Chessboxing but neither person knows how to play chess

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Myth vs Cherdleys
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    #ludwig #chessboxing #mogulmoves

Комментарии • 2 тыс.

  • @GhettoWxzrd
    @GhettoWxzrd 2 года назад +2765

    This entire video feels like a fever dream, from the bad chess playing, to the glitched audio where you can hear parts of Andrea botez's fight and other segments from this fight all glued together lol.

    • @iqoiot7990
      @iqoiot7990 2 года назад +5

      What song did myth come out to

    • @JojoHopnasty
      @JojoHopnasty 2 года назад +28

      What makes it even funnier isbif u watch the Ididathing video the entire match myth had a cheating device up his ass for the chess part

    • @zhardeen7590
      @zhardeen7590 2 года назад

      @@iqoiot7990 Four Seasons Winter by Vivaldi

    • @tezzla6358
      @tezzla6358 Год назад +3

      @@JojoHopnasty that was just a joke

    • @viccm7536
      @viccm7536 Год назад

      me too

  • @tgg_music2
    @tgg_music2 2 года назад +6264

    The overlapping audio is a pain, but even still, the match overall is a thrill to see

    • @sk4rrt
      @sk4rrt 2 года назад +264

      sounds like a sidemen among us session💀

    • @drakechristmas5294
      @drakechristmas5294 2 года назад +73

      Why is this happening!?

    • @gonnadestroymattsass1015
      @gonnadestroymattsass1015 2 года назад +133

      @@drakechristmas5294 edited mid event so no one could steal them. Probably picked up audio from their PC because it would be much faster to record the stream

    • @coleslaw4040
      @coleslaw4040 2 года назад +32

      @@gonnadestroymattsass1015Agreed, my assumption was that the event took so much attention people forgot that the live audio is going through the PC(meaning it needs to be unmuted or the casters wouldnt be heard)

    • @souls4781
      @souls4781 2 года назад +21

      It is overlapping with the Andrea Botez match.

  • @rainbowsoc
    @rainbowsoc 2 года назад +9237

    audio is a bit messed up but great fight myth was a fucking beast!

    • @redmist6630
      @redmist6630 2 года назад +2107

      oh ok though it was the schizophrenia

    • @lanaxv
      @lanaxv 2 года назад +88

      @@redmist6630 LMAOO

    • @fred53421
      @fred53421 2 года назад +984

      audio is absolutely fucked it's terrible haha

    • @seanseal6265
      @seanseal6265 2 года назад +307

      Yeah I can hear some other commentary

    • @LAFTA
      @LAFTA 2 года назад +108

      a bit?

  • @MadLed
    @MadLed 2 года назад +17

    0:00 when someone asks me what breaking bad is about

  • @charc0al_tv
    @charc0al_tv 2 года назад +1222

    Now do chess players boxing each other. I wanna see Hikaru hit Magnus with his right hook

    • @kitkat47chrysalis95
      @kitkat47chrysalis95 2 года назад +76

      they did have a couple grandmasters go at it in one of the chess boxing events

    • @mrlion9719
      @mrlion9719 2 года назад +86

      You meant his right rook

    • @jordanoliveto5863
      @jordanoliveto5863 2 года назад +39

      Hikaru said he can't box Magnus cause Hikaru is in a different weight class

    • @itss_starryy787
      @itss_starryy787 2 года назад +1


    • @scrhh
      @scrhh Год назад +3

      you should search up the video of hikaru nakamura and eric hansen fighting

  • @Ssoso1331
    @Ssoso1331 2 года назад +5908

    Dude, props to Cherdleys, I thought he was just a goof, not only did he make a clown of himself during chess for us to laugh, but he also proved himself to be a damn beast during the boxing, throwing and eating punches left and right. Earned my respect

    • @marclenraymagdaraog691
      @marclenraymagdaraog691 2 года назад +288

      actually unhinged ngl. he was eating all the punches from Myth like it was breakfast lol.
      Not actually seen but Myth took a lot more body damage which is very disadvantageous to him

    • @daeguboy8136
      @daeguboy8136 2 года назад +9

      Same, he's cool

    • @kenzeeato
      @kenzeeato 2 года назад +57

      10:25 he's getting a lot of punches but he doesn't go back or go down, man max out he's defends, actually best fight in the game

    • @blusliver6302
      @blusliver6302 2 года назад +32

      Also on the later rounds, he was finding holes in Myth's defense and poking him through his guard. He stepped in with some deep jabs to counter Myth's backsways (like @26:16). If he had trained better footwork and combinations, he could've setup his right hand with those and land some more hard hits too. That was some excellent adaptation to his opponent.

