r/CringeTopia {11}

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
  • Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This year has been a serious blessing, you guys have built this channel and community to heights that I could never anticipate. Thanks for sticking around and I hope you guys have a sweet holiday!
    Merch: the-ailuridae-...
    Patreon: / ailurus
    Business Email: ailurusredpbusiness@gmail.com
    Hashtags: #Cringe #Reddit #TikTok
    Music: Brendan - Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire
    If you want to talk to me(don't know why?) here are my social
    media gatherings:
    Twitter: @ZestyAilurus
    Instagram: www.instagram....
    Reddit: r/Ailurus
    Discord: / discord

Комментарии • 5 тыс.

  • @Ailurus
    @Ailurus  3 года назад +2847

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    • @NotFckingBen
      @NotFckingBen 3 года назад +32

      Happy thanksgiving to you too!
      I’m grateful that I have food on the table but everything has fucking raisins. Everything.

    • @qas5797
      @qas5797 3 года назад +5

      U 2

    • @arealhuman3677
      @arealhuman3677 3 года назад +4

      Thanks ☺️

    • @glowinggames1561
      @glowinggames1561 3 года назад +4

      Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    • @ugandaknuckles4351
      @ugandaknuckles4351 3 года назад +4

      sup. im glad your back. you upload great videos :)

  • @wookiethedog
    @wookiethedog 3 года назад +5480

    I think the joker cosplayer did an excellent job because he was acting like a clown

    • @JustinWhy_
      @JustinWhy_ 3 года назад +40

      i mean, yeah?

    • @awildpichu6289
      @awildpichu6289 3 года назад +79

      This made me smile. even for just a little lit (because of the cringe in the video). Thank you.

    • @nukiradio
      @nukiradio 3 года назад +15

      Very lifelike!

    • @wolfetteplays8894
      @wolfetteplays8894 3 года назад +17

      That’s why I think it’s intentional

    • @tommytomato4943
      @tommytomato4943 3 года назад +4

      nice, made me laugh, also i more like and you will have 420

  • @bluemenace04
    @bluemenace04 3 года назад +5237

    Anyone who forces their meat eating pets to be vegan should be banned from ever having a pet again. I wouldn't even trust these people with a turtle, an animal that actually eats vegetables.

    • @roxassora2706
      @roxassora2706 3 года назад +145

      It's fake.

    • @gerbil6280
      @gerbil6280 3 года назад +181

      it's satire

    • @movingchannels2203
      @movingchannels2203 3 года назад +438

      Whether it’s fake or not
      This man is spitting straight facts

    • @sean.furlong1989
      @sean.furlong1989 3 года назад +253

      @@roxassora2706 For that woman yes but RUclipsr Vegan Teacher actually does feed her dog a vegan diet.

    • @laurenc4138
      @laurenc4138 3 года назад +86

      Seriously agree, I think the first tik tok is satire but there are really people out here like that.

  • @dragonmastertheedgeking1595
    @dragonmastertheedgeking1595 3 года назад +4741

    The first one is satire, it's easy to tell because that "vegetarian" dog looks healthy

    • @coreyperdue37
      @coreyperdue37 3 года назад +254

      Good catch

    • @Dr.EZbake
      @Dr.EZbake 3 года назад +643

      True but it’s still funny and a good representation that proves dogs prefer and are supposed to eat meat based food

    • @Buudjinn390
      @Buudjinn390 3 года назад +206

      that makes me feel better about that in ways lmao

    • @Bobbies1
      @Bobbies1 3 года назад +104

      Plus why you she post that?

    • @catsinwonderland7473
      @catsinwonderland7473 3 года назад +51

      Yeah I thought it was satire too

  • @sadrat5375
    @sadrat5375 2 года назад +316

    Mad respect to the guy in the chat that said "PUT THEM DOGS AWAY"

    • @gamerdoge3669
      @gamerdoge3669 Год назад +14

      Nah seriously, why dont she put them grippers away?

    • @AmandaSmith-yz5hj
      @AmandaSmith-yz5hj Год назад +13


    • @bradyblue5269
      @bradyblue5269 Год назад

      Her feet aren't even good. They're less than mid

    • @grzyb11
      @grzyb11 8 месяцев назад

      ⁠​⁠@@gamerdoge3669seriously they look smelly as shit too its way too disgusting

  • @Yesiken5ux
    @Yesiken5ux 3 года назад +3948

    *"Because boobs are awesome, they're never cringe."*
    -Ailurus, 2021.

    • @Blank_User239
      @Blank_User239 3 года назад +87

      *god bless*

    • @DaesoTheOne
      @DaesoTheOne 3 года назад +105

      Nah nah nah he’s got a point

    • @supernova2958
      @supernova2958 3 года назад +55

      I see nothing wrong

    • @will_pilled
      @will_pilled 3 года назад +49

      A quote to live by.

    • @NotFckingBen
      @NotFckingBen 3 года назад +56

      As someone with big booba myself I’m glad there’s still love for em lmao

  • @StarParticleShade
    @StarParticleShade 3 года назад +3631

    As someone who actually has DID, that whole "multiple personality" thing just hits my nerve. People have NO IDEA what it is like to suffer from this debilitating illness, and no ones personalities come out like that on a whim. They are triggered by extreme stress, or something sets you off, and then you have NO IDEA what you were doing the past hour/day/week etc...
    You don't just "What up guys, my name is ____, lol!".
    You wake up sometimes in another place wondering how you got there. It's terrifying. It ruins relationships with people who don't understand, and it makes life REALLY. REALLY. REALLY. hard.
    3 years of therapy and EMDR was the only thing that helped me cope with this issue. Now I can distinguish /her/ voice, and mine - which before I could not do. At all. There is no, "Oh, I'm shifting - better get my camera, LOL!". You don't get that awareness, you're just......gone....
    If that chick has THAT MANY identities, then she has something else other than DID - that's a whole new level. So fake. So fake and so disgusting.
    If you are mentally well -- BE FREAKING HAPPY ABOUT IT! You do NOT want a mental illness. They aren't cute. They aren't fun. They aren't a little meme or tiktok trends -- they are positively debilitating and can seriously cause deep issues in life - like making it really hard to hold down a professional career without lots and lots of roadblocks, paperwork, and the government forcing them not to fire you because of a mental illness.
    If you can post an edited tiktoks, then you don't have any issues, and you're doing it for clout. Never in a trillion years could I imagine myself making a video of my other personality like, "LOL, look at my problems, guys! I am so cute and kawaii LOL!!

    • @testofplaces
      @testofplaces 3 года назад +211

      Thank you so much for stating this.

    • @pumpkin3.1415
      @pumpkin3.1415 3 года назад +257

      I have mild autism, although it was worse in middle school. It sucks ass. Thanks for sharing this cause people need to get it through their thick fkcing heads that mental illness is real but still bad

    • @mosshound3375
      @mosshound3375 3 года назад +114

      as someone who has mental disabilities (ADHD, and autism) i can verify that you do not want a mental disability they are not fun because if you have autism you are considered retarded and not very smart.

    • @StarParticleShade
      @StarParticleShade 3 года назад +135

      @@mosshound3375 I work with autistic kids in the RISE program, and I absolutely love them. They're very smart, they just learn in their own way!
      It's alright to be different - and it's okay to learn differently. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise - they are WRONG!

    • @StarParticleShade
      @StarParticleShade 3 года назад +96

      @@pumpkin3.1415 Right!??! Why do people think it's something that is good or funny or entertaining? I blame TV shows - for real - for depicting mental illness as a comedic factor in many many "gags".

  • @fizzycola1137
    @fizzycola1137 3 года назад +1167

    I can't stop laughing that the "multi-alters" lady has people who have tics, stutters, and british accents XD

    • @DemonicDragon6
      @DemonicDragon6 3 года назад +86

      I cringed so hard watching that

    • @wowisuck8587
      @wowisuck8587 3 года назад +81

      Alters will have very simmilar accents as they all grew up in the same environment.

