20 Sewing Room Storage & Organization Ideas You Need Now
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Favorite storage items, including organizers, sewing tables, pegboards, fabric storage, fabric organization, ironing board and more.
To purchase items in this video:
Essential Sewing Organization from Dorothy’s Daughter:
A few of my favorite companies (affiliate links):
-Love Notions Patterns: www.lovenotion...
(Check for current 10% discount code on my Dorothy’s Daughter Facebook Page)
-Ken’s Sewing Center:www.kenssewing...
-Embrilliance Software for Machine Embroidery: www.embrillian...
-My Amazon Influencer Store: www.amazon.com...
-Seamwork - Save $3 on your first month by signing up here: www.seamwork.c...
-Ellie & Mac: ellieandmac.com?aff=1601
-5 Out of 4 Patterns: 5outof4.com/?a...
-Itch to Stitch: itch-to-stitch...
-Girl Charlee Fabrics (US): www.girlcharlee...
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#sewingspacestorage #fabricstorage #sewingorganization #craftroomstorage
About this video: Essential Storage items for your sewing and craft space. Fabric storage, craft organization, sewing room makeover
=========================== Хобби
I purchased (2) Husky Tables at Home Depot $279 each. 24 x 52" Butcher Block top, metal base, wheels and the height adjustment. I can use them separately. One has my 24 x 36 cutting mat with room to spare. The other holds my removable 24 x 48 ironing board. But when I am doing a large project I just wheel them together and crank them to the same height. Best purchase I've ever made.
Where do you have your sewing machine?
Thanks for sharing!
That is a great idea!
I have the same setup!❤
I would love to see your setup.
I love my magnetic pin dishes from Harbor Freight I spray painted mine in cute colors to match my sewing room.
What a great idea!
I just saw one of them at Harbor Freight yesterday and I immediately thought of how useful for sewing!
So much cheaper at Harbor Freight…especially with a coupon.
That’s where I got mine.
Love your idea to spray paint them! Thank you. 😊
Clear shoe storage bags work great over doors. You can see what you have and there are about 25 pockets. Super for make up too.
For the cutting tables, I recommend installing locking wheels, actually I would put wheels on everything logical if I could afford it!
I store my fabric and thread inside of cabinets with doors or drawers. Fabric fades with time and thread rots. (Indirect and artificial light cause damage over time.)
I store some things in the inexpensive shoe boxes that Walmart sells in sets of 10. I also have a slim nine drawer thing that Joannes sells, it’s not a cabinet, there is just a metal framework that holds drawers with wheels.
I appreciated your video, some new info by a clear, friendly presenter, that’s all I want!
It’s awesome that you’re teaching your grandchildren to sew!
I love hearing all your suggestions. I would have liked to have seen these items in your space. 😊
The cup holder would be great for walkers and Rollators!
I bought an clear acrylic lazy Susan ( but it has like a 2.5” side so things don’t fall off)from the dollar store and filled it with essentials in little cups, antique creamer and dust etc to hold everything. Highly recommend. Very handy to spin and have everything at your finger tips.
I just saw those trays in a video on RUclips today. What a great idea!
This was really excellent. Thank you. I hope you do another
These are great items. Thanks for sharing these.
I just ordered the Simplicity vacuum from your Amazon store. I've been wanting to do this for a while and I just brought my Janome back from being repaired! Going to keep it clean!! 😊
Great video! I have a large peg board on my wall and now I'm going to see if you've done a video on what you store on it. If not, can you do a video of what you put on your peg board? Thank you for all the videos!
I haven’t done one just on the pegboard, but I have done a recent sewing room tour where I showed it.
I bet #3 would be an easy DIY project with Dollar Tree items!
I just added the sewing machine pad with pockets to my Simplicity vacuum order. 😊
I must be the only person battling dust. Open storage is a disaster…
Nope, I'm right there too, I live in an old house that loves dust!!!! all my fabrics and basically everything is in drawers in my craft room!! 😫😢 I would love open storage but I love my late 1800 home more 😊😊😊
Great items and tips Kim, I have a sweing corner and can make good use of a few of these😊
I would have loved to see these items in your room.
Your channel hadn’t popped up on my feed for a while. Great video. Good to see you.
hi the items you showed us, are so much more expensive here in UAstralia..enjoy what you have..I try to sew myself a box made of fabrics, rather than buying plastic..but looks good!
I bet those vinyl holders would be great for sewing stabilizers too.
Ooh great idea!
Thanks for the great ideas! I recently bought a vacuum and it is exactly what I needed to clean out my machines. It's also good for cleaning up the surrounding area.
Me too! Actually, I bought an inexpensive vacuum for overall cleaning (we rent and there is carpet in my sewing room, plus obviously dust bunnies!), and my husband bought me a small handheld vacuum with attachments for my sewing and quilting machines). I recently saw a youtube quilting channel mentioned an air purifier, which I thought was smart because I'm always exposed to lint.