    • @earthphoenix7068
      @earthphoenix7068 2 года назад +4

      @@marclenraymagdaraog691body punches are more for real boxing matches that are over 8 rounds

  • @ristokaseorg5438
    @ristokaseorg5438 2 года назад +2494

    It was awesome from Myth to match the trolling energy

    • @jletsgoo
      @jletsgoo 2 года назад +64

      20:50 LOL

    • @viv9306
      @viv9306 2 года назад +86

      Myth is a showman he goes hard on the competitive stuff but is honestly a funny dude

    • @pulkitgupta5550
      @pulkitgupta5550 2 года назад +3

      Obviously he had to low his level to match the energy else he would have overshadowed

    • @Blobf1sh_
      @Blobf1sh_ 2 года назад +2

      Does myth have a chest hole

    • @thebattlerocker4338
      @thebattlerocker4338 2 года назад +17

      @@Blobf1sh_ yeah him and lud are chussy bros

  • @Vinsmoke21
    @Vinsmoke21 2 года назад +3353

    Let's just stop a moment and appreciate the absolutely W Cherldleys was. He took a fight at the last moment notice, against a person bigger than him, Had a lesser wingspan than Myth, weighed lesser than Myth. Cherdleys absolutely gave is prime Content. Respect

    • @PepperCat.
      @PepperCat. 2 года назад +98

      Actually, the first time he used the word it was grammatically correct.

    • @BrandonWestfall
      @BrandonWestfall 2 года назад +5

      @@JS-do7js It's clear English isn't his primary language.

    • @noThankyou-g5c
      @noThankyou-g5c 2 года назад +6

      @@PepperCat. the second time it wasn’t though

    • @Vinsmoke21
      @Vinsmoke21 2 года назад +17

      @@JS-do7js nah that's my bad, Dumb mistake but I am Indian and I didn't sleep for the entire night, cut me some slack here

    • @Vinsmoke21
      @Vinsmoke21 2 года назад

      @@noThankyou-g5c my bad bro

  • @Pikachu-kw4fv
    @Pikachu-kw4fv 2 года назад +215

    Going back after knowing that myth had a cheating device up his a just buzzing around even during the boxing is hilarious

    • @lcr0914
      @lcr0914 2 года назад +8

      Then why didn’t he take that queen at the start surely that’s the best move

    • @Pikachu-kw4fv
      @Pikachu-kw4fv 2 года назад +29

      @@lcr0914 watch I did a thing's "using a robot to cheat in a boxing match" vid for more context since I don't remember

    • @lcr0914
      @lcr0914 2 года назад +3

      @@Pikachu-kw4fv i did see a clip of him before it I just didn’t understand him doing a bad move since he cheated that’s all

    • @failboyisinthehouse
      @failboyisinthehouse Год назад +31

      @@lcr0914 you think he's a professional at reading vibrations in his ass and applying them to the game? that shit would just confuse me even more

    • @TheGamer-vx5go
      @TheGamer-vx5go Год назад +2

      @@failboyisinthehouse he practiced for like a month

  • @donnie7897
    @donnie7897 2 года назад +233

    Myth hitting the time button for Cherdleys at 21:35 and the judge going 🤷‍♀️ absolutely killed me lmao

    • @cudomoney
      @cudomoney Год назад +8

      He did it like HIS time depended on it XD then just sat there

  • @user-xo8so6qu3f
    @user-xo8so6qu3f 2 года назад +1490

    My guess is whoever was editing this recorded the match in the background, since they couldn't exactly download a whole 6 hour stream(in reasonable time + I think they were editing while the event was still live), while editing the other matches in the meantime. They probably recorded their entire desktop audio instead of just the stream, which is why we hear overlapping audio of some other match but it cuts in and out as the editor was probably scrubbing through the match

    • @professorpick
      @professorpick 2 года назад +141

      oh shit you right. this is something I would do because I dont have proper recording software. why did the editor for ludwig mess this up so badly?

