US SOLDIERS Spill Hard Truth about Russia Ukraine War
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- US SOLDIERS Spill Hard Truth about Russia Ukraine War
Hundreds of former U.S. soldiers have joined Ukraine’s fight against Russia, facing a war unlike anything they experienced in Iraq or Afghanistan. Drones, airstrikes, and large-scale battles make combat in Ukraine more intense and unpredictable than ever.
American volunteers share their firsthand experiences-how they adapted to modern warfare, overcame brutal challenges, and why they chose to stand with Ukraine. Their stories expose the stark realities of this war and the sacrifices they make.
What motivates these veterans to fight so far from home? How does warfare in Ukraine differ from past U.S. conflicts? What is the real impact of Russia’s disinformation campaigns?
#UkraineWar #AmericanSoldier #RussiaUkraineWar #ModernWarfare #UkraineDefense #MilitaryExperience #WarInUkraine #CombatStories #StandWithUkraine
If Russia isn’t stopped in Ukraine, how soon will they set their sights on the U.S.?
50 years or so. Once they've conquered Europe an China has conquered Asia... Then they'll come for us
Russia has shown itself to be a paper tiger. No worries here.
@@jlo7770Ever heard of Alaska and hybrid warfare,Genius
@@sixgunsymphony7408Hybrid warfare
@ See what Alexander Dugin thinks about the russian empire,Igor
Maybe you should prepare your donkey for battle again
Yeah man when you're not fighting farmers in flip-flops and can't drop 5000kg of ordinance on village it's definitely different
Yeah, I was an idiot for joining then, I won't make that mistake again.
@@Ozark-nq9uuI had thought about it in a while back and then I looked at it and I was like oh so if I join I'll be sitting in a fox hole in the desert or cutting the Sergeant's grass
@@Ozark-nq9uu Smart choice. Never fight your dirty wars for your overlords at the $$$ banks etc.
Because CNN and Fox News hid how bad the US would do when its was a fair fight. Doesnt matter how skilled a unit is, infantry vs infantry is the worst form of combat. Theres times when the US troops were denied air superiority and the best they could hope for was medical evac. No military in the history of mankind is good at a fair fight or looks forward to a fair fight.
You have sixty years of the US enjoying escalation of force. Thats generations upon generations of US troops who know nothing better than cheesing engagements with air strikes. On the backend it will be the ukranians advising americans on how to fight conventional wars. If the US gets into a scrap with China, those troops are likely going to have ukranians running training courses in Taiwan, Japan and the US.
Why would you fight for a country or a government that doesn’t care about you? While you’re out there risking your life, they’re sitting back and making money. If they want war, let them lead the charge. Let them be on the front lines, taking the first hits. We’ll be right behind them, offering our support-just as long as they go first. If politicians truly believe in the wars they start, let them prove it by standing at the front,
American soldiers totally surprised by what its like to fight in an actual war . "I'm a soldier I wasn't trained for this shit!"
well most american soldiers that are in ukraine have already seen real combat
The massive use of drones surprised all of us. The U.S. soldiers’s military skills still gave them the upper hand against the poorly trained and poorly commanded russian forces.
So are you saying these guys as idiots I hope not. Everybody would be surprised by a new type of war especially with drones. However these guys might be surprised but it doesn't stop them from having the guts and belief to actually get in the thick of it. I totally support Ukraine but would be too scared to do what these guys are doing, my greatest respect to them all.
Afghanistan waa bunch of farmers
@@cashawna5235no they haven't murdering civilians isn't combat
When you realize you're no longer the apex predator.
I still think we are, it is just that the Russians are like tiny bit behind us and we are fighting in their Mexico! One thing we don't have? What a modern battle field is like with a real enemy, like Russia. That is one serious thing they have an advantage over us!
They still are the apex predator we just adapt
@@wilsonsantiago-e3c how are they apex predator?
@@ericp1139 They arent fighting with donkeys and electric scooters, thats how.
@@wilsonsantiago-e3c Not when you are fighting in Russia.
The difference from fighting a war and attacking civilians.
in another words : this is a real war .
As they said in the Black adder comedy series:
"How is it that the Germans have beaten the glorious British army, which rules one-fifth of the world?"
"Perhaps because, until now, we’ve only had to fight people in the colonies whose weaponry consisted of a grass skirt and a couple of mangoes."
You clearly don’t know the British empires history or the battles the britsh infantry have won 😂 you do realise the uk went to war with a fully fledged army not so long ago in the falklands , you fool
@@bradleypriceeb7146 you should watch Blackadder. It's great, and fun, but also tragic. And it has Dr house.
In the scene in question, they are in WW1 trenches.
And being that it was filmed in the 1980s, they didn't have Iraq and Afghanistan in mind, just general colonial history.
@@bradleypriceeb7146 Goat army? Sure. But they lost against the Cod Marine thrice.
