcase pressure, thinking that would be a bad thing.

  • @texasmanufacturing950
    @texasmanufacturing950 Год назад

    Best explanation ever and great video. Thank you for putting this out there.

  • @captnjaygreybeard6394
    @captnjaygreybeard6394 3 года назад

    The cutaway was awesome, thanks!

  • @sorinTeo
    @sorinTeo 4 года назад

    This is the best explanation I have seen of the pcv valve. Thank you very much!!!

  • @joej.8124
    @joej.8124 17 дней назад

    Outstanding explanation. Thank you sir.

  • @Italo-Venezuela
    @Italo-Venezuela 4 года назад +1

    THANK YOU. I finally understand how the PCV valve works.

  • @Arko_Glass
    @Arko_Glass 3 года назад +5

    Great video. I’ve been trying to make my car run better and this is one part I’ve overlooked for a long time because I thought the PCV valve didnt do much. I’m about to change the valve cover gasket which has been losing some oil lately, now that I know about the crankcase pressure thing I’ll do the PCV also.

  • @niskristensen7006
    @niskristensen7006 4 года назад +1

    Thanks a lot for a clear explanation. Now I learned at there is actually cleaned fresh air coming into the crankcase, and then there is a pcv valve which regulates the vacuum in the crankcase. I will rush to my Engine bay to see my own vacuum system.

  • @arios1977
    @arios1977 2 года назад

    Started watching this after I replaced one in my Honda. Just shake it to see if it rattled. If not, replace it. I didn’t think it would make much of a difference, but it did. It doesn’t run Rich anymore and mpg shot up. Car runs great and it got its power back. Check it every oil change. It’s a$3 part that really helps.

  • @byronrudnik2621
    @byronrudnik2621 Год назад

    Man so good. Thank you.
    .. been battling a short term fuel trim issue.

  • @zahimiibrahim3602
    @zahimiibrahim3602 2 года назад

    Thank you for this. I now understand how the PCV valve system creates positive ventilation. I was thinking of installing a catch can realise now I'd better do more research first.

  • @dannybribiesca4
    @dannybribiesca4 3 года назад

    Thank you for posting and in detail explaining this valve.

  • @Dima_the_Slon
    @Dima_the_Slon 4 года назад +1

    Amazing and the best explanation of PCV operation. Thank you a lot Kyle.

  • @faroukkhan6777
    @faroukkhan6777 Год назад +1

    Thanks excellent keep up with your great work 👌

  • @mandrew065
    @mandrew065 4 года назад +1

    Great explanation man. Very easy to understand.

  • @carloshnunez
    @carloshnunez 3 года назад

    Showing the inside of the valve was the best part 🔵🔵🔵👍👍👍😀😀😀🔵🔵🔵

  • @alvinorojas-leon1348
    @alvinorojas-leon1348 3 года назад

    Uta! con este hombre ni inglés necesito muy buena explicación gracias 🙏 que dios me lo bendiga mucho!

  • @bytorsnowdog5885
    @bytorsnowdog5885 2 года назад

    Clear, concise, and very effective explanation. Thanks!

  • @jondoe4667
    @jondoe4667 2 года назад

    Awesome explanation man, thanks. I kept hearing a buzzing sound on my Silverado inside the engine bay on the driver's side. It was making me a little crazy. Turned out it was the check valve in the pcv. No big deal, just annoying.

  • @Dave-lh8bf
    @Dave-lh8bf 5 лет назад +3

    Good work explaining the system. Makes sense now.

  • @spaguzzi74
    @spaguzzi74 4 года назад

    Best explanation ever, thank you. Greetings from Germany

  • @LeZturbo
    @LeZturbo 2 года назад

    Best complete video about this valve 👍👍👍

  • @davidcruz-ku2zb
    @davidcruz-ku2zb 3 года назад

    i remember those tubes during the 60;s they ran down ; always wondered why my dad cleaned them from time to time < old cheavy 1962 straight 6 cylider , she was a truck and a tractor it seemed .. thanks awesome video ,,

  • @asadullah786
    @asadullah786 3 года назад

    its first time I saw pcv funtion..... and it was easy and comprehensive.....

  • @romansanti4557
    @romansanti4557 5 месяцев назад

    Just beautifully explained!

  • @binal5542
    @binal5542 3 года назад

    Best explanation of pcv ever 👏👏👏👏

  • @basesperanca
    @basesperanca 2 года назад

    Very well explained, thank you.

  • @poorboymechanic5280
    @poorboymechanic5280 3 года назад

    Sterling explanation Sir. very well done. Much appreciated!

  • @michealbarnes66
    @michealbarnes66 4 года назад

    This guy is very knowledgeable. Im subbing

  • @8724jimmy
    @8724jimmy 4 года назад +5

    Thank you.
    it would be even great if you could add two more focuses in each lesson:
    1. at the beginning, introduce:: what symptoms we can "see" or know that the PCV valve is failing or filed.
    2. in the end, comments on: :what would happen or get affected, if this PVC (or part) stayed in failed condition.