    • @nutbusted27
      @nutbusted27 2 года назад +184

      Good call, there's also a Windows sound at 8:38

    • @ponyboyuk01
      @ponyboyuk01 2 года назад +29

      I think the editor decided to get in on the

    • @ArthurMac15
      @ArthurMac15 2 года назад +73

      It's really off putting, first I thought it was funny and the desk was fuckin around??? But after seeing your comment and it continuing to happen, it's really hard to watch through.
      This is what my ADHD feels like, only my meds arent working for it

    • @BRoyce69
      @BRoyce69 2 года назад +26

      The matches were being clipped and edited while the event was live. They were a couple matches behind but the first 5 or so sets were uploaded when the stream ended.
      Just an overloaded workflow, on the editor and the computer, where some bugs got through due to the constraints. Your hearing double tracks from the live audio (and possibly clips). It cutting in and out is the confusing bit

  • @xznotel8428
    @xznotel8428 2 года назад +1619

    Doesn't even matter if these guys couldn't play a game of chess, the match was incredible.

  • @GHLukinator
    @GHLukinator 2 года назад +807

    The boxing was insane, the chess was a different way LOL

    • @SparkShadow212
      @SparkShadow212 2 года назад +70

      Low level chess is certainly something.

    • @wasd3108
      @wasd3108 2 года назад +63

      @@SparkShadow212 there's low level and there's "yo I never played chess before, I know the rules, but I ain't smart enough to think 1 step forward", I think chardleys actively didn't want to think, and Myth intentionally trolled

    • @SparkShadow212
      @SparkShadow212 2 года назад +4

      @@wasd3108 Its a whole new level of amazing, I ain't gonna lie. But is it as bad as Kiara vs Amelia?

    • @crypticallee
      @crypticallee 2 года назад +5

      @@SparkShadow212 Didn’t expect a Hololive reference here

    • @phen-themoogle7651
      @phen-themoogle7651 2 года назад +3

      I was impressed that they played legal moves kappa

  • @squishydough2866
    @squishydough2866 2 года назад +108

    Cherdley was wildly entertaining, and he and Myth put up a good bout! I also love how they played off each other's energy in the chess segments and got back to boxing. Fantastic showmanship from both, and I was genuinely laughing and enjoying the entire match.

  • @anthony-cy2qz
    @anthony-cy2qz 2 года назад +4

    Myth had the coldest walkout of the night

  • @DurzaOnYT
    @DurzaOnYT 2 года назад +466

    Honestly my favorite card by far, wouldve made a phenomenal finale. Cherdlys trolling in the walk in and interview making the crowd think he was about to get clapped, but he fought 100%. Myth is is a fucking beast and cherdlys is just a TANK. Took more shots to the chin than an orange youtube star. Great match overall.

    • @gen1136
      @gen1136 2 года назад +4

      What a comparison

    • @chaseglaize6087
      @chaseglaize6087 2 года назад +2

      Idk man the girls were absolutely electric, trash talk, controversial ending, plus they were both great at chess

  • @franklinmcmanus
    @franklinmcmanus 2 года назад +1635

    Myth was an absolute tank. If it was him vs Boy Boy he would’ve clocked him, Cherdly came out and did well although he was a complete troll. I was proud of Myth and I hope he continues his boxing career

    • @redmist6630
      @redmist6630 2 года назад +39

      is it the schizophrenia or are their overlapping audio issues?

    • @SneakyPil
      @SneakyPil 2 года назад +73

      @@redmist6630 yeah this didn’t actually happen during the livestream. Idk what happened here

    • @fred53421
      @fred53421 2 года назад +10

      @@SneakyPil it's worse the more videos come out i feel like all the audio is just layered from every match

    • @ashleyndlovu8636
      @ashleyndlovu8636 2 года назад

      Honestly he just needs to polish his striking and defence a bit and he’s good

    • @professorpick
      @professorpick 2 года назад +3

      Bro BOYBOY???? was supposed to fight Myth? I would pay extra to see that happen, BoyBoy would have been blended into hamburger meat. He's pussy for stepping out of the match

  • @jacksfacts20
    @jacksfacts20 2 года назад +336

    cherdley was genuinely impressive, being underweight and shorter it was a tough fight for him before he even started. But the dude has a genuine granite chin for taking those shots and still walking forward. He also was actually taking his time for good shot placement. Myth was of course very dominant, but Cherdley and him should spar more to learn each other weaknesses, fun match.

