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Natashas Bedroom
Natashas Bedroom

Human Toilet Mindwash (480p)

1/19/19 1:05 PM16 min0 MBmp4480p
Prezzo18.99 EUR
Categorie CorrelateN/D
Parole chiaveN/D

You're not a man. You're not even a person. You're just a toilet for me to sh-t and piss into whenever nature calls. 


Your lips are my toilet seat. Your tongue is my toilet paper. Your mouth is my personal sh-t collector. Your stomach is my sewage tank, ready to be filled with my waste at any time, night or day. When I want to flush, your throat will contract, and you'll swallow down every bit of the filth that I've deposited into you. You're a toilet that loves to be fed.


You are my little toilet boy, aren't you? I don't even need to brainwash you into the job, but I will. I want a hungry, hungry toilet boy. A well trained pee and sh-t bucket.


Lie down on the ground. Open your mouth. And repeat after me.


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