    • @zaeaer2341
      @zaeaer2341 3 года назад +86

      Funny thing is that all the fakes do the EXACT same thing to lol
      They'll always change their outfits to their corresponding alt

    • @Base-The-Ace
      @Base-The-Ace 3 года назад +61

      Fuckin sayori, i bet she got all that from DDLC bruh

    • @OfficialFrog
      @OfficialFrog 3 года назад +49

      I was personally offended at the British accent, I don’t want her to associate herself with us, she’s probably a twat

  • @bananamok7201
    @bananamok7201 2 года назад +1345

    "Boobs are awesome, they're never cringe"
    As a young woman with massive dohoonkabhankoloos, I humbly thank you Ailurus.

    • @Nainai1001
      @Nainai1001 2 года назад +52

      I was about to say the same thing 💀💀💀

    • @j-buisness
      @j-buisness 2 года назад +53

      The way you said that is hilarious.

    • @j-buisness
      @j-buisness 2 года назад +23

      I cant even decipher it

    • @yellowcorgi9053
      @yellowcorgi9053 2 года назад +98

      humongous hungolomghononoloughongous??? 👀

    • @stryfe4620
      @stryfe4620 2 года назад +93

      Proof of massive dohoonkabhankoloos? I mean you can’t be too sure on the internet.

  • @bonnamazing04
    @bonnamazing04 3 года назад +394

    “i dont force her to eat her salad”
    “no no! dont eat that! e a t t h e s a l a d”

    • @hazelskiesalt
      @hazelskiesalt 3 года назад +53

      just to let you know it’s satire

    • @CaelumSegura
      @CaelumSegura 3 года назад +8

      @@hazelskiesalt thank god

  • @alcole-holic8779
    @alcole-holic8779 3 года назад +1603

    Ailurus is the only one who makes this cringe tolerable.

    • @benjamincasatimcintosh2918
      @benjamincasatimcintosh2918 3 года назад +7

      Lies, no one can make this tolerable, not even ailurus

    • @chrjstiann
      @chrjstiann 3 года назад +16

      @@benjamincasatimcintosh2918 he makes it slightly less painful if anything, having that other person there to clown on these awful posts with you..

    • @blue-ki5ip
      @blue-ki5ip 3 года назад +6

      except for the scat part

    • @alcole-holic8779
      @alcole-holic8779 3 года назад +3

      @@blue-ki5ip yeah, no one can make that better

    • @voidsoul8373
      @voidsoul8373 3 года назад +3

      Ailurus is like a cringe shield

  • @ron3440
    @ron3440 3 года назад +550

    14:20 I'm Mexican and I can gladly say that I'd rather die than "accept" this *creature* as one of us

    • @armooni4039
      @armooni4039 3 года назад +33

      bro look at the caption at that time stamp wtf

    • @Bruh-zy7nr
      @Bruh-zy7nr 3 года назад +4


    • @georgeonquantin9812
      @georgeonquantin9812 3 года назад +22

      ...Well I've certain encountered much stranger characters before, but if I'd had to generalize, much like the generalization of "gibberish," I'd say the community is unfavorable to those you seek comradery, but never fitting the mold.
      Did I do it? Am I Embassy PR now?

    • @CosmicStarmin
      @CosmicStarmin 3 года назад +6

      Send em back to god and get a reroll

    • @Xenshi.
      @Xenshi. 3 года назад +16

      @ArtiFahx as another representative of the Mexican community, maybe the Spaniards will take it instead

  • @CoralPinkLeviathan
    @CoralPinkLeviathan 2 года назад +414

    The Todoroni and Cheese one had me screaming and bashing my head against a wall hoping for instadeath.

    • @_mangaddict
      @_mangaddict 2 года назад +31

      I'm regretting ever being a part of the mha fandom

    • @batyalivni3577
      @batyalivni3577 2 года назад +30

      Of all shows to have a fandom this toxic it had to be the one with a main cast that is _15 years old_

    • @_mangaddict
      @_mangaddict 2 года назад +29

      @@batyalivni3577 nah because like
      How do people bash on Momo and stuff for being inappropriate for her body
      but sexualizing the boys like breakfast, lunch and dinner

    • @batyalivni3577
      @batyalivni3577 2 года назад +7

      @@_mangaddict It's so true bro. Like zero self-awareness

    • @takebacktheholyland9306
      @takebacktheholyland9306 2 года назад +13

      I was eating when that shit came on, and I immediately lost appetite when I heard the gooey sound effects

  • @mikesdynasty1
    @mikesdynasty1 3 года назад +1456

    14:10 this isn't cringe, this is a man training to become a god damn olympic sprinter

    • @drascia
      @drascia 3 года назад +185

      I was gunna say, my dude's got some goddamn velocity

    • @forgotenwarfox-9769
      @forgotenwarfox-9769 3 года назад +97

      Me when someone’s says the biscuits and gravy are ready

    • @penguino8185
      @penguino8185 3 года назад +106

      That man isn't running to get in the lunch line he is running to hunt his lunch

    • @officerbeans9504
      @officerbeans9504 3 года назад +45

      He is a chad

    • @mchsprod
      @mchsprod 3 года назад +94

      When I saw it I was like “why is this cringe I literally do this?”

  • @sirendude
    @sirendude 3 года назад +302

    14:10 Don’t blame him for running. Lunch lines are LONG as hell if you don’t get there early.

    • @CosmicStarmin
      @CosmicStarmin 3 года назад +56

      Guy must do track too cause he is fast as hell

    • @thecollector4753
      @thecollector4753 3 года назад +46

      This hit way too close to home *ESPECIALLY* on Thursday since my school gives out chicken tenders that day. You gotta get there quick if you want tenders AND have time to eat, because if you're not fast enough you'll be in that line for like 90-95% of the lunch period.

    • @gooseegg617
      @gooseegg617 3 года назад +10

      That's me but I just walk as fast as I can

    • @sam_bagging6028
      @sam_bagging6028 3 года назад +12

      That's what I'm saying what's wrong with beating the majority of the students. Get your food before the long ass lines and so you can snag a table for your friends.

    • @blableu4519
      @blableu4519 3 года назад +15

      Why is this even considered cringe???

  • @itsthatonechickagaincallth7843
    @itsthatonechickagaincallth7843 3 года назад +1210

    My mother has DID. It ruined our family because she could never admit to them hurting us and then would make me care for her even while I was a child. My childhood was stolen from me. It's not completely her fault, but that is to say it is a real and difficult thing to many people.
    Anyone who pretends to have a severe mental illness and takes support away from those who have it are disgusting narcissists who should get slapped.

    • @megabyte2711
      @megabyte2711 3 года назад +27

      This man is the next god to want to slap those people along side me, our cooperation shall be legendary!

    • @altaccount4697
      @altaccount4697 3 года назад +53

      I have a friend with DID, it is genuinely real thing that is damn wierd to be around and people with that condition need all the help they can get. Y'all got room for another slapper?

    • @FiSH-iSH
      @FiSH-iSH 3 года назад +25

      i wish i had more hands for maximum slapping capability

    • @thetoastiest1
      @thetoastiest1 3 года назад +4

      My hands are yours for slapping them...just cos its fd up

    • @chrystalwayland3860
      @chrystalwayland3860 3 года назад +1

      Room for a 6th one?

  • @apersonyakam969
    @apersonyakam969 2 года назад +123

    8:18 I absolutely know this girl did not use a creepy dating sim character name for one of her “personalities” 💀💀💀

    • @AdaniAstriFilms
      @AdaniAstriFilms 2 года назад +11

      THATS WHAT IM SAYING. And you bet sure as hell if that alter is “real” then she’s gonna die

    • @frozen_pants5207
      @frozen_pants5207 Год назад +4

      said character 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

    • @benhazevoet3012
      @benhazevoet3012 Год назад +2

      I disagree with the 4th one.

