A Whiter Shade Of Pale - Procol Harum (Cover by Emily Linge)

  • Опубликовано: 11 мар 2025
  • "A Whiter Shade Of Pale" by Procol Harum - Cover by Emily Linge
    I'd like to pay tribute to Gary Brooker with this timeless masterpiece by Procol Harum. This song was inspired by Johann Sebastian Bach.
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    Special thanks to ‪@OvidioDeFerrari‬ for helping with the piano arrangement
    Thanks also to ‪@elvisgaragic9104‬ from ‪@SoundStruckStudios‬ Dubai for the mix/mastering
    We skipped the light fandango
    Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
    I was feeling kinda seasick
    The crowd called out for more
    The room was humming harder
    As the ceiling flew away
    When we called out for another drink
    The waiter brought a tray
    And so it was that later
    As the miller told his tale
    That her face, at first just ghostly
    Turned a whiter shade of pale
    She said "there is no reason"
    And the truth is plain to see
    But I wandered through my playing cards
    Would not let her be
    One of sixteen vestal virgins
    Who were leaving for the coast
    And although my eyes were open
    They might have just as well've been closed
    And so it was that later
    As the miller told his tale
    That her face, at first just ghostly
    Turned a whiter shade of pale
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    About Emily Linge:
    Emily Linge is a British-Norwegian singer songwriter, born and raised in Dubai. Music has been Emily’s passion from a young age. She loves to write and record original music, as well as recording covers of other artists’ songs. Emily Linge has learned how to play from ​Ovidio DeFerrari (piano) and Simon Tomkins (guitar). ​Outside of music, Emily is an avid tennis player, painter, and seamstress. Make sure to subscribe above for more Emily Linge videos!
    #procolharum #awhitershadeofpale #EmilyLinge

Комментарии • 8 тыс.

  • @Boxrec297
    @Boxrec297 11 месяцев назад +102

    Gary Brooker MBE (29 May 1945 - 19 February 2022) was an English singer and pianist, and the founder and lead singer of the rock band Procol Harum.
    RIP Gary

    • @MrPremiere04
      @MrPremiere04 2 месяца назад +3

      Sad though it was, Gary's passing may very well have led to this tribute from Emily. She recorded it,only two weeks afterwards.

    • @estherdaniel1863
      @estherdaniel1863 Месяц назад +1

      Voice of velvet ,pure heavenly spirit you r soothing every breath I take.Thank you

  • @michaels3583
    @michaels3583 Год назад +489

    It's 530 am, woke up and saw
    this on my feed. The way she sings one of the best songs ever written floored me, I'm a disabled veteran and I used to use this song to sleep at night, it calmed me. This version is angelic. I have a tear running down my cheek hearing this..Thank you young lady for respecting this beautiful song..

    • @rukidding-y2c
      @rukidding-y2c 7 месяцев назад +7

      Easy on the eyes, too! Hey! It doesn't hurt.

    • @craftyone5419
      @craftyone5419 Месяц назад +1

      Thank you for your service, and I am so sorry you are disabled! May God help you on this Earth!❤❤

  • @RobertBeerbohm
    @RobertBeerbohm 2 года назад +257

    I am 70. Nice to know such music is passing on to new generations to learn from. You have heart, young lady

    • @orvileroa8538
      @orvileroa8538 2 года назад +3

      A top hits before now a classic in a different covers, versions and different kinds of musical instruments 🎶🎶🎸🎻🎺🎷🥁

    • @dddk236
      @dddk236 2 года назад +11

      A masterpiece of lyrics combined with a heavenly voice and the artistic piano performance by a beautiful young lady. Life without nice music is not worthwhile.

    • @gilliandebruin1166
      @gilliandebruin1166 2 года назад +8

      Stunning congratulations

    • @ParkerPlaza
      @ParkerPlaza 11 месяцев назад +3

      Right, keep good music going...

