“The godly are directed by honesty; the wicked fall beneath their load of sin. When the wicked die, their hopes die with them, for they rely on their own feeble strength. The godly are rescued from trouble, and it falls on the wicked instead.” Proverbs 11:5, 7-8 NLT God will have His way for America and Israel!!
I prayed for warm weather since the 1990's and got it. A little cool like the 30's, but in the 1980's it was in the teens or lower. Pray and you will receive.says Jesus.
Biden is being judged just for being how he has went against humanity and all things he did illigal . He isn't getting away with anything. None of us do.
Do you think ISRAEL is a piece of Real Estate ? The God of the Biblical Hebrews commanded them to live in Diaspora until He says otherwise !!! The deluded Khazarian are building a “Second Golden Calf” to replace the land in Russia that they were kicked out of in 967 A.D., over a thousand years ago.
Genesis 12:3 “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” King James Version (KJV)
Lord God of Heaven, we implore you to help these dear hurting hostages in Jesus Name amen. People please pray fervently over these hostages and Israel! The world is against Israel and this won't stand much longer as God Almighty is their defense! ❤
Deal Lord Almighty this part of the election is complete. We believe in you with all our Hearts Strength a flesh and soul . Please bring some times of refreshing on our land. Anoint our leadership and fill them with a vision for and passion to please you.
The nations will answer and be accountable to Lord Christ Jesus when He returns to defeat the enemies of Israel. It is written. Read the Bible sometimes.
How can they punish Israel ? Haven't they been punished enough. Who started this war. Aren't the United States and Israel allies. This is heartbreaking. Makes our country look bad. God help our country. God help Israel.
God sits on His throne and laughs at these people who think they'll stop His plans for His people, Israel. God's will cannot be undone by majority rule! Pray that these people in authority positions will repent and be saved.
❤😊❤ did Israel say why they're not going to let people in for the humanitarian thing what is wrong with helping people especially the vulnerable amen 🙏💕🙏
Watching your channel is getting to be like watching Twilight Zone I can't wait for the next episode. I think Holly WOOD could get any weirder until it burned down.
Almighty GOD💖Protect The Righteous & True Justice Prevail...
He who watches over Israel neither slumber or sleep🕯🙏🇮🇱we continue to pray for the Peace of Yerushalayim..Jhb SA 🇿🇦
& the hostages ✝️
Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered!!
Hallelujah. Amen So be it
Go Mike Johnson Go. God be with you. God bless you and your family and God bless the USA
I love how fair but good and truthful your stations always is.
Even with bad news you give us hope for each day❤
Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
Agree with 700 Club ❤
Thank you Jesus!
Yes that blizzard 🥶 may be a blessing in disguise 🥸😁😊❤😂
Prayer fasting opens eyes an right will prevail❤😮❤❤❤😅
“The godly are directed by honesty; the wicked fall beneath their load of sin. When the wicked die, their hopes die with them, for they rely on their own feeble strength. The godly are rescued from trouble, and it falls on the wicked instead.”
Proverbs 11:5, 7-8 NLT
God will have His way for America and Israel!!
Love and Forgiveness is the only lasting unity!
May the most High GOD make a way for his will to be done in Washington DC and I pray for the safety of all people there lead and guide on.
Well you have no idea who he really is.
@@joycebrackbill-henderly8311 Who God
@@joycebrackbill-henderly8311of course we do! Read the Bible.
Praying for Israel 🇮🇱 ❤and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem ❤️
God's hand is at work!
Absolutely 💯
Absolutely 💯 🇨🇦 Barbados 🇧🇧
We South Africans stand with Israel.
As do i in Jesus Mighty Name!🥰✝️🙏💔
Thank you Jesus. God bless you
Pray from them. Pray for me.
I prayed for warm weather since the 1990's and got it. A little cool like the 30's, but in the 1980's it was in the teens or lower. Pray and you will receive.says Jesus.
I have been a Patriot of Israel for 20 years🙏💪👍to God and Israel And America to gether we will always spend all repent and turn to Jesus to be saved
God Bless
Thanks God Biden days are over. Trump will make America great again 😇🙏
Praying TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS prevail. Praying all lies against ISRAEL fail.
Gods prophecy will be done
Thank God for the blizzard! 🌨️❄️🌬️No protesters! 🙏🏼🙌🏻
That's not why! It's due to what Trump did on this date.
@ So you actually think that if it were nice and sunny, there wouldn’t be any protests? You are underestimating these people.
Get rid of Blinken!
Get rid of Biden!!! Blinkin does as his comander in chief!!!
It's only 21 degrees here but 13 with wind chill ❤
God will never leave nor forsake His own people. Praying for Israel 🙏. The truth prevail .God is watching.
God's people is every living human being and not a certain nation who rejected his son and to this day do not acknowledge him as the son of God.
Get us out of the UN ! And get the UN out of the US !
The jewish messiah is coming before the christians Jesus return.
Thank you for supporting Israel and exposing the hypocrisy.
i don’t think he really does know. but will experience it eventually. !!!!
Biden is being judged just for being how he has went against humanity and all things he did illigal . He isn't getting away with anything. None of us do.
