Fakes - Kpop Deepfakes (Com2star, MondoKpop, OnceFake, Etc) | Page 117 | Social Media Girls

Fakes Kpop Deepfakes (Com2star, MondoKpop, OnceFake, Etc)

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Deleted member 6908650

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Look at you! Newbie Getting Addicted I LIKE IT!
Jan 4, 2025
short Yuna video test
can someone help me make videos like this creator
but with this Yuna interview
(I only know how to make fake audio, but I need help with ideas and Korean translations (I can also maybe try to make english audio version ))
Yunafan commented
When new yuna video 😭
Deleted member 6908650 commented
I have uploaded new video 5days ago... but I guess it will take couple more days until it becomes visible:peeposhrug: .
Also I most likely can't make the fake yuna interview.:PepeHands:

Video just got approved should be visible in couple hours. :PepePerfect:
Im the Creator of the Album
Im just dropping this file for people that want some Karina stuff and I'll be uploading some more karina vids on to it and later on ima drop another link which has all the files to album which I've been uploading and will add to it bit by bit. That's all.

Sjsjmsjs commented
how did you open the videos? It keeps on forcing me to download a app
iloveaiyu commented
ignore and close the new new tab treat it like other ads! just keep clicking the big green button "Download now" on the fastupload page
Sojung commented

If you can afford it, please nmixx Haewon.
itstheway33 commented
is there oiled-fuck-after-massage-karina-aespa in karina folder? because its all named numbers so i dont know which one that im looking for. sorry for asking
Im posting this to update what I've just bought.
I bought a Fake Voice Subscription.
I have to say it isn't worth it won't be buying it again and will upload what they have offered tomorrow and whatever they give within a month's time.

1. Expensive
2. Doesn't have many videos
3. Deletes any videos from before after a month.

Also I'll be buying subscriptions from popular/well known df creators to not affect and disrupt the smaller ones who are trying to make a living from the bottom up.

Im thinking of also buying later on bit by bit since I don't have a lot for funding.
Packages of GWFAKES, Captain_Y/Captain_A and Dfidol-X.
And will upload any content from them either via folder or a album which I'll be announcing if I do anytime sooner or later. That's all
zzzzaaaddee commented
Finally I can see this full version. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time.
I understand that you are disappointed with the expensive subscription fee.
But it was never a meaningless decision.
I salute your noble spirit of sharing.(y)
penguinfromhell commented
I-fake did make new videos to finish off 2024 but I dont know if they have continued into the new year
seely commented
im not sure anymore but sakahiro had a lot of videos back when i was on their TG so you can check them out and see if you wanna try their stuff or not. https://allmylinks.com/sakahiro
asd1467 commented
Can Captain_Y/Captain_A also be shared?
I made an album for Fake Voice

Was going to upload it tomorrow but did it now to get it over with.
seeunz commented
Sry to ask but do u have the last video of go younjung in that scene? who's the creator of It?
KimLippieya commented
Cheers champ!
dkdlflzkssk commented
ty and karina original code? plaese
FYYU123 commented
yumosu commented
these are good, hoping someone could share the full versions
shan5245 commented
Hey y’all,

I’m an old member here making a comeback after what feels like forever—more than two years, I think. It’s great to be back!

Since it’s my first day back, I thought I shouldn’t return empty-handed. So, I brought along something to share. It’s nothing exclusive, but hey, something’s better than nothing, right?

Here’s what I’ve got: an old collection of MondoKpop (approx. 800GB).


I’m cleaning up my storage, and as soon as I post this, I’ll be deleting it from my drive. That means there won’t be any re-uploads, so if anyone can create mirrors, please go ahead and do so!

A few things to note:

  • This is an older collection, mostly from back in 2021. The thread has grown a lot since I was last active, and I haven’t gone through 100+ pages to see if these files have already been shared here. So, if you’re not interested in older videos or you’ve seen them before, feel free to skip this. But if you’re new here or you’ve noticed a lot of dead links for older content, this might come in handy!
  • Post-2023 idols/groups aren’t included. The collection focuses on groups like Blackpink, Twice, Red Velvet, and IU (there’s over 100GB of IU content alone).
  • The quality varies. There’s a mix of great videos and some less-than-stellar ones, but I didn’t have the time to filter everything. It’s up to you to decide what’s worth keeping.
I also saw some of you are planning to create your own videos. That’s awesome! Since you’re looking for facesets, I’ll see what I can do. I might even create some facesets myself and maybe a few videos for fun. I’ll have to find time for it, though, so no promises on how soon that’ll happen.

What’s next?

I plan to drop another old collection soon—this time, it’s Mondomonger (Western celebrities). That one’s about 2TB, so I’ll need a bit of time to upload it all. If everything goes smoothly, I’m aiming to share it by next weekend. Most likely, that post will be under the appropriate thread in the Fakes section. If you’re interested, feel free to give it a follow, and you’ll be notified when I drop it.

Thanks for having me back, and I hope some of you find this useful!