    • @thegrahamreaper6851
      @thegrahamreaper6851 2 года назад +20

      LIke, on top of being an absolute tank, he still somehow was giving significant blows back to Myth. You can see Myth really slowing down from all the blows and the fight that Cherdley was giving him all the way into and through the third round.
      So on top of being blasted and remaining standing, he also blasted back. Not the same degree, but he consistently clapped back.
      That's just insane.

  • @GuitarAlex
    @GuitarAlex 2 года назад +5

    That audio though😂

  • @largestudent198
    @largestudent198 Месяц назад +1

    I'm gonna pretend that the chess board is that one kid who tries intervening a battle between men, and that when the kid goes to sleep, the battle resumes.

  • @re1a2911
    @re1a2911 2 года назад +287

    Cherdleys took the fight seriously and god damn what a TANK of him. His humor is not everyone taste but his effort is world class.

    • @elliottvader2377
      @elliottvader2377 2 года назад +12

      He definitely has a chin on him!

    • @user-pk8bb6lf9b
      @user-pk8bb6lf9b 2 года назад +1

      He's a tank compared to Myth with very little training but even in the mediocre world of influencer boxing, he's not very good.

    • @Desh681
      @Desh681 Год назад

      His body shots were heavy af. It's easy not to see it until you slow the match by 0.75 and watch Myth's face on some of them. Apparently his Ali shuffle was him trying to shake the pain off and then rolling with the flow.

  • @ItsJCrew
    @ItsJCrew 2 года назад +895

    Myth's chess might not be incredible but his boxing was actually really good. He was seriously impressive in this match, would love to see him in another RUclips boxing event

    • @redmist6630
      @redmist6630 2 года назад +41

      chessboxing makes more sense for new boxers cuz they can recover more during the chess. you need good stamina for boxing

    • @AlexxTheAug
      @AlexxTheAug 2 года назад +7

      Why was everyone shitting on him about his chess? He’s beat ludwig 2/4 times

    • @SnipeyGaming
      @SnipeyGaming 2 года назад +20

      @@AlexxTheAugLudwig is also pretty bad lol

    • @frmug
      @frmug 2 года назад +4

      @@AlexxTheAug Ludwig isnt very good either

    • @AlexxTheAug
      @AlexxTheAug 2 года назад

      @@SnipeyGaming Exactly, so why was he talking shit lmao

  • @mkultra0
    @mkultra0 2 года назад +56

    sucks that the audios scuffed, but what a match. two legends, great event lud

  • @theguidinglich9712
    @theguidinglich9712 2 года назад +40

    props to myth for wearing a buttplug and still winning

  • @Hampus_006
    @Hampus_006 2 года назад +1

    Ludwig saying that Vivaldi-Winter is the best song written was so fun, it’s a piece not a song. But yes Ludwig, it is one of the greatest “songs”

  • @alkali1460
    @alkali1460 2 года назад +436

    Damn myth was looking beautiful in those boxing segments, such amazing technical skill for the amount of time he's been training. Get this man in the next Creator Clash

    • @ItsJustValHere
      @ItsJustValHere 2 года назад +15

      Unfortunately, it could be a bit late. They said they already have everyone paired a few days (maybe weeks?) ago, so maybe if someone else also enters last minute and happens to be a good match for Myth? I'd love to watch him and Cherdleys again in a boxing event, maybe not fighting each other, but fighting

    • @ashleyndlovu8636
      @ashleyndlovu8636 2 года назад +2

      If he can fix his striking and defence a bit he will be good

    • @TheReal_GigaChad
      @TheReal_GigaChad 2 года назад +2

      @@ashleyndlovu8636 Bro, for his being his first boxing match he's actually very good. He clearly has natural talent, so I hope he continues boxing.

  • @manuelsputnik
    @manuelsputnik 2 года назад +121

    Entertainment-wise, this match was amazing. The boxing was also the best of the entire night. The chess portion was funny. These guys should join a pure boxing event like Creator Clash!!

  • @SnufflySpy
    @SnufflySpy 2 года назад +370

    Lets be honest, this is much better content than if one person knew how to play and the other person did not

    • @wasd3108
      @wasd3108 2 года назад +10

      Myth isn't dumb, he could've done things but didn't do them on purpose

    • @DionMango
      @DionMango 2 года назад +9

      @@wasd3108 who said myth was dumb?