@bradleypriceeb7146 look at every war use British been in at the start of the empire till now 95% been against people who are half naked and when we so fight against a real enemy we got france Russia or usa with us
I get it, these guys....International translation: The USA have fought wars with people who have nothing bigger than an RPG and IEDs and it traumatised generations of their army, they even lost a couple of those wars. When you fight gun to gun tank to tank ship to ship jet to jet drone to drone and nuke to nuke you will learn what real war is and then lose. (Dont blame me Im just the translator)
Yeah you aren’t fighting mountain people who walk into firefights wearing sandals bro lol
😂😂😂😂 Imagine, this soldier is amazed that fighting a professional army isn't like fighting a bunch of farmers defending their homes
typical American mindset
Keep this in mind, while Trump threatens to annex Canada. Our military is small and underfunded, but we have motivation to change that.
even the farmer win against them. lolololol
Please dont burn the Whitehouse down this time
The hilarious thing is that the US lost against said farmers. How in the fk are they going to fight in a REAL war. Word has it even the British forces wiped the floor with American marines in training so much so the Americans asked to start again. Pitiful.
Little late for this propaganda.
Exactly the west wants WW3 to hide its crimes against humanity from the convid planned demic
I’m glad I’m not the only one who realized this video is straight up propaganda
normies would guzzle this koolaid down thinking its straight truth too
@@1timmehI guess it's a bit naive to expect unbiased and neutral viewpoints from literally Ukrainian channel. Expect reddit level of partisanship
@ Reddit is crazy one sided.
"Russia spends billions of dollars framing them as mercenaries" but theyre just "US Vets supporting Ukraine," for money. Totally not mercenaries..
They volunteered, and they get paid less than they would working at McDonalds in US, so they don't do that for money.
@@theslavbeing335 Couldn't have said it better
The Northern Korean are mercenaries or their great leader sell his troops for war if Russia pay those donkeys and Camels are they mercenaries or if Wagner get involved on their love for Russia can we ask Prigozhin about that?
good point, I think youre right! they are defending people, so its kinda like the opposite of a mercenary.
@@theslavbeing335if they don't do it for money then they must do it for ideology. I guess they like the ideology of UA nationalists.
Love how smart all these guys are "what do you mean russia is far more equipped then the Taliban no way" like how stupid do you have to be to not realize fighting mud farmers is completely different then fighting a well oiled nation
But but, Russia is on its last legs, they’re sending troops in one with a rifle and one with bullets. They literally drank the propaganda and then got a wake up call from reality.
To be fair, knowing something on an intellectual level, and then experiencing it firsthand, can still be very surprising.
Man, timezones are so weird....In the UK it's 6, in France it's 7 and in America it's 1939.
1933-1934. But with the pace they have it might as well be 1939 by the time I'm typing this.
(Not to poop on your joke, I just literally read the same thing in the comments to previous video I watched on the topic - people point to similarities with earlier years of pre-WW2 Germany, where people were ultimately still lulled before shhh hit the fan. It's honestly terrifying to see US president take a 180 on everything USA stood for)
One very important difference: Have gun, will travel. "Following Germany's defeat in World War I, the Weimar Republic passed very strict gun control laws in an attempt both to stabilize the country and to comply with the Versailles Treaty of 1919 - laws that in fact required the surrender of all guns to the government. These laws remained in effect until 1928, when the German parliament relaxed gun restrictions and put into effect a strict firearm-licensing scheme. These strict licensing regulations foreshadowed Hitler's rise to power."
In Federalist No. 46, Madison wrote how a federal army could be kept in check by the militia, "a standing army ... would be opposed [by] militia." He argued that State governments "would be able to repel the danger" of a federal army, "It may well be doubted, whether a militia thus circumstanced could ever be conquered by such a proportion of regular troops." He contrasted the federal government of the United States to the European kingdoms, which he described as "afraid to trust the people with arms", and assured that "the existence of subordinate governments ... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition".
Aslong Trump does not become a new Hitler, making camps and deporting people, making deals with Russia over the land they both do not own ...yet, ....
ahahaha true
@@chrispyle2942 The Law was passed to recover all the weapons that walked out of the Arsenals after the fall of the German Government. As a collector of German MILSURP if their is a 1920 stamped on top of receiver it was a recovered weapon that was inspected, repaired to military specs. by German Arsenals and returned to service.
It's hard when you fight a real military power with top techonology.
Russia does not have "top tech" lmao.
Even worse. Now you admit US army cannot even fight an enemy with no top tech.
@ 🤣🤣🤣...good
This type of blindness is what led the Germans to lose the war
Go ask the Moskva...oh wait it's an artificial reef now.
So, it's the US that have been defeated in Ukraine 😅😅😅
In 2004 i was with a class in a theme park six flags. We got into some heated argument with 4 soldiers in uniform. They were us soldiers. They were also drinking beer. And that is forbidden in my country to do that in a themepark.
