Hellfarch let the path he took be engraved into the landscape beneath him, as he was taught to always leave the wilderness better than when he found it. He spotted a couple of houses alongside the road and slowed his stroll so their inhabitants could admire the improvement he was about to make to their home.
Believe it or not, one of the things I'm most proud of with these renders is the sky. The Arnold renderer has a setup that simulates the sun and sky but by default it is really dim and the sky it generates looks really dull. Brightening the sunlight however causes the sky to become blown out and white, and trying to change the sky color to make it bluer causes the sunlight to become tinted blue as well, so I eventually had to come up with a system that uses two sky lights to let me control the brightness of the sun and the tint of the sky without one affecting the other. It may not be physically correct but it certainly looks far better than I could get it to otherwise.
Believe it or not, one of the things I'm most proud of with these renders is the sky. The Arnold renderer has a setup that simulates the sun and sky but by default it is really dim and the sky it generates looks really dull. Brightening the sunlight however causes the sky to become blown out and white, and trying to change the sky color to make it bluer causes the sunlight to become tinted blue as well, so I eventually had to come up with a system that uses two sky lights to let me control the brightness of the sun and the tint of the sky without one affecting the other. It may not be physically correct but it certainly looks far better than I could get it to otherwise.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Macro / Micro
Species Demon
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 2880px
File Size 3.64 MB