    • @NewSonicLight
      @NewSonicLight 9 дней назад

      Agreed. Dito 70 y.o. here and I bought the 45 of this song when it came out. Her rendition avoids the popular pop-song female vocalist trills and IMO lack of substance of so many these days. Her intonation respects the ethos of the original with a gentle, yet grounded, melodic presence.

  • @rolandmousaa3110
    @rolandmousaa3110 11 месяцев назад +151

    So wonderful to hear a beautiful young girl singing our songs from the 60's with feelings.. WOW! Roland (Grammy Winner)

    • @davemort6745
      @davemort6745 10 месяцев назад +6

      Very well sung outstanding talent on the piano as well you go girl ❤️ x

    • @Whistleblower-To
      @Whistleblower-To 7 месяцев назад +5

      Prezada Emiily poderia canta algums músicas de Cat Stevens?

  • @SihMirmantyoAnggonolukito
    @SihMirmantyoAnggonolukito Год назад +151

    a whiter shade of pale is my favorite song, sung by Emily Linge so beautifully with her soft piano playing...

  • @larrysink6908
    @larrysink6908 3 года назад +1508

    The original version of this classic is still my favorite (I am 82 year old), but it warms my heart to hear this talented young musician cover my all-time favorite.

    • @EmilyLinge
      @EmilyLinge  3 года назад +279

      I love the original! Thanks for listening

    • @MrAlbany2008
      @MrAlbany2008 2 года назад +34

      I am a brazilian man and I love this song too.

    • @Westyrulz
      @Westyrulz 2 года назад +29

      @@EmilyLinge Thanks for providing such a listening pleasure!

    • @jamescohen
      @jamescohen 2 года назад +33

      What do you think of the Live in Denmark with that exceptional orchestra version Larry?

    • @snafu7691
      @snafu7691 2 года назад +41

      I'm 71 and love this song and this cover is beautuful

  • @charlesarnold7593
    @charlesarnold7593 Год назад +139

    This song has been playing periodically in my mind for over fifty years now. My dance partner and I closed out the High School prom with a slow dance to this very tune. For us, it was a shining moment, we left the dance floor and went on to marriage and life. Never had to look back because we always had that moment, that tune, in our head. We talk about it from time to time. You brought all that back. A testament to your talent.

    • @mikeorgan1993
      @mikeorgan1993 9 месяцев назад +3

      When I lived in York back in the early 70's there were two songs the DJs would play as we all left the nightclub at closing time (2am). 'Whiter Shade of Pale' and 'Without You' sometimes by Neilson other times the original Badfinger. Both are lovely ways to end a night.

    • @MorganOtt-ne1qj
      @MorganOtt-ne1qj 3 месяца назад

      And a testament to your marriage. 👍, and many more years to come for y'all!

  • @MrPerMorten
    @MrPerMorten 11 месяцев назад +39

    This song is covered a lot. But this version is hands down, one of the best! Thank you, Emily!

  • @glennsohm6643
    @glennsohm6643 2 года назад +62

    Admire people who can play an instrument and sing along with it, and then manage to capture meaning and express emotions in their vocalizations.

  • @Pelican5077
    @Pelican5077 2 года назад +111

    I’m 67. Thanks for the memories. So wonderful to see young artists do justice to the classics. First time I listened to you. You have a new sub!

  • @paulhall170
    @paulhall170 2 года назад +105

    Gary would be proud at such a sensitive rendition of his signature song.

  • @michaelr8032
    @michaelr8032 11 месяцев назад +21

    you honored the song yet made it your own. what a great version! thank you for recording this one.

    • @mervynnel9267
      @mervynnel9267 8 дней назад

      Totally agree with your comments, @michaelr8032. There is still goodness in this world, thanks to people like you.

  • @stepinfetchit9394
    @stepinfetchit9394 Год назад +65

    My goodness, young lady. You are very talented. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!