Do you think ISRAEL is a piece of Real Estate ? The God of the Biblical Hebrews commanded them to live in Diaspora until He says otherwise !!! The deluded Khazarian are building a “Second Golden Calf” to replace the land in Russia that they were kicked out of in 967 A.D., over a thousand years ago.
Awesome channel
prayers for all
Happy January 6! May God bless and protect our President Donald Trump! God bless America!
Anthony sticken is singing a new song now.. amazing..he knows he is finished..i wish i were able to see him Fired.
Informative,knowledgeable, awesome,amazing ,a GODBLESSED.Ministry,helping people all over the world.JESUS IS LORD.
Chris, i haven't seen you with suits. You look different with good looking.
Nation of lsrael is the Heaven on Earth...may God be blessed always
Genesis 12:3
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
King James Version (KJV)
Praying for Israel and all of those that are being persecuted and suffering. 🙏🇮🇱♥️🇺🇲
@@thinkforyourselfjohn3163 the Palestinians?
Lord God of Heaven, we implore you to help these dear hurting hostages in Jesus Name amen. People please pray fervently over these hostages and Israel! The world is against Israel and this won't stand much longer as God Almighty is their defense! ❤
Deal Lord Almighty this part of the election is complete. We believe in you with all our Hearts Strength a flesh and soul . Please bring some times of refreshing on our land. Anoint our leadership and fill them with a vision for and passion to please you.
The "terror group" shouldn't be demanding anything!
The nations will answer and be accountable to Lord Christ Jesus when He returns to defeat the enemies of Israel. It is written.
Read the Bible sometimes.
Read the Bible continuously
Judaism is what the Israelis practice and in Judaism Jesus christ is not acknowledged as the son of God or anyone for that matter.
excellent 👌👍
Mr Biden please stop your assault on Israel and it's Beautiful People please do not further harm Israel in any way Mr Biden
Please, it's Judea and Samaria, NOT the west bank!
Many times we see storms around the time of political or spiritual turmoil in the country. I wonder if this one has a meaning in the spiritual world
Support Israel with prayers, Shalom
Why is Anthony blinking only now speaking out thats my question
Pray for Israel. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Spiritual warfare simply playing out @ ‘breakneck’ speed📖👑⏰⏳🛐
How can they punish Israel ? Haven't they been punished enough. Who started this war. Aren't the United States and Israel allies. This is heartbreaking. Makes our country look bad. God help our country. God help Israel.
I ain't forget big bro, I trust in God 🙌✨🙏🔥🤗🥰 keep speaking truth. The chosen ones!
Jan 20th near
Have USA forgotten the word of God. He that bless Isreal shall be bless and He that curse Isreal shall be cursed.
God sits on His throne and laughs at these people who think they'll stop His plans for His people, Israel. God's will cannot be undone by majority rule! Pray that these people in authority positions will repent and be saved.
He who Blesses lsrael will be Blessed, He who Curses lsrael will be Cursed
❤😊❤ did Israel say why they're not going to let people in for the humanitarian thing what is wrong with helping people especially the vulnerable amen 🙏💕🙏
Its winter , its normal😢 sumer spring ,fall. ,Winter
They couldn’t stop it
Israel will have God's benefits n blessings in Jesus name. Praise God with thanksgiving 🙏♥️🙏 Amen 🙏
This shall not pass, in the name of Jesus Christ and those who are against Israel shall not prosper.🙏🏽
Stand with ISRAEL ..
It's going to happen again just like it was back in 1994 the worstest snow storm ever it's back again for rematch with the world
Interested what day it's happening. 🤔
No!, Julie. Not known as the West Bank. Only to those uneducated in All Things Israel. Judea and Samaria, the heartland of Israel.
Again, I’m disappointed in you
Praise God
We have had 43 plus inches of snow in Erie Pennsylvania already. We are use to it!
Why have the hostages not been released? The release Undermined by ‘humanitarian’ supplies.
go to bed biden get some sleep looks like you are lost and not found you are no help to anyone not even yourself.....
this is geoengineering! we got only 5-6 inch in Maryland panhandle.
I thought climate change we was getting hotter whats going on
😮OMG 😮
Jesus, please come soon. The world is full of wicked and mediocre leaders.
News brought to you by the same people that proclaim sunday to be the third day from friday.
How can that be
It may be Bidens real final day!!
I remember one snow flake would shut down DC.
God is in control with His omnipresent.
There are 42 other countries' citizens also underground, but why hasn't ANYONE else come to help us?
Stay home, save your life
... The more the better right???
In which Book Chapter and Verse of the Holy Bible does does UN rule The World?
Trump-Vance admin near
Why did you not say if this is or is not a Geo Engineered event. Certainly you must have access to such info.
What's "nother"? I have heard of other.
God will defend Isreal, this we know! The bible says to pray for your enemy! God bless Biden!
Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
Good day I dont like too much of any weather.especially Ra8n and Sun 8n 5he Carribbean where I am.
Hallelujah!! Trump!!
I live in NE Illinois. We only got dusted with less than an inch. Whatever. 🤔
Watching your channel is getting to be like watching Twilight Zone I can't wait for the next episode. I think Holly WOOD could get any weirder until it burned down.
Why dont you take down the videos that are old news?
Bye Bye biden !