Report Broken Links

Please report broken links here in the comments. I will delete them as I resolve the error. Thank you BaraMangaOnline readers.

111 Responses

  1. Someone says:

    Please re-upload the burglar from humplex, the download file doesn’t work

  2. Anonymous says:

    Links to Download
    [CG/Art] Kakenari (Pulin Nabe 鍋) – Enty 2017 October
    [CG/Art] Kakenari (Pulin Nabe 鍋) – Enty 2017 September
    Are broken. Please help.

  3. Anonymous says:

    [CG/Art] Patrick Fillion – Naked Justice Beginnings 3

  4. Jonah says:

    Please help as most of the Julius comics cannot be downloaded. They include “Daddy Dearest”, “Go South”, “Manville Memoirs”.

    I’ll be grateful if they’ll be updated accordingly and become functional.
    Thank you.

  5. Dewan Tyieeb says:

    ENG Sugar Shooter and Sugar Shooter 2 by Dudedle Studios files are corrupted please reupload them
    Heres The Links
    Sugar Shooter 1:
    Sugar Shooter 2:
    Many files are crrupted so we cannot play the game!!!

  6. Dewan Tyieeb says:

    ENG Sugar Shooter and Sugar Shooter 2 by Dudedle Studios files are corrupted please reupload them
    Heres The Links
    Sugar Shooter 1:
    Sugar Shooter 2:
    Many files are corrupted so we cannot play the game!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Can you please re upload the FULL Full service game? there is an error

  8. Anonymous says:

    There’s an error in the downloaded file… you can’t play the game

  9. Anonymous says:

    i can’t download full service game. Please HELP!

  10. Anonymous says:

    i can’t unlock the password full service game.

  11. Anonymous says:

    The Quarterback monthly manful isn’t working

  12. Anonymous says:

    The Pop Star monthly manful isn’t working either

  13. Sakihodo says:

    the games of Jakbot do not have application to play, so can you reupload them?

  14. Herman Lind says:

    hi the download link for bacchikoi expansion pack doesn’t work pls help T.T

  15. Dark Magician says:

    Please repair the download link for Seiyuu Danshi

    and if you don’t mind, please reply my comment at the Seiyuu Danshi Comment Section. i leave some question in there.

    Thank you

  16. Anonymous says:

    please fix the skater it dosent work

  17. Anonymous says:

    Hi, could you fix the Camp Buddy link? It keeps redirecting us and is not updated.

  18. hrubylamin says:

    the website for downloading sleep over game is not opening please sent the website to download directly
    thank you

  19. lozy says:

    can you fix the download link for camp buddy ver 2.0 it doesn’t work

  20. Golden Schtick says:

    Does anyone have maorenc june 2017 rewards pack? Ive searched everywhere I cant find a single site. Can you pass me directly imma put my email. Thank you so much.

  21. Me says:

    Hi can you please upload goo bae life reversal entire manhwa Author is blckmk i left the link here thankss

  22. prelati says:

    Hi can you update robin morningwood download link? It’s broken 🙁

  23. Anonymous says:

    Download for [ENG] Mikkoukun ミッコウクン (Black Monkey Pro) – Camp Buddy 2.0 doesn’t work, page doesn’t exist.

  24. Anonymous says:

    ducka pool party boys

  25. Anonymous says:

    hey, camp buddy 2.0 link goes to “page not found’ 🙂

  26. Anonymous says:

    The game could not be loaded, could you please re upload it?

  27. Anonymous says:

    [ENG] Mikkoukun ミッコウクン (Black Monkey Pro) – Camp Buddy 2.0 leads to a blank page.

  28. Jack Wilson says:

    This link page isnt found. Pease fix it cuz I want to download new Camp buddy

  29. Anonymous says:

    Download link is broken for :

    [ENG] Kakenari (Pulin Nabe 鍋) – Natsuyasumi no Homo 2

  30. TrashCandy says:

    Hey, i want to download Full Service demo version, but it can’t be downloaded.

  31. TT says:

    Download link has been hijacked at

    “Download” Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 502 (Bad Gateway)

  32. Anonymous says:

    Since there is no more adobe, how will we download stuff now and humplex games

  33. Rustwell says:

    once through to the download site and selecting a file it says “page not found”

  34. Anonymous says:

    Please fix the download link for the game super health club

  35. mita says:

    Please add an option to sort out content so when i visit a tag like an artist’s tag, i would be able to sort what he posted to only show art or english or the other languages he posted in.
    it is not convenient every time i find an interesting artist to be forced to shearch “[ENG] ARTIST XXXXX” so i would not find comics from him in chinese, japonese or vitnamese, as i do not know any of this languages.

  36. Anon says:

    All of the flash games are not working and there is no way to download them.

  37. Anonymous says:ミッコウクン%20(Black%20Monkey%20Pro)%20–%20Camp%20Buddy%202.0.rar doesn’t work

  38. yuh says:

    camp buddy and full service dont work for shit!

  39. c says:

    doesn’t work

  40. Anony says:

    What’s the name of comic that you deleted?

    The one with royal guy and village boy?

  41. Madiqx says:

    Hi been a long time reader here! Just want to report the broken download links of Julius comics, All of them seemed to be broken I just want to start my collection of them. Advance Thank you for when you read this!

  42. ww says:

    the link for campbuddy 2.0 does not work. i can’t download it, it says “page not found”. please, if you could fix the problem

  43. Anonymous says:

    The link in sleepover is not working properly. Please fix it.

  44. Anonymous says:

    The link to the pro wrestler & Football player (Monthly Manful) appears to be broken. If you can please fix, that will be nice! Thank you so much in advance!