So they were really loud and 4 of us including me Just decided to fight it out 4 on 4. We totally smashed them. Both groups got kicked of. Outside their commander was really angry and shouted to his own guys. They said we attacked them and that we were a group of gangsters.
Funny thing is we were only 17 years of age that time.😂 Can you imagine hearing you got beated up by some simple teens.
@@nicovanderwilt7502 from what muslim country you are im from albania i have 7 years elhamdulilah from roman catholik i aceptet islam. If this your story is real i believe this is the beauty of islam we dont drink alcoohol and we are strong and those soldier were drinking alcoohol and lost the fight a believer with the same weapons will alvays win against his enemis
If US were to actually fight a developed country with a strong military, many would realise they are not as mighty as they portray themselves to be.
why you mad bro? lol US has fought strong militaries before, this isn't new
Actually... The last time we fought a conventional Army we obliterated them in less than two months. I'm talking about the first Gulf war in which Iraq had the 4th largest army. We're good at fuxcin ish up. We're just not good at occupation. There's a difference. The fact that Ukraine is hanging with Russia using our weapons tells me everything I need to know. If it weren't for our weapons Ukraine would've been conquered in less than a month. And let's not forget the Soviets got ran out of Afghanistan in the 80s. Which actually lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union. That was a war in which we funded the Taliban. People forget about that. Russia can be had. The longer this war drags on the more it's gonna hurt Russia economically. so this idea that Russia is superior to the US military is BS. China on the other hand is a different story. But I've seen nothing the Russian army is doing that says it's better than our military. Esp with them using old cold war tanks. And here's the crazy part. If a war kicked off with Russia virtually everything in the US will go to the war effort just like in WWII. MEANING... Everything will go into mass production. We would be able to out produce Russia in all phases of the war: tanks, drones, artillery, guns, aircraft, battle ships, etc. why do you think our Navy recovered so quick after Pearl harbor? The only advantage Russia has over the US is really just nukes. And if we wanted to we could out produce Russia and develop more nukes.
@@TheBranchez US. Isn't there to win,they are there to prolong till the politicians donors get richer.The US.didnt do much fighting against Germans,they fought Japanese,Italians,Africans in WW2.The Russians fought the Germans after the Germans killed about 20 million of them. US.did win against England in 1776.
@@Hktuah24 we really appreciate all the support we receive or received, but saying that Ukraine would've been conquered in less than a month is just dumb) Just try to google dates, what kind and how many weapons were supplied. Those weapons saved a lot of lives and it is priceless, but conquer Ukraine in less than a month? Lol
Iraq 4th largest army where? In your moma's garden? Bruh...
"Oh no! We can't call for an airstrike on three guys armed with Mosin-Nagant rifles? This war sucks!" Americans have not been in a real war since 1973! They should start naming their wars: Special training exercises, and gear testing, with live targets that occasionally shoot back!
They are very good at making videos where they show their aircraft carriers, their jets in flight, their marines landing on rubber dinghies... but they are just movies.
Yet, these guys adapted quickly, leveraged their military skills and completed their missions. That’s one of the reasons why russian casualties are so much higher
@@scepticalwalker3984 Are you saying that you have real data on the losses of Russians and Ukrainians in this conflict, my little RUclips user? Or is it just someone sitting on a soft sofa who suddenly decided that he knows more about something than he actually does?
@@argussekius1788 skip RUclips kid, look at most credible sources available (= not Kremlin-endorsed sources).
@argussekius1788 Lil bro, any attacking force is going to have a hugher casualty rate against a force in defence. That's basic military logic. Pair that with Russia's tactics which they havent much adapted since WW2, you'd have to have a smooth brain to not understand how Russia will clearly have more casualties.
Wasn't they telling us that Russians were fighting with shovels?
this is a western media. of course its gonna be propaganda. in the russian side, they have more interesting video tho. 😂
Russians do, in fact, send their wounded to the fight. Russians also perform assults on motorcycles, etc. All of this was captured hundreds of times.
When the Talibans fight them with Kalashnikov? Kinda baffling innit?
There is currently NO real war anywhere, but in Ukraine, it's the REAL deal. Fighting insurgents is nothing like fighting russia. As anyone can understand.
What about Israel and Palestine?
Oh you are right thats genocide not a war.
@newstroll982 , well, both sides claiming they are defending their home and both sides are willing to kill each others, asymmetric warfare doesn't mean it is a genocide.
Hamas WILL do the same if they have better equipment and training, and they did try...
Anyone except the idiots who sign up to fight there. Even Ukrainian kids are heading to foreign countries to avoid the meat grinder.
@@newstroll982 That's not a war, that's Israel protecting itself from maniacs.
They went thinking that they have chance with Russia but returned imediately after realising this is not Afghanistan 😅
I’m old enough to remember the Russian being food for the Afghans.
@@goattygoat9489Russia accomplished the same thing in Afghanistan that we did. We were food for the Taliban too I guess because they ran us out as well.
@@mrunstoppable6711 not quite the same. Good guys in 1980s were supported by US and Afghanistan stood for over 3 years on its own after Soviets withdrew.