    • @Vailque
      @Vailque Год назад

      DID is a real thing, so it’s disgusting when people fake it.

    • @Springman1987
      @Springman1987 Год назад +4

      "I gently opened the door..."

  • @spiritgaming1442
    @spiritgaming1442 3 года назад +648

    Can we just appreciate how short that twitch moderator was, man could give SpongeBob a run for his money.

      @DONKFORTRESS6956 3 года назад +31


    • @LowdownMonty
      @LowdownMonty 3 года назад +30

      Maybe that woman is just like 6'8

    • @Ashe_2601
      @Ashe_2601 3 года назад +19

      Yeah dude I was so surprised..! She was sitting down at first... I just realized....!

    • @ShockingPikachu
      @ShockingPikachu 3 года назад +30

      He is a literal gremlin or troll. Whatever one you prefer. Creepy as fuck…

    • @teeth_denier
      @teeth_denier 3 года назад +23

      Lord Farquaad finna laugh at how short this guy is

  • @PanzerIsDead
    @PanzerIsDead 3 года назад +692

    Love when people act like Stutters are cute and not debilitating and annoying in any way at all.

    • @locomadman
      @locomadman 3 года назад +10

      Scatman John might like to have a word with you about this comment.
      …What? No, I’m not talking about that kind of scat; get your mind out of the gutter! I’m talking about improvisational jazz, check out his song “I’m a scat man”! 😝😉😁

    • @newttonium
      @newttonium 3 года назад +1

      @@locomadman bro

    • @locomadman
      @locomadman 3 года назад +12

      @@newttonium Ahh, settle down; we giggled about it too back in the day, but it’s a catchy tune. Fact is he cured his stutter by studying improve jazz (true story bro).

    • @enviousshade1770
      @enviousshade1770 3 года назад

      Because of porky pig I think

    • @jayskestrel8130
      @jayskestrel8130 3 года назад +28

      I mean if you legitimately can’t help it, then you can’t help it. If you do it on purpose though then it’s an issue.

  • @eoncaliber
    @eoncaliber 3 года назад +700

    That kid has my undying respect as someone who books it to lunch. If you don't wanna lose out on the good stuff, you gotta get there first.

    • @DialingDock2
      @DialingDock2 3 года назад +23

      I hear the epic Back To The Future music playing as he ran. It just sounded cool in my head.

    • @tiyanimlambo5086
      @tiyanimlambo5086 3 года назад +40

      At least he isn’t Naruto running

    • @KatKitty_
      @KatKitty_ 3 года назад +6

      I kinda have to because I have to go to the nurse first (I'm diabetic lol) and I'd rather get a choice in what I have 🤷

    • @MarioYoshi4723
      @MarioYoshi4723 3 года назад +15

      “Rollin’ around at the speed of sound”

    • @MaxGaming-gp6ij
      @MaxGaming-gp6ij 3 года назад +4

      THANK YOU!
      Someone gets it!

  • @simplyalonso
    @simplyalonso 6 месяцев назад +16

    3:11 the Whiplash I felt from looking at this specific moment in time compared to now. woa.

  • @jacobpugpoirier3350
    @jacobpugpoirier3350 3 года назад +260

    14:10 I don't blame him. Running in school is a whole different type of acceleration. Especially when the halls are that wide.

    • @salim_707
      @salim_707 2 года назад +3


    • @matt57362
      @matt57362 2 года назад

      Preach fr, them squeaky school floors are just. Wow.

  • @lainaballls
    @lainaballls 3 года назад +360

    My primary doctor took forever to even mention my diagnosis of TS and she asked if I watched TikTok and that’s why I got diagnosed, and since I hadn’t been on the app since I was inpatient, she believed the papers and that I actually had tics (even though I’ve had the diagnosis for a long ass time). The little girls faking Tourette’s and the adults faking it on TT are not only affecting each other but also how doctor’s care for patients who ACTUALLY have it.

    • @DefinitelyNotAnOsprey
      @DefinitelyNotAnOsprey 3 года назад +24

      A few tips from someone that's had Tourette's since childhood:
      1: Herbal teas like chamomile and breath meditation _really_ help ease the tics.
      2: Meds can be good, but pay attention to your mental state when on some of the meds you may receive, as some people (including me) can get affected pretty negatively by certain ones. Hopefully you find one that works for you.
      3: Mind over matter; whenever I have fits of tics, I tell myself that the fit isn't as bad as I think, and it'll pass, and sometimes that works.

    • @DefinitelyNotAnOsprey
      @DefinitelyNotAnOsprey 3 года назад +11

      That's my advice, but obviously every situation is pretty different. Good luck, and hopefully you find some good ways to cope.

    • @lainaballls
      @lainaballls 3 года назад +13

      @@DefinitelyNotAnOsprey thank you so much, it’s getting hard to find ways to deal with it instead of the basic “just calm down” or “just focus” that people shove down my throat :/

    • @dr.happyfuntimes1214
      @dr.happyfuntimes1214 3 года назад +6

      @@lainaballls I’m so sorry you have to deal with this

    • @DefinitelyNotAnOsprey
      @DefinitelyNotAnOsprey 3 года назад +9

      @@lainaballls Oh yeah, or the "it's all in your head" stuff, smh. 🤦🏼‍♂️ For me, one of the worse triggers for my Tourette's is having to explain my Tourette's.

  • @julianmedrano882
    @julianmedrano882 3 года назад +707

    14:22 as a Latino, I humbly yet aggressively decline. I weep for those who have to be in the presence of such persons simply due to academic studies.

    • @yes1147
      @yes1147 3 года назад +12

      i was looking for one of these comments for that time.

    • @cheezcheez1351
      @cheezcheez1351 3 года назад +28

      I remember this one girl who basically said that I want Latino and she was. I’m Latino, I just look white, she was just straight up white. Yet screamed and cried that she was and I wasn’t. I was at a Walgreens when I was 13. She was much older than me. A 13 year old was more mature than someone older than 18.

    • @gamermoment3744
      @gamermoment3744 3 года назад +9

      as a mexican i agree

    • @Masochistickoala
      @Masochistickoala 3 года назад +1

      its a joke read the caption below

    • @weepingvessel
      @weepingvessel 3 года назад +6

      As a fellow latino, i agree

  • @DivineAdversity777
    @DivineAdversity777 Год назад +13

    BOY something just happened that was NOT planned but was extremely accurate…
    You said “This is how you kill a celebration in 15 seconds” (paraphrasing)
    And a fucking AD popped on screen! Yeah! You’re right! That IS a good way to kill literally any good vibe you’re feeling in the moment! Brilliant 🤣

  • @theauditor3224
    @theauditor3224 3 года назад +387

    i love how he had to TELL US it was gonna get worse after the my hero academia one

    • @OkOkJoJo
      @OkOkJoJo 3 года назад +23

      i had to pause the my hero academia multiple times to get through it

    • @roxassora2706
      @roxassora2706 3 года назад +37

      @@OkOkJoJo As an anime fan and crossplayer (ftm) I have boundaries. I'm a horny degenerate but I'm not that bad

    • @roxassora2706
      @roxassora2706 3 года назад +8

      @-CR0W- Exactly. I keep my horny thoughts in my head.

    • @roxassora2706
      @roxassora2706 3 года назад +10

      @-CR0W- Exactly. I'm down bad for Leon from RE. But I won't admit to the kinky shit I wanna do to him online.

    • @fijardim7
      @fijardim7 3 года назад +2

      I felt like throwing up at that one

  • @Ender_OMS
    @Ender_OMS 3 года назад +434

    14:23 Mexican fan here, I'm here to represent all Mexican fans and say no, just because you enjoy Mexican music doesn't make you one of us, just like listening to kpop doesn't make you Korean *cough cough* Oli London *cough cough*

  • @cheeseascender1122
    @cheeseascender1122 3 года назад +603

    Just remember guys, if Ailurus does not post for a while that means he is cooking up some heat for us.