    • @wasd3108
      @wasd3108 2 года назад +2

      @@DionMango if you refer to their game, the way he played, and if someone thought that was him being serious and just his "chess rating level", then that someone thinks he's dumb. Because some mistakes smarter people wouldn't do just by looking at it first time (knowing the rules beforehand obviously)

    • @SadusCatus
      @SadusCatus 2 года назад +4

      @@wasd3108 why you reading into his comment so hard?

    • @wasd3108
      @wasd3108 2 года назад +1

      @@SadusCatus you already made a fail saying that it's about the comment

  • @hahahaha-yp2dx
    @hahahaha-yp2dx 5 месяцев назад +5

    wow this audio overlap i feel like im watching this on a pirated site

  • @katsumiis4699
    @katsumiis4699 2 года назад +99

    Did not expect Cherdley to be such a beast, definitely the most even boxing match of the night.

  • @ddist0rtt
    @ddist0rtt 2 года назад +32

    Cherdleys probably showed the best grasp of boxing fundamentals out of everyone. Wasnt afraid to take a shot and throw heat right back too.

  • @imambrose6339
    @imambrose6339 2 года назад +54

    i didnt expect this fight to be so good, they both fought really well and showed lots of respect for eachother while also joking around a bit

  • @CrimsonHeart3
    @CrimsonHeart3 2 года назад +143

    Lmao cherdleys entrance was hilarious

    • @apricot8301
      @apricot8301 2 года назад +12

      Cherdleys entire existence was hilarious 😂

  • @bentricks1844
    @bentricks1844 Год назад +2

    "These are legal moves. Maybe he's figured out something the chess world hasn't?"
    These announcers are fucking amazing lmao

  • @JW-452
    @JW-452 2 года назад +4

    The audio was messed up, sounds like the women's fight got recorded in the audio as well.

  • @earthbornplays3853
    @earthbornplays3853 2 года назад +30

    What an innovative move from Ludwig. We can now simultaneously watch one fight, and listen to a completely different one! Let’s go!

  • @niceguy712
    @niceguy712 2 года назад +138

    I'm completely surprised by cherdly because he can still fight myth until the last round, what a legend for both of them and thank you ludwid for the amazing event of the year

  • @JC-ch8lc
    @JC-ch8lc 2 года назад +136

    got some extra audio mixed in here. I was impressed that ya'll churned this video out so quickly after the fight happened (the event was still live when this video was published), but I'm not sure if speed is worth sacrificing quality. Probably could have held off until tomorrow and made sure the editing was good.

    • @georgia2321
      @georgia2321 2 года назад +23

      I’m sure they’ll fix the audio on it. It sounds like the editor was scrubbing through putting it together and had multiple layers of end up in this version. Still props for getting it up so fast (even like this) during a 6hr event that’s also a type of event they’ve never done before

  • @fachriranu1041
    @fachriranu1041 2 года назад +2

    The funny thing is this is the highest level of boxing in this event

  • @mrsirdude4702
    @mrsirdude4702 2 года назад +1

    damn, the person who kept watching the event and messing up the audio should probably find another job

  • @TyFRFX
    @TyFRFX 2 года назад +37

    actually so proud of Cherdleys after having watched his first fight and seeing him get knocked out badly by, to be fair, one of the best RUclips boxers at the moment.
    would love to see a rematch of Myth vs Cherdleys on an actual professional influencer boxing card.

  • @lesiropalamenthe6100
    @lesiropalamenthe6100 2 года назад +91

    Cherdleys single handedly made this match a classic

    •  2 года назад

      The boxing was great but personally I dont find it fun when people dont even try to play chess...

    • @chvy6268
      @chvy6268 2 года назад

      @ya he just ran the clock, at least allow more tjme

  • @RandomStuff-cd5qk
    @RandomStuff-cd5qk 2 года назад +91

    is the audio bugged for anyone else?

    • @mattc2403
      @mattc2403 2 года назад +1

      yea seems like it

    • @redmist6630
      @redmist6630 2 года назад +24


    • @renk9290
      @renk9290 2 года назад +4

      @@redmist6630 I have the Dina fight yelling at me

    • @daeguboy8136
      @daeguboy8136 2 года назад

      Yeah sadly

    • @TheidiotAmongUs
      @TheidiotAmongUs 2 года назад +4

      It sounds like someone is editing audio from Earlier for a highlight.