Russia was poor that time economy was total finish nd president it's wasn't Putin wen Putin came in power he pick Russia economy milltary Up too the top Russia is power full more than any countries in the world is fighting 52 NATO countries alone nd defeat them I salute The King off the world Mr Putin nd The Russian Federation Salute
in short "me dont like fights real army, me fights peaseants using army equipment"
Mercenaries are not protected under international law....
Nor orcs
@@casparides But Saruman is getting his prize.
Yes as I said to my old friends from ISAF in the start of the full scale invasion. We never had to worry about a battalion tactical group of Taliban coming down highway 1 trying to blast our base with 152 mm.
then later all these drones swarming around. We talked about it in 2011 - 2012 imagine if Taliban strapped a bomb to a small drone and tried to attack our bases we would not be able to stop them. Now we are here with drones everywhere.
And in Iraq and Afghanistan we had a lot of luxuries that you don't have in Ukriane. Like full air support whenever we need it. Medivacs with helicopters, good food and so on.
Compared to the war in Ukraine of what I have seen and heard. Afghanistan is more like a holiday compared to that.
Interesting perspective. The scale and intensity of this war are indeed on a completely different level. How do you think NATO forces would have handled these conditions back in Afghanistan?
@@Weapons.Of.Victory The great difference is the air superiority. Do you know what is to have the sky in american hands all the time. In ukraine that is not happening. The importance of air superiority in war is an obligation.
It doesnt matter how many soldiers you send or even if they are really good gear up, the jet fighter to control the sky is very important.
Russia will insist using missiles or drones in order to avoid any control of air superiority by Ukraine. Nowadays, Ukraine has the army in better situation and modernizing everyday, while russia is sending men to the war in waves doesnt matter if they do not have tanks or military vehicles.
@@raidensergi2378 ну если ты по прежнему считаешь что России воюет исключительно только "мясными волнами", то самое глупое, что может сделать военный это недооценить противника.
@raidensergi2378 Russian tactics are very impressive despite what the Western media say but nato would gain air superiority and that is a game changer .
@@camokoy Russians and Ukraines are emulating each other. There is no large tactical operations, because of large Artillery devastation. They found that out in the beginning of the war with the long, burnt out columns. Now everyone is broken into disparate groups, except for the front lines. "very impressive", they've just got a huge stockpile and manpower pool, That isn't impressive if you just slog it out into attritional warfare. But to be fair, that's not Russia's goal. So whatever I guess.
We weren’t taught to fight in a big war. We were taught how to fight insurgents. Now they’ll have to learn how to fight against the very thing they were doing in the Middle East.
iraq war was training, now its time for the real test
You escaped from Afghanistan, you will stay in Russia forever 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
For sure
Hes not in russia u bot
@@swojal1493 DONETSK IS RUSSIA U🤡
Haha lol
DNR is Russia today
Sarcastic smile before doom ? I'm not saying that someone will invade Russia. I'm just saying that you will pay for this war, actually you already started to pay. Look into your countries economy. Who do you think pays for war? Well you are, just simple ordinary people. And your "economy support fund" is nearly depleted. Now I understand why Russia was saving money to this fund. It was a war preparation. Good luck with economy and life...
ive never seen an artillary peice dissapear to be sold on the black market
yeah no shit. the stuff that gets sold never makes it to the battlefield
what a genius
Exactly what I was thinking. Like this dumbass would be privy to this level of theft. He's a useful idiot, nothing more.
dude, i chuckled hard by this genius' words lmao. Ofc nobody steals it from the battle field. What a naive guy
pretty sure if one of the whole 20 M1A1 provided by the US suddenly went missing - that would've been noticed very fast. Some Americans pretend like they've sent huge amounts of tanks to Ukraine.
You certainly have a proof of that, dont you?
But US and NATO’s 30 countries cannot match Russia’s firepower.
of course they can't, because they don't provide it. Trump didn't allocate a single bullet and blocked those pathetic crumbs that Biden handed over.
or do you think that 31 Abrams and exactly ZERO F16s handed over to Ukraine are all that America has?
@@LegionUkraine Ungrateful Nazi. Your 'country' is like a poodle with rabies picking a fight with a bear.
@@Syo1973 lolol
Russia nothing but heavy and brutes.
The US dude basically said, "in Iraq we didn't face much resistance, were able to butcher civilians undisturbed by annoying enemy soldiers."
That's not what happened.
@@JustGonnaStepHere ok.
@Lexomm1 idk how you think it did. Iraqis, Syrians, Iranians and Chechnyans were there as part of several warring factions as well as sunnis and Shia militias and they were all butchering each other. Some groups like AQI did it just to discredit the US knowing the average person like yourself doesn't understand the difference when they kill someone deliberately and when the US military simply fails to stop it.