  • @w.rustylane5650
    @w.rustylane5650 Год назад +62

    A very talented young lady. I've always loved this Procol Harem song. It's been a favorite for many years. I'm 72 and still enjoying cover bands from my era. God bless. Cheers from eastern TN

  • @dukestirstewshelton5288
    @dukestirstewshelton5288 Год назад +71

    And more!
    You have blessed this song

  • @andangtri1542
    @andangtri1542 3 месяца назад +12

    She knows how to play piano very well. It flows like water in the river. God bless her.

  • @gianinni2002
    @gianinni2002 2 года назад +255

    I love to see the young people keep our “golden oldies” alive. This is a particularly excellent version!

  • @yodajazzcat
    @yodajazzcat 2 года назад +324

    This girl knows how to present a classic song properly. Totally sublime.

    • @kennethwendt702
      @kennethwendt702 2 года назад +9

      The best good job

    • @edwinschwartz2472
      @edwinschwartz2472 2 года назад +18

      Emily you really have a beautiful voice, and a great soft touch on this classic song. Thanks for the memories !

    • @emiliester-pianista5652
      @emiliester-pianista5652 2 года назад +13

      Emily linge, A Star who shines for this wonderful interpretation one of the most beautiful songs of all time! I love this song! congratulation, Emily!

  • @182britania
    @182britania Год назад +88

    One of my favourite songs sung by the voice of an angel.

  • @teddymoodley9495
    @teddymoodley9495 Месяц назад +5

    I'm 80 and still listen to this song.
    Gary Brooker and Procol Harem.
    Unforgettable ❤❤
    Very nice cover by a beautiful young lady❤

  • @ttwiligh7
    @ttwiligh7 2 года назад +50

    I love the modesty in her voice. A little shyness makes the performance really lovely.

  • @peteestes
    @peteestes Год назад +63

    Unexpected shivers from the top of my spinal cord down to the tips of my feet and eyes quietly tearing from the start to the last notes on the keyboard! I'm 73 years old.

  • @glenosborne3235
    @glenosborne3235 2 года назад +52

    This has to be my favorite version ever and I'm 65, I've heard plenty. You go gurl.

  • @СтасБрескин
    @СтасБрескин 11 месяцев назад +16

    Дуже сподобалось ця легендарна пiсня у вашому виконаннi.

  • @marklittrell5650
    @marklittrell5650 3 года назад +90

    Emily and a Piano. A chilling combination.... Really nice tribute Emily ... RIP Gary Brooker.

  • @disdonc6.klasse549
    @disdonc6.klasse549 2 года назад +147

    What I like the most with this recording is that there are no over-the-top effects on her voice like hall and reverb etc. It sounds very raw and crisp.

  • @ronpeter3
    @ronpeter3 Год назад +36

    This performance keeps me coming back for encores, month after month.

  • @DonaldCorum-m3j
    @DonaldCorum-m3j 29 дней назад +4

    Just a few years younger than Gary Brooker, so this was a big, big song when I was a youngster. Have to say that Emily sings this so you can understand every word. I love the memory she gives me with her version of this song.

  • @vladilive
    @vladilive 3 года назад +69

    A young woman magnificently interpreting a classic from a time when she was not yet born. Example that quality music survives eternally for several generations.

    • @shirleysmith6402
      @shirleysmith6402 2 года назад +2

      Has Emily been on America's got talent! She's a star already!

  • @davidmerrick467
    @davidmerrick467 2 года назад +188

    Damn Girl FLAWLESS!!!!!! I'm 70 and had forgotten about this song many years ago, Your rendition is the BEST interpretation of any song I've ever heard. You recreated a scene and with true professionalism and perfect artistry, Neither over singing or under singing you weaved a spell I will never forget. Blessings to you

    • @walterh.schreiber7670
      @walterh.schreiber7670 2 года назад +14

      Also 70! Agree totally

    • @sankardevc
      @sankardevc 2 года назад +5

      absolutely agree ! the right pitch and tempo

    • @UnclePaulsBeatlesPopPlayhouse
      @UnclePaulsBeatlesPopPlayhouse 2 года назад +3