    • @themaskedspirit
      @themaskedspirit 3 года назад +8

      That’s not a good thing

    • @screm1471
      @screm1471 3 года назад +8

      whenever ailurus dosent post for over 3 weeks, duck and cover

    • @cfgeneric7677
      @cfgeneric7677 3 года назад +3

      Or his upload shecudule gets to powerful

  • @Abandoned_Account88
    @Abandoned_Account88 2 года назад +50

    Getting called fatphobic is the best reward you can be granted

  • @bradurjen6552
    @bradurjen6552 3 года назад +77

    The girl faking DID pisses me off Bc I have friends that legitimately have DID caused by TRAUMA and faking it for clout is the most disrespectful thing I could imagine.

    • @cogline9
      @cogline9 2 года назад +1

      I remember reading a book when I was about 13-ish in like the early 90's called (and I couldn't be a little off here) "When rabbits scream" about a girl/woman with multiple personalities, over 10, due to the truly horrific traumas and abuse she suffered as a little girl. I think just that book would break the girl blowing smoke in this vid.

  • @theslavicdoomerandfighter2631
    @theslavicdoomerandfighter2631 3 года назад +355

    Imagine suffering from tourettes, so you open the internet to brighten yourself, and you see some random teen girl doing the Squidward dance with the wavy arms while pretending to have your disease.

    • @JudiciumDivinum
      @JudiciumDivinum 3 года назад +37

      I suffer from Tourette's Syndrome myself (both motor and vocal tics), and seeing these teens act like they have this really pisses me off.

    • @kingofdemons573
      @kingofdemons573 3 года назад +17

      @@JudiciumDivinum Same, I really don't understand the "appeal" of having Tourettes like it's a new dance trend, it both angers me the hell off and saddens me that these people exist.

    • @2008DodgeChallenger
      @2008DodgeChallenger 3 года назад +12

      @@JudiciumDivinum I also have tics and when I say people fake this stuff it pissed me off a hold crap ton it’s funny and it’s not trendy this genuinely hurts people

    • @northwestcottt
      @northwestcottt 3 года назад +8

      @@kingofdemons573 clout. People just automatically feel bad about somebody who has some sort of negative thing they don’t have so they just like and follow, so the people who fake it sees that thinking that it’s a quick way to get popular. At least that’s what I think.

    • @Wisoven
      @Wisoven 3 года назад +7

      even worse, what sometimes happens is people will fake it, people will see it and perceive it as real, and call people who are actually suffering "tourettes fakers" because it didn't look/sound as uwu as they thought it would

  • @BoomyShakes
    @BoomyShakes 3 года назад +227

    The first one on this video is actually satire. She was parodying a news coverage which a rich couple made their dog vegan. It’s funny as hell too

    • @Tytonihdae
      @Tytonihdae 3 года назад +7

      Thank God to hear it's satire. Any links to the couple?

    • @BoomyShakes
      @BoomyShakes 3 года назад +3

      @@Tytonihdae Not sure, but you can always look it up, its funny as hell. I think the wife threw a fit.

    • @BoomyShakes
      @BoomyShakes 3 года назад +4

      @@Tytonihdae Also the girl made a video I believe saying it was in good fun. She makes funny content

  • @homie37
    @homie37 2 года назад +26

    I don’t know why but the abrupt pause and the dead eye stare he gives while he says “what the fuck was in that shot glass” is just hilarious to me

  • @gijoystick8716
    @gijoystick8716 3 года назад +778

    Thank you Ailurus I was in a terrible car accident that has left me paralyzed from the waist down and after someone played this video I managed to summon the will stand up for the first time in 4 years to throw myself of a building thank you

    • @phantom_wolf5274
      @phantom_wolf5274 3 года назад +25

      I feel really bad for you because that happened I hope you’ll still live a great life

    • @morbius7437
      @morbius7437 3 года назад +11

      @@phantom_wolf5274 are you serious?

    • @phantom_wolf5274
      @phantom_wolf5274 3 года назад +59

      @@morbius7437 oh wait I didn’t read the rest I should’ve read the rest

    • @morbius7437
      @morbius7437 3 года назад +2

      @@phantom_wolf5274 ofc

    • @ChivalrousMilk
      @ChivalrousMilk 3 года назад +23

      @@morbius7437 there is no way why don't people read a short sentence 💀

  • @clover5796
    @clover5796 3 года назад +85

    there’s some girls at my school that actually pretend to have tics, they were in my drama class and i always remember this one embarrassing time they started saying “WOOOH” really loud in the bathroom and giggling and saying stuff about their “tics” and it’s like, whenever it’s mentioned they instantly remember to do their tics lol

    • @seisogaijin3749
      @seisogaijin3749 3 года назад +5

      yeah people like that are the worst. not only are they annoying but they really muddle it up for other people.
      same with the DID faker. because then it really makes uneducated people think everyone with disorders are faking, or when they are told "these are horrible debilitating things that arent fun" then will go "you clearly dont really have this condition then if its so serious you would just live in sadness quitely" to anyone open about their life living with a condition if they arent misserable.

    • @corndogboi
      @corndogboi 3 года назад +2

      Of course they’re drama kids

    • @theheatedoneplus2463
      @theheatedoneplus2463 3 года назад +1

      Can you explain what tics are? I keep thinking of the parasite arachnid

    • @corndogboi
      @corndogboi 3 года назад +2

      @@theheatedoneplus2463 I recommend just searching up Tourette’s and tics. There are TONS of different ones.

    • @cross977
      @cross977 2 года назад

      @@theheatedoneplus2463 the most basic concept is to just stop whatever you are doing and do something random as frick

  • @konradcurze8942
    @konradcurze8942 3 года назад +93

    At the poop story, I literally almost vomited after getting a mental image of that "thing" happening. Seriously I pray that those 2 dont break up. That way some innocent man/woman dont have to deal with that shit.

    • @jennifervan75
      @jennifervan75 3 года назад +4

      Every time there was a new paragraph I was like,wait there's more??!!!!

    • @corndogboi
      @corndogboi 3 года назад +2

      They don’t have to deal with that shit. Literally.

    • @epicboxx3838
      @epicboxx3838 3 года назад +2

      I hate scat fetishes. Seriously like, it’s heavily processed food through a complex process, which is very very dirty. I will die on this hill that we must just, cleanse the world of this behavior. I do not care if those two break up, because it’s another deterioration of that just awful vile “thing” that shall’st not be named. Okay that last part was over-exaggerated for comedic effect.

  • @roonkolos
    @roonkolos 2 года назад +3

    12:16 there it is. It took me up to this point in this series to full stop and reconsider every decision that led me to hear that ungodly post
    Good lord, free will was a mistake

  • @mt-toka2745
    @mt-toka2745 3 года назад +362

    what I've just witnessed wasn't cringe. It's psychological torture

    • @noahhecker6672
      @noahhecker6672 3 года назад +7

      Get the bleach boys! My eyes need a rinse

    • @graywolf_pup
      @graywolf_pup 3 года назад +2

      Even the my hero one! T-T whyyyyyyy the sound was gross

    • @Thatguy-tl6xw
      @Thatguy-tl6xw 2 года назад +2

      There is not enough bleach to erase it

    • @mr2meows
      @mr2meows Год назад +1

      is it china or the cia doing it

  • @spectralknight5516
    @spectralknight5516 3 года назад +295

    14:20 Seeing this as a Mexican person. Never have I seen someone dressed like that ask for acceptance. I would rather stay away from this person and play games than even welcoming them. No thank you.