That is NOT what he said
@@Chopper-x4b Not by mouth but by thought. Any non-npc knows why the 'Muricans are there. Trump is just honest enough to admit it in public, concerning the rich resources in ukraine like rare earth, coal and iron etc.
They aren’t used to fighting people who have the ability and weaponry to fight back.
The US has been at war for most of its history.
You Russians are getting full of yourselves while you can't successfully invade a weaker country right next to you.
More like not having the support of the largest military complex
Why are Americans in Ukraine this is ridiculous they shouldn't be there to begin with.. They need to get out, this is making us look bad when we're telling Russia that there's no American military in the region. This makes us look bad.
America isn't used to fighting wars. Looking at Iraq and Afghanistan they are clearly more of a paintball / airsoft / BBQ crowd. But they sure love talking tough when the bullets aren't flying their way.
This is a pretty idiotic statement to make. Just because America hasn't had favorable wars doesn't mean it's incapable of fighting one.
@vegetasbulge favorable wars. Right. What would that look like, exactly ? Enemy soldiers who just kill themselves at your approach ? You can't even win against people with zero technology, how do you manage that?
Alright pal, get back to eating chips and sitting on a gaming chair typing this like you know what war is lmao
@@vegetasbulge Agreed. Anybody in the Army is prepared on conventional and unconventional warfare.
Bruh, you somehow look like a creepier version of Jared the Subway guy.
I don't believe for a bit 150 Russians went into a single building, that guy lied...The Russians move in small teams of 5...lo😂...funny how they always try to make themselves look better...
most of the times they move in with only 3 or 2
@NotTIMREK Right... I've never seen more than 5 Russian soldiers, even while clearing out trenches. They stopped moving in large units since drones were introduced. Last video I saw on telegram, a group of three Russians were spread out by a house that 12 Ukrainians (3 wounded) were in, the guy ran and threw an explosive in there and ran back to his position, 5 secs later, it blew up and brought the roof down trapping the Ukrainian soldiers ,then they circled back at the main entrance of the house waiting for them to come out..the Ukrainians threw a grenade out to dislodged the 3 Russian soldiers but to no effect, then an artillery strike demolished what was left of the building..I don't think anyone survived. A lot of these American vets were in Marupol and Avdevka, ran for their lives.
That a lie a total lie they didn't take kheson Russia left kheson because they want to go somewhere
@@ZakheleNkwanyana russians being like "well let's leave something we occupied and go somewhere else" is something that never ever happened.
I know y Russia left kheson no one kick Russia out in kheson nd this chanell is full off Fake story nd propaganda 32 countries fighting Russia is alone bt Russia they defeat them all Even USA admitted that No one can defeat Russia that was Joe Biden ND former secretary Anntonn blinka he admit 2 say we as NATO defeated in Ukraine Under Putin Russia is something else with everything the first president in the world who defeat the biggest sanctions ever 28 thousands sanctions Russia is a first country 2 do that because off Putin Putin was born like this he has a power from God that is y u hate him nd Russia won't bow to 2 USA won't bow 2 anyone Never ever
Actually, this is looking a lot like WW2. Americans did not care much for the European theatre of war. The America First movement did not even want equipment sent to the UK. Many people in the America First movement, Charles Lindbergh, for example, were sympathetic to Hitler (history repeats itself). FDR helped the Brits because they were allies. The US got involved in WW2 after the Pearl Harbour attack, and because the real threat to the US came from the Pacific.
We have a repeat here, with Russia in the role of Germany and China in the role of Japan. When China sees Russia getting away with taking land from Ukraine, they will try to do the same in the South China Sea and Taiwan before Trump's presidency is over.
Very true
Nailed it!
Barack Obama didn't lift a finger to keep Russia from taking land in Ukraine. Joe Biden stationed troops in neighboring NATO nations saying saying "there will be all hell to pay if Russia steps foot in a nato Nation" basically selling Ukraine down the river. Trump says "we are providing the most support and not getting anything out of it is BS so let's end this and setup a reason for the US to get involved in the future." Because let's be real the American people were told no boots on the ground and this will be over by Winter type speech so throw money at the problem. Money been thrown and 3 winters have past and there still no end in sight. The amount of money spent in Ukraine could have kept the Afghanistan operation going for another 20 years as a state some what friendly to the west.
Youre saying that like other countries do favors for eachother out of sheer good will
Thats not how any deal goes. Even with family and friends, you need a give and take. No state will uselessly donate resources to another out of kindness
Its just not realistic
"all the things in Iraq and Afghanistan we didn't have to worry about"....yes, that's because you're facing a peer adversary.
Thank you. It's almost like these guys are complaining about something they signed up to do. Jesus christ.
Everybody here talking about how American soldiers shouldn't be surprised that there's a difference between fighting a bunch of farmers and fighting a professional army, but no one wants to talk about the fact that this war is a waste of everyone's time.
American soldiers have no reason to be in the Ukraine war.
Neither do Russians, Africans or NK.
Given the US created this conflict, I think they have every right to replace the proxy Ukraines.