      Incredible I'm speechless

    • @stanleythomas1704
      @stanleythomas1704 2 года назад +2

      Absolutely true😊

    • @jgar611
      @jgar611 2 года назад

      Kind of reminds me of a senior prom. Except we never got to drink. This youngster has a remarkable Talent. It's very hard play piano like that. Watch the finger movements, pay close attention to the rhythms. I can do that on a clavinova but I can't sing at the same time. Of course I did start to try till it was 50

  • @tomformanek3312
    @tomformanek3312 2 года назад +56

    This song meant so much to so many old enough to be your grandparents. We just lost Gary Brooker and I can think of no finer tribute than to know his music lives on so beautifully.
    Shine on brightly!

  • @donaldtucker2707
    @donaldtucker2707 9 месяцев назад +34

    Her singing was superb. It is possible that her piano playing was even better. Emily is one of the best young singers out there.

  • @evelynbingmills9675
    @evelynbingmills9675 2 года назад +46

    What a beautiful voice! Rest in Peace, Gary Brooker. Your song will leave forever.

  • @a990dna
    @a990dna 2 года назад +27

    RIP Gary Brooker...
    Emily, this is your song now. Absolute stunning rendition... awesome performance with your smoky voice and weary eyes -- you took me back to 1967 when Procol Harum released this eclectic song.

  • @DavidPatersonPortraits
    @DavidPatersonPortraits Год назад +36

    One of my favourite songs sung by a very talented and beautiful young lady. Many thanks for sharing and wish you all the happiness in the world.

  • @thomasfecanins5112
    @thomasfecanins5112 3 месяца назад +3

    I am a 65 year old man who plays piano, and I just closed my eyes and enjoyed this ...Thank you

  • @Rob89139
    @Rob89139 3 года назад +22

    Love how she changes classics just slightly so as to show her perspective without taking away from the original

  • @IdealDanl
    @IdealDanl Год назад +24

    A year in, I still love this version. You call them "covers," your work. I call them Linge innovations.

    • @IdealDanl
      @IdealDanl Год назад +9

      To say I also love the original does not take away from your interpretation. (Saw Pocol Harum in concert performing this. Fillmore East, nearly to the day, March 1969). (Yes, old I am. I've listened to music nearly every day of my life, and I enjoy your talent.)

  • @weedergoose
    @weedergoose 3 года назад +53

    Has a line in popular music ever matched “her face at first just ghostly turned a whiter shade of pale”? Fantastic tribute Emily.

  • @RocklinForsey-xi2sl
    @RocklinForsey-xi2sl 3 месяца назад +5

    I am just in love with this young ladies playing and singing. I just cannot get enough of her. She sings beautifully, her fingers play the piano so beautifully. I am a fan. Normally I wouldnt be such a fan, but this young woman is incredibly talented. I hope all the best for her

  • @markgriffin7016
    @markgriffin7016 2 года назад +50

    We need more young talented artists like this lady to explore and cover music from this era. She absolutely nailed it. One of my all time favorite songs.

  • @mtmarcy4495
    @mtmarcy4495 3 года назад +114

    I've probably listened to this song hundreds of times over the years. This was the first time it moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing your gift, Emily.

  • @jesbvt
    @jesbvt 2 года назад +45

    “Talented”does not do you justice. Your music selection puts you in such a different class. You are an incredibly talented artist, singer and musician.

  • @frankedwardcurry
    @frankedwardcurry 11 месяцев назад +8

    Beautiful Voice and Awesome Piano !!!

  • @vek679
    @vek679 2 года назад +101

    Fantastic. This was a hit way back in the 60’s. Love seeing young people keeping these great songs alive

  • @darbypicnic7179
    @darbypicnic7179 2 года назад +75

    The second the vocal started, I knew this was going to be great. Well done.