Feel free to drop a like—it’s always appreciated! Cheers!
TriPlushy commented
best is bunkr and mediafire, but dont know if u can get bunkr now. next is mega.
you can split bigger file (more than 2gb) to smaller zip files.
Ionic Spark
Ionic Spark commented
they open the register on bunkr now, I was able to create an account last week
nazeemus commented
Speaking of bunkr, how to add email address to it?
hevaz commented

Most of the stuff is in my bunkr mondokpop (as "[MondoKpop] kpop group - idol") uploads. Main post in this thread. Albums were originally named as "mondokpop_kpop group_idol" but I recently renamed them as they couldn't be found in the search at one point (bunkr has already fixed this bug). I didn't rename albums back to their older title format. Of course there are quite significant amount of videos removed due to inactivity for 30 days. Technically I could update my uploads from this source (it can be acquired from other places too) to fill removed/missing videos.

The very bad thing is that similar loss is with videos in my bunkr com2star (as "[com2star] kpop group - idol") albums. Main posts in this thread: post 1, post 2. I don't have full backup of it so I can potentially recover very small amount of deleted videos. I have some metadata saved (video title, video size) which could be potentially used to crowdsource it from other users who still have them in their drives so I could re-upload them back to these com2star albums.

Bunkr has added a tracker (called "Trash bin") of deleted videos on Nov 24th, 2024. However it reports only last 30 deleted videos. Here is the partial "log" I have to get the idea how fast videos are being deleted.

File Name[album_name]Deleted DateReason
result_iu_to_paige_owens_anal.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2025-01-26T00:18:46.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_iu_to_scarlett_alexis_pack_1.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2025-01-26T00:15:45.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result taeyeon to sybil pack 15.mp4[[MondoKpop] snsd - taeyeon]2025-01-19T00:13:38.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_dahyun_to_jane_wilde_anal.mp4[[MondoKpop] twice - dahyun]2025-01-14T00:18:57.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_iu_to_alex_coal_pack_2.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2025-01-12T16:00:48.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_irene_to_purplebitch_lollipop.mp4[[MondoKpop] red velvet - irene]2025-01-12T10:40:28.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_iu_to_sybil_pack_11.zip.001[[MondoKpop] iu]2025-01-12T10:31:41.000ZSystem deleted the file due to inactivity
result_taeyeon_to_sybil_pack_11.zip.001[[MondoKpop] snsd - taeyeon]2025-01-12T10:31:41.000ZSystem deleted the file due to inactivity
result_taeyeon_to_alex_coal_pack_1.mp4[[MondoKpop] snsd - taeyeon]2025-01-12T10:17:35.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_nayeon_to_kate_kuray_pack_8.mp4[[MondoKpop] twice - nayeon]2024-12-11T03:02:23.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_tzuyu_to_kaet_kuray_pack_8.mp4[[MondoKpop] twice - tzuyu]2024-12-11T03:02:23.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_iu_to_shaiden_pack_3.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2024-12-11T02:24:31.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_jennie_to_nella_jones_1.mp4[[MondoKpop] blackpink - jennie]2024-12-11T02:15:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_jennie_to_2nd_stepfather_handjob.mp4[[MondoKpop] blackpink - jennie]2024-12-11T02:10:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_IU_to_60fps_smooth_bj.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2024-12-11T01:55:23.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_jennie_to_gonzo_gangbang.mp4[[MondoKpop] blackpink - jennie]2024-12-11T01:28:26.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result tzuyu to kate kuray 12.mp4[[MondoKpop] twice - tzuyu]2024-12-11T00:58:23.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result nancy to sadie holmes marks.mp4[[MondoKpop] momoland - nancy]2024-12-11T00:50:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result dahyun to nekane pack 5.mp4[[MondoKpop] twice - dahyun]2024-12-11T00:46:25.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_tzuyu_to_stefany_kyler_pack_2.mp4[[MondoKpop] twice - tzuyu]2024-12-11T00:42:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_iu_to_cherry_kiss_pack_7.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2024-12-11T00:34:27.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_rose_to_sybil_pack_9.mp4[[MondoKpop] blackpink - rose]2024-12-11T00:32:29.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_jennie_to_kylie_quinn_pack_1.mp4[[MondoKpop] blackpink - jennie]2024-12-11T00:28:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_jihyo_to_ariana_marie_1a.mp4[[MondoKpop] twice - jihyo]2024-12-10T00:57:28.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_jisoo_to_nicole_aniston_pack_1.mp4[[MondoKpop] blackpink - jisoo]2024-12-10T00:36:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result iu to flower face fuck.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2024-12-09T03:11:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_IU_in_schoolgirl_cosplay_bj.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2024-12-09T02:38:29.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
IU_to_BEthBrooks_pack.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2024-12-09T02:33:31.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_IU_Secret_DirtyTalk&Handjob_with_stepfather.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2024-12-09T02:19:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_iu_to_chechik_20_21.mp4[[MondoKpop] iu]2024-12-09T02:16:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_jennie_to_janice_griffith_pack_3.mp42024-12-09T02:09:23.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_iu_to_ameri_ichinose_3.mp42024-12-09T02:06:25.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_jennie_to_paige_owens_3.mp42024-12-09T01:48:23.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_bae_s_to_jillian_janson_pov_bj.mp42024-12-09T01:47:23.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_yeji_POV_Handjob.mp42024-12-09T01:44:29.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_iu_to_ariana_1a (2).mp42024-12-09T01:25:24.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_iu_to_cherry_kiss_pack_11.mp42024-12-09T01:17:23.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result IU to beautiful young wife POV.mp42024-12-09T01:14:25.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
result_taeyeon_to_beautiful_young_wife.mp42024-12-09T01:14:25.000ZFile deleted due to inactivity.
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