@@jay64jyou have a proof of that dont you?
@ there is the evidence of US interference with the coup, the Maiden, and of the invite to Ukraine to NATO. That's backed up by the previous agreement for NATO not to move one inch East of Gerrmany - yes verbal not in writing, but evidenced. And then the Minsk 2, which Merkel stated was just to rearm Ukraine.
so us soldiers are experiencing a conventional war and not some incursion with terrorist forces?
Pretty much every engagement they are talking about ended in a russian victory 😂
This guy sounds like a ferrytale story teller..
I go to a foreign country and fight for money. I'm a...
Yeah, that would THE DEFINITION of mercenary.
Leave Russia alone . Just as American who likes respected
@@scrimshank1 FO
This war is a total nonsense and a nightmare for all of us. I have massive family in both Ukraine and Russia and we are heartbroken to see our families destroyed by the elites who are corrupted and continue destroying killing innocent people. It must end now and whoever wants fighting have nothing but demons inside their souls are their anger will bring them a very bad future
The most hypocritical position. The occupiers from Russia can return to Russia and then the war will end.
@HanPet Not until they have destroyed the hostile coup-govnenment that started a war against russo-ukrainians..
@suprlite The war against Ukrainians was started by the Russo-fascist Putin. There are no Russo-Ukrainians. There are Ukrainians who want to live in an independent sovereign state and decide for themselves how to live....and there are Russian occupiers who invaded Ukraine.
Ну, иди обнимай укрофашиста.
This is a real war between near peers. As opposed to the type of colonial, low intensity, counter insurgency operations and air wars against vastly outmatched opponents that the us has been fighting for the past few decades now
And you would know all about colonialism, huh
There is no 'near' here. It's peer to peer. An in some areas the Russians have better weapons than the US.
@@alreadyblack3341 There are people who read books and study history, surprising, huh?
Uraaa ❤
The truth belongs to mother Russia, and truth will always prevail, thanks God
Have a nice life everyone ❤
Only blind people or idiots, or hypocrites can believe that the truth belongs to Russia.
The government isn't helping bc you're not supposed to be there. You're there for the money. You can't expect our government to come and rescue you when you were there for the money to begin with so you need to figure your own way out. You're being paid.
The Vietnamese had a much more difficult time facing the Americans due to the vast difference in weaponry but I never saw Vietcong or NVA Veterans crying about PTSD, Trauma and what not. They seem totally fine and don't whine for generations.
we actually have a support system my old uncle is a VNPA soldier Fighting in Khe sanh ,Hue and against Pol pot he told me story about B52 bombing his unit he only hear the sound of bomb dropping and ran into cover almost over1/3 of his unit die and sometime he woke up in the middle of the night pick up a backpack and started waking then he stop ,he told me in the morning that he hear order the start marching
This Mr. sniper, that's what they say: "they don't wear sandals in Ukraine and don't look after sheep in the hills", like the "army" of Afghanistan.
Under 20k soldiers died in America's 10 years in Afghanistan over a million have died in this Ukraine Russian war
@@asteroth131 20 Yr war spent mostly in barracks
That doesn’t even make sense keyboard warrior.
There's almost a million military casualties, not deaths.
The russians have an estimated 200 to 250 K KIA
Ukraine has estimated 40 to 50 K KIA
You're mixing up casualties versus deaths.
Do not believe casualty numbers from either side in Ukraine, they're both exaggerating
@@rffromusa8319your wrong lady Russia has lost 1000000000 gazillion KIA and the beloved "totaly not Nazi infested country" has lost only 2 guys hahah.jesus how pathetic naive you are.the beloved Ukroreich has allready over 1.2 million deaths and numbers rising
If NATO hadn’t been trying to get control of Ukraine since 2014, this would never have happened and countless lives would have been spared. This war is a disgrace and should never have been fought.
Wow. Okay
yes. russia should have stayed at home and continued trading oil. war is not their strong point. russia managed to lose to a country without a navy, air force and missiles - the world has not seen such a disgrace since vietnam
@@LegionUkraine Then why is Ukraine constantly losing land? Russia is not losing, Ukraine is; despite literal US troops on the ground in Ukraine.
@@theerror9083 "constantly losing land"?
Why rusia constantly loosing lands? You have an answer?
@@LegionUkraine What do you mean by Russia losing lands? Do you mean territorially, or support in the land, what do you mean by this? I mean Ukraine is losing land every day by the km.
Let's be real, Afghanistan was basically a war tourism. Ideally speaking non of those vets actually have near peer adversary combat experience. No wonder they're so shocked in ukraine fighting against russia
War of tourism ?
Trump has dropped MOAB on Afghanistan.
Spoiler alert.
They still lost war.
21 years versus 2 weeks.
Afghanistan and their flip flops always will prevail.
The machine is working hard to save this failing war
"We got fighter from all the continents" penguin 🐧
Ukraine is not our problem. Russia is not our enemy!