  • @TerryYelmene
    @TerryYelmene Год назад +86

    It's hard to imagine a better arrangement, played any better. This woman has given us a wonderful cover of a classic song. This is SO well done!

    • @Malcolm-p4r
      @Malcolm-p4r Год назад +6

      Another classic smash hit of the 60's covered by Emily with good harmony's and skill on the piano🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿☮️🎸👍😍

    • @tinogabriel5096
      @tinogabriel5096 5 месяцев назад

      I Love it !! ❤❤

  • @geoffreygushue2280
    @geoffreygushue2280 Год назад +26

    Always the last song played at my high school dances...1971-74...always.

  • @altarnation1580
    @altarnation1580 3 года назад +71

    Beautiful rendition of a very good song. No vocal or piano acrobatics, thrown in to try and impress, just heartfelt, beautiful singing and playing. There is something very special about your voice. Very refreshing. Well done, Emily!

  • @MikeCalma
    @MikeCalma 3 года назад +73

    Just as haunting as the original and a fine tribute to Gary Brooker. Procol Harum was one of my favorite bands back in the day. Mission accomplished, Emily.

  • @hans-peterfrisch138
    @hans-peterfrisch138 3 года назад +143

    Emily puts a deeply personal stamp on every song she covers. So it's actually never a cover song, but always a completely reinterpreted version with its very own attitude to life that suits its generation! That's a really great achievement!

  • @mitchgingras3899
    @mitchgingras3899 Год назад +3

    Emily never needs to smile and charm the camera. Her talent is all we'll ever need to fly away.

  • @tomtimor9789
    @tomtimor9789 2 года назад +28

    Excellent ! It is good to see a next generation still enjoying music of seventies.

  • @alkelly4140
    @alkelly4140 3 года назад +46

    From an old rocking keyboarder who has heard this played so many times, this was beautiful. Refreshing and beautiful.

  • @shawnn7502
    @shawnn7502 2 года назад +53

    Beautiful. This version is tender, vulnerable and soulful. Whereas the original is more haunting, surreal and mysterious.

  • @deniseortega5118
    @deniseortega5118 8 месяцев назад +15

    It is so wonderful to see someone so young performing this wonderful song. She is excellent at what she does and thank you so much for sharing.

  • @roberttroesch-edamsaskcana3652
    @roberttroesch-edamsaskcana3652 3 года назад +32

    Emily I hope you understand how much I appreciate you keeping this beautiful classic music alive for folks of my generation. Truly a incredible multi talented young woman!!!

  • @1950harleycharley
    @1950harleycharley Год назад +22

    This young lady has an incredible talent singing with her piano or her guitar. Master of all three. Such clarity!

  • @simonfairclough1362
    @simonfairclough1362 3 года назад +65

    One of the great songs performed by an angelic voice and a fabulous pianist. Wonderful! 👏👏

    • @williamfoy599
      @williamfoy599 3 года назад +1

      Emily, I hope your future is as bright as the sun.

  • @alpha51omega38
    @alpha51omega38 26 дней назад +2

    Nothing makes my heart beat and feel goodness, more than seeing, hearing young voices of today, singing, performing the best music from the best era of rock music: MY generation. And we love her and we appreciate her talents, and mostly her recognition that she is playing the greatest music of the last 100 years. Very talented. Thank you so very much Emily Linge.

  • @TheMadManPlace
    @TheMadManPlace 2 года назад +40

    As one of the not so many people left in this world that actually grew up in the era of this song ( and many of the others that you cover ) please allow me to thank you and the other young artists that keep this music alive for the generations that were not yet born.
    A "soppy" comment? - Yes...
    By a grateful commentor...

    • @catskill49murphy27
      @catskill49murphy27 2 года назад +7

      Interesting comment....I was thinking the other day that in the near future there won't be anyone left of the 1/2 million or so attendees at the Woodstock festival....This young lady does a great service in resurrecting these wonderful old songs..