    • @williamhader4498
      @williamhader4498 3 года назад +28

      As a Mexican, who resides in Texas, we permanently bar the TikTok user in question from entering Texas, as well as from listening to Mexican music, and eating tacos.

    • @This_Pleases_The_Nut
      @This_Pleases_The_Nut 3 года назад +20

      As a Mexican living in the Texas Coast, we do not want the tiktok user near us or our Taqerias.

    • @Thelostlegopiece
      @Thelostlegopiece 3 года назад +17

      As a Mexican who lives in Mississippi I will not let that thing Touch My quesadillas

    • @afrobruh2823
      @afrobruh2823 3 года назад +16

      As a Mexican who lives in New Jersey we will not let it touch our tequila

    • @gamersaurusrexg9348
      @gamersaurusrexg9348 3 года назад +12

      As a Mexican living in California, we will not let this TikTok user come close to our chimichangas.

  • @jessgrenier1539
    @jessgrenier1539 3 года назад +303

    I work in a psychiatric ward for teenagers. You would not believe the amount of patients we get who say they have tics, OCD, eating disorders, social anxiety, BPD (even though it cannot be legally diagnosed before 18 years old), dissociative disorders or multiple personality disorders... And none us, professionnals, observe symptoms that correlate with the diagnostics they say they have. Would be interresing to see how much of that comes from TikTok or similar platforms.

    • @silverbloodborne9495
      @silverbloodborne9495 3 года назад +6

      I would say something but thank to my school and therapist I am sacred on peopls reaction

    • @annajapiassu306
      @annajapiassu306 3 года назад +18

      meanwhile, the people who really need to go to the psych wards are unable to due to these people taking up spots.... (as someone who *actually* suffers from various mental illnesses, this pisses me off so much)

    • @jessgrenier1539
      @jessgrenier1539 3 года назад +16

      @@annajapiassu306 I totally get your point. However even though they don't have symptoms correlating with what they say they have, i doesent mean they don't have difficulties. They don't necessarily do it for attention, this problematic of attributing mental disorders often hides other problems that are deeply rooted (but don't necessarily need to be hospitalised, so i get your point)

    • @regirock7313
      @regirock7313 3 года назад +2

      @@jessgrenier1539 I can agree, they do possess potential issues but, yea it’s not severe enough to enter a psych hospital. If they believe they need help, maybe get a therapist

    • @travellingcircus7658
      @travellingcircus7658 3 года назад +7

      i’m 13 years old, i have a girl in my class who thinks she has adhd because ‘my leg sometimes bounces!!!!! 😋😋😋’. she got screened for adhd, ended up negative (surprise), and then told ppl that it was rigged

  • @dannyboiproductions8430
    @dannyboiproductions8430 2 года назад +13

    I feel like the boy one with the British accent (accent sucks by the way) 'Ben' is called that solely because the only thing this 'person' associates with England and the UK is Big Ben.

  • @movingchannels2203
    @movingchannels2203 3 года назад +390

    I was literally about to go rewatch an episode of r/cringetopia and honestly hoping for a new episode
    I can’t right now this must be what power feels like

  • @fizzizist
    @fizzizist 3 года назад +54

    14:10 My dude knows that waiting in the lunch line will cost him half of his lunch time. I respect him for it

  • @devo1246
    @devo1246 3 года назад +58

    "I hate that part of my life almost as much as my current one"

    • @Nikku4211
      @Nikku4211 3 года назад +1


    • @nijuhinaa
      @nijuhinaa 3 года назад +6

      he's on 4chan his life is clearly not any better

  • @camostrike4395
    @camostrike4395 11 месяцев назад +1

    5:00 the reason I don’t watch that show this exact TikTok is the exact reason

  • @rodentsofrandomness9203
    @rodentsofrandomness9203 3 года назад +147

    1:15 and not to mention, they make it a hell of a lot harder to exist as a teen girl who actually has tics and has had them for years before TikTok even existed.

    • @adam.n-steve
      @adam.n-steve 3 года назад +6

      Yeah. Tiktok lies about medical issues quite alot. Like even psychologists and doctors called them out.

    • @joemama1499
      @joemama1499 3 года назад +5

      I miss the days of vine where people got clicks for their talents and not something that is completely fake

    • @adam.n-steve
      @adam.n-steve 3 года назад +4

      @@joemama1499 Vine wasn't that good honestly. Remember, they gave Lele Pons a career.

    • @Cemetery._Lady
      @Cemetery._Lady Год назад

      This!! I have tourettes and I've never downloaded TikTok for more than 5 minutes. I developed them about 3 years ago when I was 15 and seeing the fakers pisses me off since tics are some silly thing. Once had a tic attack for 7 fucking hours. It's not some quirky thing

  • @munchablemoth
    @munchablemoth 3 года назад +184

    The poor girl twitch streamer looked so uncomfortable at the little goblin man tracking her.. like her face man, she was so clearly uncomfortable and maybe even scared

    • @wonderlandianred5364
      @wonderlandianred5364 3 года назад +22

      Yeah that was so gross and creepy

    • @LazoGT
      @LazoGT 3 года назад +21

      definitely scared. if she wasnt scared she wouldnt be polite and put up a fake smile and hug him. if stalkers are crazy enough to blatantly stalk their victim, they're most likely crazy enough to do things even more extreme than that

    • @jeremiahsmith916
      @jeremiahsmith916 3 года назад +17

      I felt so sorry for her. It’s super creepy to be followed. At those moments you certainly do NOT want them to know where you live, or lead them to any of your loved ones, but what else can you do?
      I’m wondering why she wasn’t more assertive with him. Like, if someone you don’t know asks “Can we meet later?”, why not say “Sorry, I don’t know you”? Is the social obligation of an influencer to be “nice” with followers really that strong?

    • @phantom_wolf5274
      @phantom_wolf5274 3 года назад +6

      Yeah and she’s being so kind while you can clearly tell she was uncomfortable and wanted him to go away

    • @halfdemonantman6949
      @halfdemonantman6949 3 года назад +15

      I'm sorry... I just have to say it... Why is he so tiny? Your description of "little goblin man" is so on point with what he is.

  • @theshortlagugana1988
    @theshortlagugana1988 3 года назад +394

    I can take blood,guts,hardcore Gore, smell of decay,all that but hearing someone talk about EATING SHIT AND PISS brings out the inner most feeling of death

    • @theunderwateraquarium
      @theunderwateraquarium 3 года назад +9

      SAME (guts* lol. I can't take guys)

    • @adudewithabetsyrossflag8125
      @adudewithabetsyrossflag8125 3 года назад +17

      That skit was proof that God has abandoned us.

    • @sheepish3299
      @sheepish3299 3 года назад +3

      @Samsung Fridge i read "I can take Doomguy"

    • @samsunguser3148
      @samsunguser3148 3 года назад +1

      and sometimes when I eat, I think of it and try to distract myself so I can eat in peace (no pun intended)

    • @f3rr1c0x1d3
      @f3rr1c0x1d3 3 года назад +4

      reading that part hurt my stomach

  • @Mangoboi699
    @Mangoboi699 Год назад +4

    The multiple personalities honestly hurt the most. I was moaning in agony like our great fallen warriors on d day. This pain will never be fixed

  • @zveks2022
    @zveks2022 3 года назад +54

    14:10 that's some chadtopia material right there, the velocity of that mans was insane

    • @SeductiveSushi
      @SeductiveSushi 3 года назад +5

      I dont get how that one specificallly is cringe that man is born different

  • @jahyamack8359
    @jahyamack8359 3 года назад +95

    They were so kind and supportive of it at the end, my heart can't take so wholesomeness in one dose!

    • @epicboxx3838
      @epicboxx3838 3 года назад +5

      Yeah, it’s like when you hang up a five year old’s house drawing on the fridge.

  • @DemonzSlayer49
    @DemonzSlayer49 Год назад +1

    4:45 theres way way more decal stickers where that came from. Amazon, Temu, Etsy, most of the sketchy online shopping sites have them.