  • @rey-9911
    @rey-9911 2 года назад +2

    didn't know i was watching Andrea fighting, I thought it was Myth and Cherdleys

  • @mundane_object1593
    @mundane_object1593 2 года назад +13

    This ended up being unironically the hypest match of the night

  • @vasilliase
    @vasilliase 2 года назад +117

    Heads up, this video has messed up audio! There are many overlapping conversations throughout the video. If such a thing bothers you for whatever reason, it's probably best to play the video muted or with the volume low.
    Bringing this up for the people like me who suffer from auditory processing issues and delusions lmao

    • @id4551
      @id4551 2 года назад +5

      Thank you so much for this. I thought I was tripping out

    • @totallynotsam584
      @totallynotsam584 2 года назад


    • @ahtuuuuk3028
      @ahtuuuuk3028 2 года назад

      thank you

    • @daemonwisniewski8678
      @daemonwisniewski8678 2 года назад +1

      Same boat same boat

    • @duon44
      @duon44 2 года назад

      the audio on the livestream is fine so that's a better option

  • @isabella16939
    @isabella16939 2 года назад +133

    Well, Cherdleys got a new fan, lmao. Also, congrats to Myth. He has to be in the next Creators Clash.

    • @williammcnamara9049
      @williammcnamara9049 2 года назад +8

      Go watch cherdleys on cold ones, one of the best cold ones EPs him and Chad have a beautiful bromance

    • @isabella16939
      @isabella16939 2 года назад +7

      @@williammcnamara9049 Of course they would get along well 🤣 Thanks for the recommendation.

  • @zacharyshields977
    @zacharyshields977 2 года назад +75

    Cherdleys should have gone for the crit spot on myths chest

    • @DesTr069
      @DesTr069 2 года назад +1


    • @Hatman8
      @Hatman8 2 года назад

      just like fighting the grenade nose guy in cyberpunk

  • @draeeeeee
    @draeeeeee 2 года назад +11

    Man Myth got some crazy clenching skills

  • @JojoHopnasty
    @JojoHopnasty 2 года назад +2

    The fact that myth had a device shoced up hisbass thebentire time impresses me 👏👏👏 BRAVO

  • @yogis5380
    @yogis5380 2 года назад +73

    I was streaming this whole thing at work i had everybody in the kitchen watching and asking me who people were. Awesome event you had 40 year old clevelanders cheering for people they never heard of and it was lit

  • @thewatcher1894
    @thewatcher1894 2 года назад +24

    Absolutely incredible event, and I know there's a whole lot of stuff that goes into this and a lot of moving parts, but ya gotta have any rewatches that you're doing on a separate system to make sure it doesn't play on the broadcast, cause there were parts when it's completely unintelligible because we're hearing two commentaries at the same time. But all in all absolutely amazing work

  • @Tkabooey
    @Tkabooey 2 года назад +32

    Both of these guys are legends. Chess was hilarious and best fighting of the night IMO.

  • @acidwarrior2
    @acidwarrior2 2 года назад +2

    Jerma randomly creeping into our ears id definitly a Jerma thing

  • @-taptap-
    @-taptap- 2 года назад +11

    Both Cherdleys and Myth we're absolutely incredible. I loved every second of this match.

  • @querecep
    @querecep 2 года назад +55

    loved this whole event. the audio is scuffed as hell through a lot of this VOD, though.

    • @emnersonn
      @emnersonn 2 года назад +4


    • @daemonwisniewski8678
      @daemonwisniewski8678 2 года назад +4

      I was looking for this, I was worried I was only hearing it on my end

  • @Alixer560
    @Alixer560 2 года назад +46

    Dude this production quality is insane. the camera work, the introductions to the opponents... the graphics on the screens, the attention to details... just so well done for a youtuber.

    • @Nic134
      @Nic134 2 года назад +4

      See I had the opposite reaction. There was so much dead time. When I compare it to other RUclips boxing matches it is far worse. Not only production wise but the quality of the fights themselves. I thought watching the Pauls was bad but I don’t think anyone who fought tonight knew how to throw a punch. It doesn’t flow at all and the announcer Jerma was terrible…

    • @Alixer560
      @Alixer560 2 года назад +12

      @@Nic134 Dead time - you're gonna have that either way. Compared to what specific youtuber-run events? I literally just meant the production quality. the team behind the scenes that made all this work. Professional af. Wasn't talking about the quality of the matches or the quality of jerma's interviewing.