  • @davidrhaslam6863
    @davidrhaslam6863 2 года назад +26

    Emily’s voice has a beautiful natural sound that in my view put this version up there with the original.

  • @canadian1677
    @canadian1677 3 года назад +1354

    This beautiful Song, was the most Popular SLOW DANCE SONG, during my Late Teens!! I have wonderful memories dancing with my Fiance to this Song! It usually was played by the DJs at the end of the Night! Don't know how u found it, but for a Teen to Love this Music these days prove how Good the Music was back in the 70's!! You did all of us Older Music Lovers, a great Service with your amazing Version Emily! Thank you so Much!!

    • @TheGecko213
      @TheGecko213 3 года назад +74

      Even I am surprised at the choice of songs sung by Emily . She is all of 14 yrs old and she already knows most of the good vintage songs .
      I think it is the legacy of her Mom who was a singer in a her own band , so it’s all genetics 😊

    • @southernsass2937
      @southernsass2937 3 года назад +70

      💯 Agree with you!

    • @xav1952
      @xav1952 3 года назад +34

      Couldn't agree more with you ,Canadian! We must belong to the same age group.

    • @mickbozo
      @mickbozo 3 года назад +44

      That be the sixties me ole boy.

    • @CynthiaKenswil
      @CynthiaKenswil 3 года назад +32

      Chapeau Emily, brilliant!

  • @berndschulze8450
    @berndschulze8450 9 месяцев назад +14

    This young lady is an exceptional talent, absolutely sensitive and captivating at the same time! Wow! I bow my head ...🥰

  • @Flake_ice_Piano
    @Flake_ice_Piano Год назад +68

    Why did my youth pass away so quickly? Save your time... Thank you, you're just the best!! ✌️

    • @mjeffn2
      @mjeffn2 Год назад

      It sure goes fast.

  • @manfredglaremin4533
    @manfredglaremin4533 2 года назад +27

    The first time i understand this song. This is so pure, so emotional. Tears are in my eyes. Young lady, you touch my heart and my soul. Wow.

  • @petergregory8864
    @petergregory8864 3 года назад +26

    Been listening to this song for over fifty years!
    And that was simply, and absolutely beautiful. Thankyou.

  • @fresnokidsr
    @fresnokidsr 6 месяцев назад +4

    I Love seeing youngins like her find and cover great old songs like this one. Beautiful job Ms. Emily

  • @Capfka
    @Capfka 3 года назад +120

    Emily, never heard you before, but I think that Gary Brooker would have been really impressed with this version of his masterpiece!

    • @大岡勝-j2u
      @大岡勝-j2u 2 года назад +4


  • @omercasher9732
    @omercasher9732 3 года назад +307

    I was saddened by Gary Brooker's death but I can't think of a more beautiful ode than what I just heard. Thank you Emily.

    • @johne6081
      @johne6081 3 года назад +15

      Emily's is one of my favorite covers of this timeless song, which has always been one of my favorites since I first heard it in high school.

    • @justicegusting2476
      @justicegusting2476 3 года назад +21

      Gary Brooker died?! That is devastating news. RIP Gary. You brought me many hours of peace and enjoyment.
      So glad to see the younger generation appreciating such fine music.

    • @omercasher9732
      @omercasher9732 3 года назад +11

      Isn't it lovely?

    • @derekkoonin3460
      @derekkoonin3460 2 года назад +12

      Absolutely brilliant! I keep watching over and over, such amazing talent!

    • @emiliester-pianista5652
      @emiliester-pianista5652 2 года назад +9

      Emily linge, A Star who shines for this wonderful interpretation one of the most beautiful songs of all time! I love this song! congratulation, Emily!

  • @timcarter7616
    @timcarter7616 2 года назад +44

    Just beautiful. Emily sings her heart out. What a lovely little songbird.

  • @benedictoramones1868
    @benedictoramones1868 8 месяцев назад +10

    A Blessed day!! I always listened to this song and all your songs hundreds times over the years. I am 75yrs a pilipino, moving me to tears, happy and enjoying all your songs! Thanks for sharing your beautiful songs, God gift!!! Emily.