I've seen slogans like these somewhere...
ah, right. On the posters of the 40s - "Hitler didn't attack anyone", "this is not our war", "lend-lease is ruining our lives"
@@LegionUkraine Yet here you are - continuing Hitler's legacy. 🤷
The enemy is your mindset….war gamer
Except that you owe Ukraine for it giving up all the nuclear potential in 94 under your pressure. Ever heard of that moron?
0:28 He asks what motivates them to join this others war
0:35 He answers something else and the clip cuts off within seconds 🤣
The Message is clear that he simply hates Russia and get into fight with it for no reason, He thought they will Win but reality showed him. 👍
Honestly, I think at least some men are going to the Ukraine because they cant live a normal civilian life. They need that rush to feel alive.
Absolutely, some men are just wired from birth to seek danger and conflict, they are not made for regular civilian life, thats how they end up jailed for life or at the cemetery.
Most of these guys will find the same ending.
So you're not Ukrainian? Check. But you get paid for fighting for Ukraine, not your own country? Check. How again are you not a mercenary?
I say this as an American and US Army vet myself.
At least their on the right side unlike your government
@derekking5386 lol what side is my government on? Their own? That sounds like the right side to me.
@@ltankhsd then go be on your own. Your gov are traitors to all your young lying dead under foreign soil. Wait till nobody buys your goods. Land of the free. Making your vets and handicapped unemployed. Good luck with being friends with russia
The definition of a mercenary is a soldier who fights for money. Wagner group was real mercenaries, with a salary of 5000 dollars a months. Foreigners in Ukraine are fighting for pocket money, the same as ordinary ukrainian soldiers get to be able to buy cigarettes, candy and other small stuff. In many cases they are undermining their economy by going to Ukraine, not improving it. Most russian soldiers have been lured into service with promises of big money (and therefore can be regarded as mercenaries), but in many cases they never see a shadow of this big money.
@@ingemarsjoo4542 "ackchyually..."
yeah k, so they're poorly paid mercenaries.
Oh, America sure has found itself a worthy opponent in the war arena. Will they dare to challenge China once more? This isn't some movie plot, nope. Russia is all about business.
They all hate Russian war bc russia made the “first move” but in reality Russia is simply responding
to what?
Is Russia responsible in Ukraine? In Syria, Russia was also responsible in 2015 when it used chemical weapons and bombed civilians? And in Georgia, which Russia attacked in 2008, was Russia also responsible? And the 2 wars in Chechnya in the 90s? The truth is that Russia is a country that constantly launches and wages aggressive wars. And at the head of this country is a bloody dictator-murderer.
@@Weapons.Of.Victory, responding to west not respecting deals about not expanding NATO towards them. Russia didn't start this war, west did.
@@Weapons.Of.Victory *To the 2014 civil war that you started*
Yeah, like Hitler responded to "polish provocations" 1939.
They upgraded from an enemy fighting an assymetric war, with whatever equipment could be stolen, made locally or brought in from donors, to an enemy with the same level of technology, a proper standing army with logistics, artillery, trained soldiers and aircover. Of course it's not the same as fighting Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
Thank you, gentlemen.
They are the definition of a mercenary.
It says 3 days ago but this seems more like it was made in 2023 when their was far more optimism.
This channel hasn't gotten the memo yet
Finally in a war hits different
"Falsely calls US fighters mercenaries" ? So they are official NATO troops?
These are retired soldiers idiot
Americans are used to fighting less resistant Afghanistan and Iraq, and now they're coming face to face with the worlds most powerful army.
the world's most powerful army can't occupy Ukraine for 11 years? As a Ukrainian I'm flattered.
Someone is making good money with this AI voiced video with clips from 2 years ago.
the US lost in Afghanistan and Iraq, they're losing in Ukraine also...
The US will not lose in Ukraine, because the US is not fighting in Ukraine, only a few hundred American volunteers are fighting. And all that US politicians do is put spokes in Ukraine's wheels so that Ukraine does not defeat Russia. The US has its own interests and Ukraine's victory is not part of these interests. The Biden administration was afraid that Ukraine would be able to defeat Russia in the fall of 2022, so it slowed down the supply of weapons. But Biden gave at least some weapons and at least called things by their right names, called Putin a murderer. And Trump openly plays on Putin's side. American volunteers deserve respect and gratitude. And the Trump administration deserves shame.
To my knowledge, they never lost in Iraq. Saddam Hussein was hanged, don´t you remember?
@@ingemarsjoo4542 america lost more than 2 trillions and replaced the Taliban with taliban.....if u said that's winning keep whining
what, really? and how many regular troops are fighting in Ukraine besides a couple hundred volunteers?) If you don't know, Russia's monthly losses are 30k, of which about 10k are irretrievable. show the statistics of America's losses?
@@LegionUkraine LOL! The mighty Ukro-Nazis are killing +100k Russians per month and advancing west at break-neck speed all over the front line. Putin is shaking in his boots, desperate to sign a cease-fire! 😂 The Ukrainian ministry of truth has spoken.