    • @Michael.032
      @Michael.032 2 года назад +4

      What was happening to the audio tho?????

    • @Alixer560
      @Alixer560 2 года назад +5

      @@Michael.032 ah probably some mistake in editing, thats why im not judging by that either

    • @user-xo8so6qu3f
      @user-xo8so6qu3f 2 года назад +12

      @@Michael.032 My guess is whoever was editing this recorded the match in the background, since they couldn't exactly download a whole 6 hour stream, while editing the other matches in the meantime. They probably recorded their entire desktop audio instead of just the stream, which is why we hear overlapping audio of some other match but it cuts in and out as the editor was probably scrubbing through the match

  • @tubemaster4268
    @tubemaster4268 2 года назад +6

    This is like a fever dream with all the audio tracks overlayed

  • @BlakeRosier
    @BlakeRosier 2 года назад +1

    If only i had kissed Cherdleys one more time he would have won...

  • @InBobWeTrust
    @InBobWeTrust 2 года назад +3

    8:06 this is what it sounds like in my head all the time.

  • @bigchilling420
    @bigchilling420 2 года назад +19

    Chessboxing: but the sound engineer is never getting rehired

    • @SurfTheSkyline
      @SurfTheSkyline 2 года назад +5

      The sound was not messed up live but the uploads have seemed to have wonky audio

    • @bigchilling420
      @bigchilling420 2 года назад +1

      @@SurfTheSkyline aiight fair.
      Chessboxing: Ludwig's editor is getting a stern talking to

  • @hunnybeezy
    @hunnybeezy 2 года назад +107

    This was my favorite match of the night. Can't believe Cherdley's resilience to those hits! Does he have an iron frame???

    • @daeguboy8136
      @daeguboy8136 2 года назад +3

      This was my favorite match too! Hilarious and entertaining

    • @drakohyena9672
      @drakohyena9672 2 года назад +1

      Its called brain damage

    • @potatoonastick2239
      @potatoonastick2239 2 года назад +14

      It's the bong water

    • @omardevonlittle3817
      @omardevonlittle3817 2 года назад +1

      Myth was throwing at like 40% power the vast majority. He didnt throw anything full steam

    • @tumblewed538
      @tumblewed538 2 года назад +11

      @@omardevonlittle3817yea cause anytime he did cherdley hit over his hand. Counters are scary

  • @Yogryph
    @Yogryph 2 года назад +62

    best match hands down.
    Cherdley absolutely the MVP for the whole event for making such a good show and spreading good vibes to everyone. Myth, the announcers, and the audience would have been worse off without him.

  • @ThatUnfunGuy
    @ThatUnfunGuy 2 года назад +1

    My doctor: You're finally cancer free.
    The audio track in this video: nah...

  • @BRoyce69
    @BRoyce69 2 года назад +4

    Honestly mad respect to cherdlys, one of the more mismatched fights as far as boxing goes physically but their chess skill and vibe are probably the major factors in what matched them.
    Still MAD RESPECT for sticking it out.

  • @kytowrld
    @kytowrld 2 года назад +8

    i felt schizophrenic watching some of this with the double and triple commentary playback at moments

  • @SantiagoFernandez-go9pm
    @SantiagoFernandez-go9pm 2 года назад +17

    Am I the only one in shock of how many shots to the face Cherdleys took like how is that even possible

  • @marianocenteno4603
    @marianocenteno4603 2 года назад +7

    i have so much respect for cherdleys fr

  • @alphalance9408
    @alphalance9408 2 года назад +1

    I had hoped cherdleys would have taken the chess more serious...

  • @yenooc528
    @yenooc528 2 года назад +1

    No RUclips event, nay, nothing In my life has left me so confused

  • @realjames1
    @realjames1 2 года назад +4

    cherdley was the most surprising boxer in this event, man was made of diamonds

  • @watataenjoyer
    @watataenjoyer 2 года назад +7

    Props to myth for surviving, athlete vs boxer madlad maddog cherd opening was pretty next level

  • @dannyboi1679
    @dannyboi1679 2 года назад +4

    17:12 god that footwork went so hard

  • @PuApOoK
    @PuApOoK 2 года назад +6

    Cherdly was surprising in the boxing rounds. He has a Joker vibe for some reason. Takes hits and keeps on going.