  • @johnhealy8513
    @johnhealy8513 2 года назад +39

    Every note is a winner because of such a controlled touch and expression as is her singing.

  • @normanjones629
    @normanjones629 3 года назад +67

    You deserve all the good feedback you have brought to you here. All us old guys from the era of growing old with Gary miss him very much Your talent seems older than you are and you have shown us respect for our age and Gary's. You have earned yourself many old fans.

    • @ozepilot1
      @ozepilot1 3 года назад +5

      Norman, I am guessing I am not as old as you as Procol Harum was before my time, but I love this song. Gary Brooker played a brilliant version of it back in 2006 in Denmark with a full orchestra. I have played the video many times. I am sure you have seen it. Sad to see that he passed away recently.

  • @TheMarylandRoadKing
    @TheMarylandRoadKing 2 года назад +47

    Beautiful rendition. And a fine homage to Gary Brooker, who passed away two months ago.

  • @andangtri1542
    @andangtri1542 3 месяца назад +2

    Wowww. The memorable song for me. It was about in October in 1969 when I listened to this Legendary song. I never forget the way I felt that time. It was very touching. Thank you. God bless you.

  • @wayneclack9145
    @wayneclack9145 2 года назад +36

    Superb, she is brilliant and considering that she hasn't got the backing of a full orchestra and backing singers, or an atmospheric video, she creates her own atmosphere. A great songstress, who should go far.

  • @supermopar7497
    @supermopar7497 2 года назад +18

    Girl, you’re nothing less than outrageous. You’ve taken one of the great classics from my era, soon to be 63. & just brought it to a level, unimaginable. Outrageous, Dynamic

  • @jeffkretzer1827
    @jeffkretzer1827 2 года назад +18

    Such a superb performance. Gary Brooker would be extremely impressed. It's nice to see a younger generation performing such a classic piece

  • @rundmw
    @rundmw 9 месяцев назад +6

    Wow, I'm blown away. Just... wow...
    This is now my goto version of this song. So excellent.

  • @scotth.2306
    @scotth.2306 3 года назад +31

    One Of The Most Beautiful Pieces of Music Ever Written And You Performed it In The Most Beautiful Way Emily!! We All Thank You!!

  • @yoseffeigenbaum9639
    @yoseffeigenbaum9639 3 года назад +18

    Gary Brooker's recent passing brought back so many memories; a piece of my youth died.
    Your rendition is a wonderful tribute. Thank you Emily...

  • @kobusdutoitbosman6240
    @kobusdutoitbosman6240 3 года назад +34

    She makes the sadness of the passing away of the original performer lighter to bear, and brings a new dimension to the beauty of the original work performed over such a long period of time to one’s greatest joys…Thank you Emily.
    A great tribute.
    Keep going strongly, powerfully.
    Your gentility is a wonderful strength…a most powerful and deeply touching one.
    Touché per excellénce.

  • @mr.mikeyg.5282
    @mr.mikeyg.5282 Год назад +18

    Well done young lady!
    I was about you age when this song hit the charts.
    Thank you for keeping it it alive. I love your rendition.
    Oh, great piano

  • @davidheywood9645
    @davidheywood9645 3 года назад +143

    Emily, when I heard the sad news of Gary's death a few days ago I told some of my friends I had no doubt that you were going to record a cover of this that would take your breath away. You now have that signature sound of total respect to classic originals with a twist of special "Emily magic" to make your covers absolutely stunning. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us.

    • @lionheartroar3104
      @lionheartroar3104 3 года назад +11

      Well said David. She is stunning.

    • @ianwilliams2373
      @ianwilliams2373 2 года назад +5

      You hit the nail on the head @David Heywood.. she certainly has has "Emily magic"..!