  • @pidgedidge
    @pidgedidge 3 года назад +160

    4:55 ITS A GOOD SHOW. it’s a good show and the manga is great and Horikoshi’s art is amazing and I wish that the fandom had the intelligence, the intellect, the tact, the TWO BRAIN CELLS needed to understand it, instead of being like this.

    • @pidgedidge
      @pidgedidge 3 года назад +23

      @@Ajax4002 right? I really like it because I just really like superheroes and some of the characters are relatable to me. It’s horrible that the fandom murdered the shows rep

    • @jeremiahsmith916
      @jeremiahsmith916 3 года назад +15

      Lyra Avatar if anything, they’re really only ruining their own personal rep by posting stuff like that publicly. Nothing screams “hey I’m a sexually deprived teen insecure of my own identity” like those tiktoks.

    • @annajapiassu306
      @annajapiassu306 3 года назад +6

      YES. thank you. i really can't stand the fandom

    • @LeeLikesToDraw
      @LeeLikesToDraw 3 года назад +6

      Yep, but because of weirdos like them the fandom and show in general have a bad reputation

    • @prorandocopier7945
      @prorandocopier7945 3 года назад +7

      There’s a good quote from Evangelion:
      But in all seriousness, I think those people really soil a fandom.

  • @CindersofDusk
    @CindersofDusk 3 года назад +67

    You left the best part of this out- underneath this tweet is another pointing out how men are constantly shamed by women due to objectifying them, while people like her turn around and do just that.

  • @alphabet_god1175
    @alphabet_god1175 3 года назад +225

    14:10 isn’t cringe. Man is just getting ready for tryouts at the track team. Dude runs fast

    • @OnyxSWTM
      @OnyxSWTM 3 года назад +23

      Or just ain't waiting in line lmao

    • @q12aw50
      @q12aw50 3 года назад

      Since when do track teams have tryouts

    • @blueberryblues5644
      @blueberryblues5644 3 года назад +14

      @@q12aw50 ever since they want people who win

    • @q12aw50
      @q12aw50 3 года назад

      @@blueberryblues5644 if they want to win then they sit the bad runners out and only enter the good ones. Not everybody participates. Ever heard of an “invite meet” 🤦‍♂️

    • @Lrizu
      @Lrizu 2 года назад

      @@q12aw50 bruh hell nah, imma sit t

  • @gamerguydoesepix5530
    @gamerguydoesepix5530 Год назад +2

    18:28 *Takes out cartoonishly large horseshoe magnet*

  • @iFeelGlee
    @iFeelGlee 3 года назад +75

    7:36 the thing that gets me about this one is that from the vocal patterns, it still feels like the same person despite them trying to fit into different characters. aside from them definitely faking, they're not even _good_ at faking. they dont encapsulate characters in even the most remote capacity, its more like imitating moods and then throwing in a singular distinct character trait for each one, if at all. an accent, acting really "bleh" about everything, having a stutter or a tic. the tic thing is the most notable because it seems like they're just so incapable of creative thinking that they thought to themselves "what is the most BLATANTLY OBVIOUS THING that i could use to differentiate between one person and another."

  • @leazerlazz
    @leazerlazz 3 года назад +32

    14:10 Listen, my guy just really really wants his food and I respect that

  • @mockersjayparker813
    @mockersjayparker813 3 года назад +58

    This is why the My Hero Academia fandom is viewed as frightening af.

    • @Karak-_-
      @Karak-_- 3 года назад +2

      Once something is reffered as "fandom" instead of "fanbase" is a small red flag.

    • @toymaster4041
      @toymaster4041 3 года назад

      @@Karak-_- I thought that was the default word now

    • @bluefxi2603
      @bluefxi2603 3 года назад

      It IS frightening

  • @Hollow_myth
    @Hollow_myth Год назад +1

    As a person who actually has tics (neck jerks, random muscle movements, etc) I find the fact that girls claim they have tics after watching a tiktok disgusting.

  • @reallylongsocks19
    @reallylongsocks19 3 года назад +121

    Imagine going restaurant and saying "Ooh... what's the best side dish?"
    "Oh, Macaroni and Semen!"
    Tommy, let's eat somewhere else."

    • @cupwasneverhere
      @cupwasneverhere 3 года назад +1

      American school time

    • @lilith.mp4
      @lilith.mp4 3 года назад +1

      @@cupwasneverhere oh nahhhhhhhhhhhh

    • @lilith.mp4
      @lilith.mp4 3 года назад +1

      @@cupwasneverhere and its always the damn bnha kids (or the lunch runners)

    • @ivnislykun
      @ivnislykun 3 года назад +1

      @@lilith.mp4 And when you thought that they have gone extinct back in late 2020 but no...

    • @AzrealTheDemon
      @AzrealTheDemon 2 года назад +2

      @@lilith.mp4 my face visibly contorted when i saw that

  • @__sendmemes__7136
    @__sendmemes__7136 3 года назад +51

    18:40 Imagine him getting kidnapped cuz someone used a heavy duty magnet on his head

  • @mariofan2867
    @mariofan2867 3 года назад +47

    15:20 I just had a triple brain aneurysm and felt like burying myself in the dirt forever after reading that.

    • @intotheblackbeyond
      @intotheblackbeyond 2 года назад +4

      God is dead, and the angels are weeping
      i hate it

    • @consumerofbepsi5254
      @consumerofbepsi5254 2 года назад +4

      As the wise skin walker jerma once said: " *LIFE IS PAIN! I HATE-* "

    • @slowershow5646
      @slowershow5646 2 года назад +4

      Everyday we stray further from god.

    • @laurencedewaide4175
      @laurencedewaide4175 Год назад

      @@slowershow5646us stray a day per a day
      He stray from god a century per day

  • @kangalow
    @kangalow 2 года назад +5

    The clip where the dude said the f-slur was some of the funniest shit I’ve seen today. Everybody in the room went from “Yeah, whoooo let’s gooo!” To “Jesus dude what the fuck”

  • @KenjiVision
    @KenjiVision 3 года назад +96

    8:17 i love all her personalities up this point have been a repeat from "happy and chearful", "trying to look edgy and sad" or "i have a stutter".
    If you are going to fake having multiple personalities, at least be more creative.

    • @theautismrizzler
      @theautismrizzler 3 года назад +16

      You forgot the English ones- istg almost every fake DID system has one with an English accent.

    • @HebiHouse
      @HebiHouse 3 года назад +5

      @@theautismrizzler A girl in my highschool had an 'alter' with a standard posh English accent.

    • @cats9994
      @cats9994 3 года назад +11

      I hate the people who fake DID its so fucking dumb, its a coping mechanism that can cause so much pain on an individual and they can't control it
      sorry needed to vent one of my friends has it

    • @KenjiVision
      @KenjiVision 3 года назад +4

      @@cats9994 No prob, being mad at this is understandable.

    • @cats9994
      @cats9994 3 года назад +5

      @@KenjiVision thank you I don't get many chances to vent all my anger about it since it still isn't well-understood

  • @kirbygamer0640
    @kirbygamer0640 3 года назад +59

    Oh my god- the best ad placement ever just happened.
    7:41 - “Hey-“
    Ad: “Hey, it’s me, your skin.”
    Also…R/Cringetopia videos are one of the best video series you do Ailurus! Love your videos!

  • @johnprice6271
    @johnprice6271 3 года назад +46

    14:55 if I had a single wish, it would be to have my entire life erased from my mind, just so I don't have to remember this story.

    • @kriswell.
      @kriswell. 3 года назад +4

      I actually started crying

    • @locomadman
      @locomadman 3 года назад

      They can’t invent mind-bleach fast enough! Lol

    • @gojitsar7505
      @gojitsar7505 3 года назад +3

      Literally the only story that genuinely made me want to vomit. I always thought that people exaggerate stories by saying, "I almost threw up," but now I know what that feels like. I now hope that someone shanks Jupiter's bitch ass so that at least one comet can tear its way towards earth and reset everything evolution worked so hard to create.