  • @sour_milk_tho7369
    @sour_milk_tho7369 2 года назад +1

    best way to watch the boxing match is muting and putting rocky on in the backround

  • @shanevervoort8988
    @shanevervoort8988 2 года назад +7

    Myth was definitely impressive, but Cherdleys surprised me the most. He sucked his last match, and came in here and did pretty decent. He even won the final round.

  • @omardevonlittle3817
    @omardevonlittle3817 2 года назад +9

    Its actually crazy... headed into 2023. Myth keeps growing... physically and mentally. dude is yoked, clear skin, got a cpl skills on him. What a glow up. Meanwhile Dae and Hamz are... well thats not important. Props Ali. Stud.

  • @b1gshoota
    @b1gshoota 2 года назад +6

    I loved the parts where the audio would just go to a different fight

  • @loganvanwert5893
    @loganvanwert5893 2 года назад +2

    Myth was playing this is a vibrating device up mis butt to tell him where to move the chess pieces😂

  • @brennanjensen6993
    @brennanjensen6993 2 года назад +1

    Cherdleys put up a good fight, But I knew Myth has it once I saw Matt from Wii Sports in his corner

  • @diego02l427
    @diego02l427 2 года назад +8

    I’m surprised myth didn’t knock him out. He landed so many clean shots but I guess his opponent had a chin or myth held back his power

  • @ItsJustValHere
    @ItsJustValHere 2 года назад +17

    This was my favorite match by far. Maybe because I actually know and enjoy both opponents' content, maybe because no one expected Cherdleys to fight like he did or maybe because I really enjoy his videos and type of comedy. I was laughing so much! And then he was impressive! I really hope they fight again!

  • @It4l1n0o
    @It4l1n0o 2 года назад +13

    For myth to perform like that in his first boxing match is crazy. He has a load of potential in the influential boxing scene. I hope he takes it more serious and can get on the misfits card so he can improve and showcase his skills.

  • @stubbs7861
    @stubbs7861 2 года назад +1

    there was a fight scene in the production room during this match

  • @acycle2124
    @acycle2124 2 года назад +2

    this match deserves to be uploaded with appropiate audio

  • @stickywater3728
    @stickywater3728 2 года назад +13

    bro the way he's sitting with his back arched LMAO

  • @WarriorVeldoren
    @WarriorVeldoren 2 года назад +10

    Wow Cherdlys' got the heart of a lion. Did not expect that. I kinda assumed Myth would kinda overpower him with his length and speed.

  • @MrOmniViolence
    @MrOmniViolence 2 года назад +8

    Watching Myth slip left and right actually looked clean and then also feinting a left or right punch and then circles the opposite side and lands clean hits nearly every time.

  • @mannylamboy5441
    @mannylamboy5441 2 года назад +2

    The real blunder is the audio

  • @Dwrulesalot
    @Dwrulesalot 2 года назад +1

    The audio sounds like someone's looking at clips/fast forwarding through other chess boxing audio while this thing plays and not only is it distracting it really recks the immersion

  • @IzzyIsntReal
    @IzzyIsntReal 2 года назад +6

    These audio issues make it so hard to watch

    @THRMLVZN 2 года назад +4

    Myth with the best walkout of the whole event

  • @c.o.m.m.i.t
    @c.o.m.m.i.t 2 года назад +4

    I think once the audio stuff is fixed, and some technical stuff is all golden, then watching it online will be amazing, wonderful event to see though

  • @impishlyImp-rt2yb
    @impishlyImp-rt2yb 8 месяцев назад +1

    Any one else notice that Gotham chess was narrating that match

  • @abdullahaltaf334
    @abdullahaltaf334 10 месяцев назад +1

    the person who came up with this idea needs a raise

  • @potatoonastick2239
    @potatoonastick2239 2 года назад +4

    How on earth did they mess up the audio this much? It wasn't even like this live?

  • @jacksonlegler9375
    @jacksonlegler9375 2 года назад +4

    Two people that are amazing at playing characters on stream and wow they both put on a SHOW .

  • @Ryzawa
    @Ryzawa 2 года назад +4

    Myth is in another world, some real Hugs performance from him.

  • @Prostylez72
    @Prostylez72 2 года назад +1

    Audio is JACKED in this vid

  • @BarshanGhoshB
    @BarshanGhoshB 2 года назад +1

    best commentary ever.. just all 3 of them talking together over a game of chessboxing.. marvellous