  45. Anonymous says:

    The ad links wont proceed through even with “Allow Notifications”. Is there a fix to this, cause now the downloads are impossible at this point? 🙁

  46. Anoy says:

    Do you take suggestion? How about

  47. 谢必安 says:

    [CG/Art] Jsh x SFM – Devil May Cry 4: Nero Plays Using the Hand of the Devil看不了了请修复

  48. Fosch says:

    Cant redirect to page 2, 3, 4 and so on. it says page has moved.

  49. Kei says:

    Can’t download the game called “Gay Harem” there’s no Download button for me; please fix it!

  50. Anonymous says:


  51. Kelv says:

    Hello, I’m Kelvyn Jy, author of “The Journal Of Hiroki” and “Matthew”. My book was published on your site without my permission. I will ask you to remove it as soon as possible, otherwise I will launch legal proceedings for non-respect of copyright.

    My book was stolen from my own website:

    Thank you for keeping me informed of the evolution and the proof of its deletion.
    Thank you for reacting as soon as possible.

    Thank you
    Kelvyn Jy

  52. Anonymous says:

    link for downloading [ENG] Lupin Barnabi – Pokémon ポケモン: Out of the Blue (Matt ウシオ x Professor Kukui ククイ博士 x Archie アオギリ) doesn’t work

  53. Anonymous says:

    Any page beyond page 7 in the Gay Cinema category just gives you “Error establishing a database connection”.

  54. Aaron H says:

    Pls help to fix the broken download link for [JPN, ENG] Hot Space Cowboys 銀河帝国の滅亡・外伝 蒼き狼たちの伝説 The Legend of the Blue Wolves(1996)銀河帝国の滅亡・外伝-蒼き狼たちの伝説-the-leg/

  55. Anonymous says:

    camp buddy 2.0 download link is not working

  56. P says:

    the download link for camp buddy 2.0 doesnt work

  57. Akû says:

    The download link for [ENG] Chabashira Tatsukichi 茶柱立吉 (Oucha Oucha Honpo おちゃおちゃ本舗) – Friend’s Dad 08: Vacant House Cleanup Edition Part 2 doesn’t work (has been moved?)

  58. Anonymous says:

    Please re-upload for ENGLISH / GENGOROH TAGAME 田亀源五郎 (BEAR’S CAVE)[ENG] Gengoroh Tagame 田亀源五郎 – Pride 01-11, the link is broken : ERROR 404 PAGE NOT FOUND

  59. Apiez says:

    Cannot see the english category when using mobile

  60. Anonymous says:

    can anyone please fix the 초대 invitation it wont play at all
    The ads are playing just fine but the movie itself wont

  61. Anonymous says:

    most if not all of the swf files for humplex are broken! I tried to get them to run in Elmedia player and theyre all not working except for the teacher one, please fix it 🙁

  62. Anonymous says:

    Ik it’s pretty irrelevant but upload plsss

  63. Anonymous says:


  64. azu says:

    I don’t know how to download Moritake. Could you tell me?

  65. camp buddy 2.0 download button is broken, you can only download version 1.0

  66. Kafuka says:

    Excuse me ,do you still have the Yuritaro 百合太郎 (Casablanca)‘s resources?

  67. langue says:

    Doppelganger game download broken

  68. Anonymous says:

    The android download link doesn’t work, it redirects you to a third party site that has seemingly nothing to do with the game

  69. Anonymous says:

    Broken Links
    [ENG] Yumeno ゆめの (Tanuki no Tamabukuro たぬきの玉袋) – Tiger & Dragon 2: Ordinary Day

  70. Fin says:

    The link is broken because it is not yet on your website! I am a bara manga artist… and my new comic is The Brothers Rugby! 14 Brothers, 1 Team, All Gay! You can find all 16 full color splash pages at .

  71. Anonymous says:

    The English section is not working

  72. Elly Orell says:


    I’m Elly from Clickadu Premium Ad network.
    We’re interested in advertising on

    I see you might have some space for inpage (a small banner on the edge of the screen) + perfect for our advertisers GEO like US, JP, HK, TW.

    Payments to Crypto, PayPal, Webmoney, Paxum, Payoneer. CPM up to $2 for pop-under.
    Contact me to discuss all the details.
    Thank you.

    We hate spam too. I sent this as we want to work with you and stay in the loop.

  73. Alyona says:

    Hi, we are impressed your traffic sources, and believe our fixed-payment offer for placing ads on your site would be mutually beneficial.
    Please, let us know a convenient time to discuss this further.

  74. Unanimedmen says:

    I want to say that there are broken all games that i have tried to download (see no evil, moritake series, flash games). The file says something like “the file is corrupted or damaged”. Please fix it.

  75. Anonymous says:

    I just wanna share some stuffs here, please upload them to BMO.
    The chatbox seems to be non-functional, so I post the links here. I will upload more stuffs later.

  76. Anonymous says:

    Download links for the following are showing as being 404’s when clicking to get them.田亀源五郎-trophy-3/

  77. Marcus H says:

    Download links for the following are showing as being 404’s when clicking to get them.田亀源五郎-trophy-3/

  78. Marcus H says:

    Download links for the following are showing as being 404’s when clicking to get them.田亀源五郎-trophy-4/

  79. Marcus H says:

    Download links for the following are showing as being 404’s when clicking to get them.田亀源五郎-trophy-2/

  80. Moonwolf says:

    this content download link is broken…

    [ENG] Mazjojo (Black Monkey Pro) – Full Service

    error message : The page you are trying to reach does not exist, or has been moved. Please use the menus or the search box to find what you are looking for.

  81. Andy says:

    [JPN] Sana – Goblins Cave 哥布林的洞窟 1, 2 and 3 are all broken

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