    • @timcorpproductions4288
      @timcorpproductions4288 Год назад

      At first I thought he meant that thing that Louie Armstrong did but when I read the full thing..... oh god, people need jesus.

    • @SuperGamingBrosSGB
      @SuperGamingBrosSGB Год назад

      I cope with this by pretending to not know what s¢at is so that i don't have to think about it

  • @saltinefromindiana
    @saltinefromindiana 2 года назад +2

    So, I met someone who suffered from DID when I was at a place that could help me with my mental health issues at the time and I was laughing my ass off at how BADLY faked that was. He told me that the personalities do not usually work in unison and he doesn't like to let them take control. Anytime one of the voices in his head manifests itself into a personality, he says it's not comfortable and hates when he can't control his actions. It's hard to get them to sit down together and record themselves because only you want to do that, but they would have a different idea in mind.

  • @Professor_OJK
    @Professor_OJK 3 года назад +50

    7:45 as an Oliver, I think I represent my fellow Oliver’s when I say, we don’t except you as a real Oliver.

    • @itolver
      @itolver 3 года назад +9

      i second this

    • @-murray-
      @-murray- 2 года назад

      As a Beatrix, I can safely say that we don't want that fucker either.

  • @bigw69420billion
    @bigw69420billion 3 года назад +85

    As a member of the young Mexican community, I say that they probably only listened to Spanish covers of emo songs.

    • @che-chos-beja3652
      @che-chos-beja3652 3 года назад +5

      And as a member of the Pre-Adulthood Colombian Community
      We'd accept him! If he truly liked Hispanic music and not for clout.

    • @_Ganev_
      @_Ganev_ 3 года назад +5

      As a member of the young Mexican community, they might be the type of person to pretend to be emo for attention

    • @cashbanooka1834
      @cashbanooka1834 3 года назад +4

      As a young member of the puertorican community we'd only accept him if he's able to say 17 cuss words in a 5 word sentence

  • @daedalus5466
    @daedalus5466 3 года назад +65

    14:10 ok me personally, I don’t get how that’s cringe. I get exited for lunch too and I would run across the entire building for some food my guy 👍

    • @CryoSpwan
      @CryoSpwan 3 года назад

      same but what if ran in to someone

  • @chenzito_chenzito
    @chenzito_chenzito 2 года назад +2

    14:23 We don't except that thing as one of us

  • @MrPP-yz5ly
    @MrPP-yz5ly 3 года назад +9

    15:37 That clip of Jev encapsulated all of our reactions to hearing that story

  • @TokenTreeTV
    @TokenTreeTV 3 года назад +24

    at 11:26 someone really said "PUT THEM DOGS AWAY" lmao💀

  • @LowQualityShortReviewer
    @LowQualityShortReviewer 3 года назад +138

    I’m honestly happy the dog went for the food even after she told him not to. She needs to be embarrassed like that.

    • @billnye9349
      @billnye9349 3 года назад +3

      Its nice that she still posted it though I don’t know who that is but at least she admitted she was wrong even though she tried to force him on the salad lol

    • @zViolinE
      @zViolinE 3 года назад +17

      It’s making fun of somebody else who was actually serious.

    • @Stickman470
      @Stickman470 3 года назад +6

      It's literally satire

    • @despondent27
      @despondent27 3 года назад +4

      its probably satire, since if it wasnt, they probably wouldnt have posted the video in the first place and the dog wouldnt look as healthy as it did.

    • @alijahaskew4644
      @alijahaskew4644 3 года назад

      @@zViolinE Vegan Teacher?

  • @RonDoncombe
    @RonDoncombe 2 года назад +2

    her "my dog is vegan" the dog are you sure about that

  • @foxco83
    @foxco83 3 года назад +15

    4:55 is the reason most people end up not watching my hero
    I wish shit Like this wouldn't be created
    Due to how much the creator cares about his series

    • @toymaster4041
      @toymaster4041 3 года назад

      Can confirm: not watching ever cuz of this shit

  • @sans9306
    @sans9306 3 года назад +63

    As a member of the hispanic community we not so humbly reject that woman or thing

  • @purplepotatoes9255
    @purplepotatoes9255 3 года назад +61

    14:22 this is actually an interesting question. I'm of Mexican parents, born in America.
    Recently I read this story of this guatemalen women who was raised in "white American" culture. But the thing is, she grew up and genuinely saw herself as superior to people who could speak Spanish. She wrote that she got a kick out of looking at Mexican maids and saying "I don't speak Spanish". Now, culture changed and now she wants in on Latino culture cause it's cool now.
    Thing is, I don't consider her latina now that she's changed her mind. It's not that she can't speak Spanish, it's that she felt a sense of superiority over the group she now wants a part of. She couldn't give a shit about the culture, she just wants to be cool.
    Id be more willing to let this person, the one in the video, into Latino culture than the one I just described. Imo. I don't know them personally, so there's that, but that's my final take.

    • @elcatrinc1996
      @elcatrinc1996 3 года назад +1

      Yes, yes, totally, if you despise something, feel its beneath you but suddenly try to embrace it once it becomes cool and not from an actual interest or love for it, then that person is TRASH, like, the sme of people we despise here.
      There was this term coined in the Porfiriato (of course in Mexico alone) called Garbanzeros, namely a person who tried to pass as French or European to act all high and mighty.
      then hat later evolved into Fresas, Mirreyes, Zorrones, etc, people who DESPISE latin american cultures and try to be more gringo, btu are actually a laughing stock

    • @Miracarlo
      @Miracarlo 3 года назад +3

      Mucho texto

    • @purplepotatoes9255
      @purplepotatoes9255 3 года назад +1

      @@Miracarlo lesso texto

    • @Heyxtre
      @Heyxtre 3 года назад

      Thats a no sabo kid essentially

    • @emmanuelh6109
      @emmanuelh6109 3 года назад

      As a part of the Hispanic community, I agree.

  • @yeetedyeeteddepressiondele3486
    @yeetedyeeteddepressiondele3486 3 года назад +14


  • @theguch4151
    @theguch4151 3 года назад +401

    The ✨ desperation ✨ in that dog trying to go after that meat was absolutely amazing

    • @noahoakley339
      @noahoakley339 2 года назад +13

      Horrible, but yes, amazing

    • @EliTriesToBeFunny
      @EliTriesToBeFunny 2 года назад +6

      That genuinely makes me do angry frfr

    • @Onsideharbor894
      @Onsideharbor894 2 года назад +22

      I saw another comment saying it is probably satire, as the dog looked healthy.
      I can't be sure though, as I do not know anything about dogs.

    • @XFlammo
      @XFlammo 2 года назад +39

      the video is satire and a joke. the creator made it kind of mocking people that make their dogs "vegetarian".

    • @lampionmancz
      @lampionmancz 2 года назад +6

      @@XFlammo Thank god. The sad thing is that there are people who actually do this, and that is flipping sad.

  • @Meowicat
    @Meowicat 3 года назад +43

    i never thought i'd be phased by any of this, but this.... this was the one that broke me. oh my fucking god

  • @finleynedelka
    @finleynedelka 3 года назад +67

    About the 'tics' one, I have adhd and severe anxiety, and I get what I call glitches, look like tics but obviously not the same, more so involuntary movements. Anyway, I barley noticed them but whenever I am around another person with something similar, or when I watched people who had Tourette syndrome it can make mine 'worse'. I know they are not the same but a lot of girls have these from anxiety and stress ,yes men have them too but the topic was girls, so I think that might be what is happening here. Love the videos though!