I like the ribbon holder ! Thank you for organizing video.
I have this large table and love it❤
I absolutely love your shirt, Kim!
The cover picture you have for this video is so cute!
Thank you!
Would the vinyl storage rack hold rolls of vinyl/faux leather and WPC (waterproof canvas) for bag making? I have my rolls held with white slap bracelets I can label but I need a way to store them.
I have the magnetic dish for pins. I love it. I got it on Amazon.
Great items. TFS
Walmart has that same 16 cube organizer for $112 instead of amazons $167. We have 2
I found one on Amazon but it is $159.
🎉just found your channel. Love your presentation style. I'm binge watching, making lists and Amazon orders.
Thank you! I’ve been a little out of the loop for a bit as I am just finishing recovering from surgery. I’m back finally! I missed sewing!
Thanks for the recommendations...best wishes ❤
Is she doing a advertising campaign for Amazon?
I'm a new subscriber. So glad I found your channel. I live close to Ken's Sewing Center. It is my favorite store. Thank you so much for all the useful information. ❤ 😊
You are a lucky lady. I would be there every month!
I want to say that Harbor Freight sells some solid looking 60" hardwood workbenches for $179.99 by YUKON, and 48" Metal workbenches with a pegboard backdrop and overhead LEDs for $119.99 by the same Brand.
They always seem to have a coupon for one of those magnetic trays to catch your pins and Metal bits in for [they come free with purchase...]
I have used the metal workbench with the pegboard and overhead light for 12 years. It has held up perfectly. I will say my husband did tell me he would not want to put together another one. lol. Lots of parts.
Great ideas, Kim! I’ll be ruminating over how much I can spend, then come back to use your links. How difficult is putting together the rolling cart? I purchased one from Staples and spent way too long trying to get the screws in. I ended up donating it for someone else to try. If I had four hands, it probably would have worked
I did it myself, and I am not mechanically inclined. They actually weren’t too bad.
I have used a double magnet bowl for over 7 years that I got from Home Depot. It has sewing pins on one end and fine, longer pins on the other. I also have a Husky rolling tool chest that I asked for my birthday 6 years ago that I store duplicate small things. It also carries my travel sewing machine, the project I’m traveling with and smaller rulers. This way I never have to ask “Does anyone have a …..?”, and everything is organized and in one place. I have shopped the hardware store since I started sewing in 2016 when I saw the prices on storage designated as crafting storage. I use a used conference table as my working table. It’s 6’ long and 40” wide and helps keep large projects from falling and pulling while sewing. My pressing station is a large covered board place on a secondhand kitchen cart. The pressing board is attached to the top and it allows for storage of my irons and pressing supplies. My husband made me a lighting frame out of PVC pipes that we spray painted and attached two light bars we bought on Amazon for $50, way better that the $$200-$400 for crafter set up. Lastly, I have a tall metal shelving unit for my project bins, sewing machine I’m not using, storage, and other equipment that I don’t use on a daily basis. There you go, all my hardware store finds that I have used for sewing and crafting.
The Furino cube storage does not hold the regular sized cube baskets. They are smaller. Found some at dollar tree.
The pin cushion in the singer caddy is very stiff and the base is too skinny for my rotary cutter handle.
Have a rotating metal mesh basket for sewing items
You mentioned a couple of times you use a projector in your sewing. I’ve never heard of that. Do you have a video that shows what it is and how you use it?
Here is a playlist of my early journeys with the projector:
Projectors for Sewing Series
I keep my rotary cutters in a drawer near my fabric table.
sorry most of the stuff you can get at ikea much cheaper (the storage unit, the smal ironing board, peg board, vinyl storage..)
This was my idea also, bonus for having a fun day out and a pause at the restaurant
I was waiting to see how the iron board hangs on your rolling cart. Oh well.
that is not a rotary cutter. It is a seam press roller.
I wish that vacuum was battery. I need something for my car.
You sound like a 25 year old, such a young voice
People, would you PLEASE use the proper term when referring to the tool known as CRI-CUT; it is not "cricket". It is Cri-CUT! Thanks!!
It is, in fact, “cricket”. They even used to have little antennas coming out of their logo like a cute little cricket. It is easy to see how the pronunciation “cri-cut” makes more sense due to the spelling.
In the ads they had on when it first came out, it was pronounced cricket.
500 dollar table pfffffft
There’s not a single item that you reused or made or thrifted. There’s nothing smart about buying Cricket accessories for Cricket projects. You’re just browsing Amazon. Are you getting kickbacks?
If you use her “links” to make a purchase on Amazon yes she would receive a tiny “kick back”. It is not much, but that is another way You Tube channels receive some support from their viewers/subscribers - nothing out of your pocket - some viewers consider making a purchase through a “link” a show of appreciation for the work put in to making the video.
@@SpeakTruthBeKind So browsing Amazon is now considered work and must even be rewarded? Funny, I consider it entertainment
@@starcloudwings9908 For the most part, you have to pay for entertainment too