    • @derekkoonin3460
      @derekkoonin3460 2 года назад +6

      Emily’s voice and piano playing are both beautiful and brilliant and certainly pay tribute to this favorite song of mine!

  • @louisirwin2474
    @louisirwin2474 3 года назад +26

    Her voice is exceptional in its tone and range. She hits each note with perfection. The piano self-accompaniment was gorgeous, and lent a melancholy edge to the lyrics. Best wishes to Emily for a successful career and a happy life.

  • @WillaAbout
    @WillaAbout 2 года назад +16

    Strong piano skill. The rhythm, especially. And nice powerful voice. That's why I LOVE EMILY.

  • @HelioWakasugui
    @HelioWakasugui 5 месяцев назад +6

    We should remember that Procol Harum member Matthew Fisher was a co-writer and (probably) composed the melody line that made this song world wide famous.

  • @СергейЛеонов-о3и
    @СергейЛеонов-о3и 2 года назад +28

    The unique precision of the original arrangements and all this only on one instrument plus singing without the slightest inaccuracy!!! True talent is not for the sake of money, but just a desire to share your feelings.! Bravo Emily!

  • @peterkrause1842
    @peterkrause1842 Год назад +16

    What a beautiful interpretation that captures the mystery of the original. She gives the old song a wonderful feminine flavor with such strong yet delicate piano skills in support of the clear beauty of the lyrics.

  • @erwinerwin1245
    @erwinerwin1245 2 года назад +18

    Just fantastic. Sounds as good as a full band Just her amazing voice and her excellent piano playing.

  • @JohansScott
    @JohansScott 2 месяца назад +15

    Congratulations Emily on TEN MILLION views ! ❤
    This stunning work of art will bring awe and joy to listeners until the end of time ! ❤

  • @davehooper4498
    @davehooper4498 3 года назад +25

    For someone so young singing such old songs is a breath of fresh air sung so beautifully, as I grew up with Procol Harum, this was so nicely done. 10/10 young lady

  • @SetInStoneNow
    @SetInStoneNow 3 года назад +14

    What a beautiful version!! Bravo!! Hard to believe Gary Brooker wrote this when he only 22. Genius...

    • @MrBelocorpo
      @MrBelocorpo 3 года назад +2

      Ele só fez a melodia, com uma leve inspiração em Bach. A poesia foi feita por outro.

    • @alfamercedes1726
      @alfamercedes1726 3 года назад +1

      Even harder to believe when you consider that Matthew Fisher was credited with 40% of the composition and that the lyrics are by Keith Reid.

  • @garyneilson3075
    @garyneilson3075 Год назад +17

    Sometimes the quiet perfection of this gets lost in the crazy world and then I hear it again.....

    • @StevenBaird-lq9st
      @StevenBaird-lq9st Год назад +1

      Emily:You really get to me! You bring tears to my eyes ! Especially when you sing All by Myself, Sounds of Silence , Over the Rainbow and the other Simon &Garfunkel song ! Again you have such beauty , a incredible voice and awesome pianist great at the guitar! As I said earlier you must have come straight from heaven !

  • @DavidRobertson-pk4ld
    @DavidRobertson-pk4ld Месяц назад +5

    You’re such a talented lady Emily…
    Thank you so much for this lovely rendition of this classic piece! ❤️

  • @rayreid6123
    @rayreid6123 2 года назад +49

    Absolutely incredible just a shame Gary Booker didnt hear this he would have been amazed ive no doubt. One very talented young lady.

  • @conehead210
    @conehead210 2 года назад +39

    Great to see someone doing a classic cover without ruining it

  • @davidkeller8084
    @davidkeller8084 3 года назад +21

    Very impressive, goose bumps and chills, nice to see the young of 2022 embracing the great music of a bygone era. Us old people knew what music was.

  • @alpcns
    @alpcns 11 месяцев назад +3

    Some songs simply touch the soul and make one's heart cheer. You just did that with this beautiful, spectacular, sensitive rendition of a fantastic classic from a fantastic era.