    • @MB-ev9ix
      @MB-ev9ix 3 года назад +3

      I've got tics tied to my anxiety, can absolutely vouch for this. Being reminded of a tic just ends up worsening it. Literally started ticcing when I saw the thumbnail, lmao.

    • @riripandaxo
      @riripandaxo 3 года назад

      I'm glad it's not only me! I have anxiety tics and when I'm around others with tics I start having them a lot more often. My therapist said this was normal, but it helps knowing that I'm not the only one :)

    • @william_.575
      @william_.575 2 года назад

      finally, i found someone who experiences those "glitches" too

    • @bluevines1303
      @bluevines1303 Год назад


  • @vladimirpoutine7522
    @vladimirpoutine7522 Год назад +1

    0:54 is exactly why we're seeing an uptick in transtrenders among our youth. Same thing.

  • @ewanj.
    @ewanj. 3 года назад +19

    the reply to that comment says "I don't think milk from a bull would taste right..."

  • @Memeymonkey
    @Memeymonkey 3 года назад +34

    0:36 that dog is a legend

  • @blackiewitch2187
    @blackiewitch2187 3 года назад +25

    4:28 i actually love the guys on the left costume, he looks like a depressed joker, but that actually seems like a normal human not some crack addict on a rush

  • @Radshadow2000
    @Radshadow2000 2 года назад +3

    16:41 there is a happy ending for this woman, which is that at the end of that video she says “and I’m all about it” the video is cut early and wanted to inform some people :)

  • @ashaler__
    @ashaler__ 3 года назад +22

    0:53 to quote someone from a discord server im in: "this theory falls apart when you consider theyre not also developing tocs"

  • @sadvec6328
    @sadvec6328 3 года назад +35

    I get it, a lot of people are into Tomboys (I would know, I'm one of those people aswell), but my guy, these are the kind of things you keep to yourself or tell a couple of friends... not a lot of randos on Reddit (especially knowing how a lot of those guys react to women interaction)

  • @shameegames2997
    @shameegames2997 3 года назад +74

    The opening made me feel physical pain.

    • @sondjuchiha975
      @sondjuchiha975 3 года назад +8

      im 85% sure it was fake cause she wouldnt have posted it otherwise

    • @roxassora2706
      @roxassora2706 3 года назад +6

      It was definitely fake. She woulda screamed if she actually forced her dog to go vegetarian

    • @egg_addict
      @egg_addict 3 года назад +4

      It's satire thankfully

    • @joshshrum2764
      @joshshrum2764 3 года назад

      @@sondjuchiha975 Ohhh believe me buddy people would post it because they think it’s cute.

  • @Gotofy105
    @Gotofy105 3 года назад +11

    18:50 that post is such horse shit, the average person can see a for over 30 miles away and hear from 5 miles away (under ideal conditions), smell is the only part in which the number is higher, with the average person only able to smell from about 11 meters away. But I call bullshit that they could smell from 3 and a half miles away, they would have to have some dog levels of smelling abilities. So even if we play along that would mean they sucked at all things except smell, which just nukes their point.

  • @megamanrulesall
    @megamanrulesall 3 года назад +109

    As someone with legitimate stuff, why the hell would anyone want to fake this if they knew all the downsides? People who have these conditions don't want the attention or pity or whatever. We just want to try and live as best of a close to normal life as we can.
    Reminds me of those people who were trying to self mutilate/amputate parts of their bodies.
    Oh well. Take care everyone, hope life is well or if it isn't starts an upwards trend soon for you.

    • @lucariken2065
      @lucariken2065 3 года назад +4

      Huh, reminds me of that guy who had two of his fingers amputated just to finish his alien cosplay.

    • @CoenWilson1
      @CoenWilson1 3 года назад +3

      I have Tourettes and it sucks that it really ruins my life and people are using it for clout. I literally have whiplash because I jerk my head. It just makes me feel bad about myself.

    • @FiSH-iSH
      @FiSH-iSH 3 года назад +5

      i dont have tourettes myself but i do have other disorders that cause me to tic on occasion and lemme tell ya i do not recommend it

    • @megamanrulesall
      @megamanrulesall 3 года назад +2

      @@CoenWilson1 Neck based spasms with the Tourettes sucks. I wonder if it is part of the reason why I had to have neck surgery or not.

    • @FiSH-iSH
      @FiSH-iSH 3 года назад

      @@megamanrulesall agreed, tourettes is a one way ticket to neck pain and its horrible

  • @joshua_eff1757
    @joshua_eff1757 3 года назад +71

    I have the Feeling that hating in the Wedding is a Bit unfair. As far as i understood the Story, both of Thema are real people who met in VR and developed feelings for another and thats kinda cute

    • @theangryvoltorb8638
      @theangryvoltorb8638 3 года назад +11

      Cute until the girl reveals that they are actually a 40 year old man.

    • @malcolmgreen6927
      @malcolmgreen6927 3 года назад +11

      Kinda cute, kinda cringe

    • @epicboxx3838
      @epicboxx3838 3 года назад +12

      @@malcolmgreen6927 a cucringe. Native to the “Cucumber” family.

    • @bluefxi2603
      @bluefxi2603 3 года назад

      Gross, it’s kinda fucking gross and weird

  • @gnome2408
    @gnome2408 3 года назад +76

    13:42 This man is literally speaking everyone’s thoughts lmao

    • @mr.hungee9624
      @mr.hungee9624 3 года назад +10

      *I bet it was-*

    • @EggBeater4
      @EggBeater4 Год назад +2

      Seriously tho WHAT was in the shot glass???

    • @infinixuty
      @infinixuty Год назад

      ​@@mr.hungee9624 I bet it was cu-

    • @chezboi8843
      @chezboi8843 Год назад +1

      @@EggBeater4fun juice

    • @Somebodyiknew
      @Somebodyiknew Год назад

      ​@@chezboi8843Mm fun jice

  • @luccaallbny3203
    @luccaallbny3203 2 месяца назад +6

    3:10 2 steps ahead......im all ways, 2 steps ahead

  • @thatonerandomguy7985
    @thatonerandomguy7985 3 года назад +16

    14:10 Bro how is that cringe he just wants to make sure to get to the front of the line for the warm food

  • @momoshikadora
    @momoshikadora 3 года назад +60

    You know, I don't agree with everything you say, but I can tell you put effort in your work, and I thank you for your entertainment. And also second hand tutoring me on how to be unfazed by humanity.

  • @miniturtle9815
    @miniturtle9815 3 года назад +102

    I actually do have tourettes and I can tell you, this trend NEEDS to stop. Its such a bad trend and its sad people are actually being diagnosed with tourettes just because they see a trend and try to get famous or some bs.

    • @kingofdemons573
      @kingofdemons573 3 года назад +11

      Yeah, I also have Tourettes and earlier this year a freshman was been diagnosed with Tourettes and compare to me who is always ticing, usually either sniffing or cracking the joints in my fingers, she does not do any of that, and has told me that one of her tics is throwing a chair at people we wants to throw chairs at. Like I understand some people may be able to hide it better than some but come on. It's so fucking annoying

    • @furiousmagician5912
      @furiousmagician5912 3 года назад +6

      i dont have tourettes but i do get tics and like??? i dont even see why people would want it. one of my tics was i would punch myself and make a pig noise

    • @miniturtle9815
      @miniturtle9815 3 года назад +4

      @@furiousmagician5912 That sucks man. My tics we're making verbal noises and also physical ones. It's not as bad now but I still do some verbal and I still do physical tics as well. My life would be better without tics but nothing I can do about it.

    • @sythepie
      @sythepie 3 года назад +1

      @@furiousmagician5912 i don’t have Tourette’s either but I do get tiny tics like shuddering randomly or lurching my head up. I would rather not have tics than do.

  • @LordS20000
    @LordS20000 3 года назад +8

    16:12 I'm literally going to go jump off a cliff now, I'm in mental physical pain now WHAT THE HECK