I served in and out of combat zones as Joint Recon from 1990-2012. This is very good propaganda. The guys here are mercenaries and don’t have the adequate support because it isn’t our war. While we have engaged in a lot of combat as GWOT vets we haven’t had to fight near peer. We fully recognize this. This comparison ends though when you show an unprofessional force being portrayed as American military fighting forces. They aren’t. Enjoy your paychecks. Take care of yourselves. The US has no need to be involved and spend its youth. Europe needs to finally stand up and get it done.
WWI wasn’t America’s business. WWII wasn’t America’s business. Korea wasn’t America’s business. Vietnam wasn’t America’s business “Most” of the Gwot wasn’t Americas business. Do you see a trend here. Ppl like you are the reason the US is forced into wars we don’t want to be in because we take a back seat and try to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. That hasn’t or will never work. Don’t pretend to stand and fight for freedom and then turn your back on another country trying to fight for theirs. Authoritarianism will always be the good fight.
Are you unaware that Europe recently took decisions in that direction? To rearm the whole continent? To replace the falling american support for Ukraine?
Proxy war that the USA and Europe started. Russia has many conferences with the west. Putin did not want nuclear weapons close to the Russian border. That's all.
As a Ukrainian, I will be forever grateful to all the Americans and the USA as a country for the sacrifice, support, and inspiration to fight for freedom and our right to exist. President Trump says that we are not grateful, and while I cannot vouch for everyone, I am and always will be grateful and remember the fallen comrades, Ukrainian or foreign. Thank you very much for upholding our freedom!
@@Gardarik33115 Thank the ones with no arms and legs.They now have a different idea about war that Victoria Nuland paid Zalensky to start Now he's a billionaire.
America is using your people to wage a proxy war against Russia. Europe is using Ukraine as a meat shield. You fool, you think a country would send aid to another in the name of "freedom" and "right to exist"? No country would aid another if they didn't benefit significantly.
Its not only about Freedom of UA, its about whats right and what is wrong, and fighting for it.. I wish Legions were mobilised back before, when RU invaded Georgia and Crimea
He said that Zelensky is not grateful, because he just barges in, demands more money, and then threatens that "we" will pay consequences if we don't...all the while he misappropriates funds for personal gain. Do you like your dancing Hollywood leader?
@@kuiperdasniper I can find hundreds of messages of Zelensky expressing gratitude to both Biden's and Trump's administration. Also, I have not yet seen a single backed evidence of Zelensky misappropriating funds. All this remains of the same level of credibility as Trump's claims that the US has given $350 billion of aid to Ukraine while in reality the amount of help was three times smaller and less than from the EU. Don't get me wrong - we are grateful for any assistance we can get, it is an existential matter for us all. But I do understand while Trump is not liked in Europe: nobody likes falseful accusations.
During war, the first victim is truth and this channel proves it
Mercenary a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army.
Russia offers no international protections for captured mercenaries
Soldier “a soldier who enlists in professional army and is under the orders of said army command” if they are under the command of the Ukrainian army not a pmc then they aren’t mercenaries.
@@ciaranbrk It's calling a spade, a spade. They are foreign mercenaries, fool. 😂
It’s a bad idea. The Russians don’t consider foreign soldiers fighting for Ukraine r covered by Geneva Convention. A dude just got a 19 year sentence in a Russian prison
Russia ignoring the Geneva Convention isn’t new, but that doesn’t change the fact that foreign volunteers in Ukraine are legally covered. It’s just another excuse for them to mistreat POWs-something they do regardless of nationality.
@Weapons.Of.Victory Putin tells you if you're covered or not, not some convention that can't speak...
Being an infantry man is the most dangerous job now with fpv drones and other drone systems making survivability very difficult.
Enormous gratitude to international volunteers fighting for Ukraine and world peace.
Essentially realizing our wars are a bunch of low hanging fruit and we are bullies. Our inept leaders can only punch down.
When you are fighting a guy with an Ak47 wearing a dress and flip flops driving a Toyota Hilux and have total air and technological superiority vs fighting a peer level enemy.
lol, an dont forget, in the end, flip flops won. Trump pulled numbers out and weakened the line.
@@williamoloughlin8298They won because America couldn’t pursue them.
Let’s face it, the GWOT was just one step above SWAT activity you see every day in America. What American troops did in Iraq and Afghanistan was combat but not war.
Of course they are mercenaries
So who's paying them?
@@Weapons.Of.Victory the Ukranian government obviously
@@Weapons.Of.Victory According to geneva, Merc is hired gun who fights for the interests of another country that he is not a citizen of. The irony is in the fact that wagner troops are less mercs than any of single of those international volunteers, because they are in their majority a russian citizens. Taking into consideration a lot of propaganda statements, such as hinting at possibe russian invasion of united states and deliberate silence on controversial moments surrounding units mentioned in the video, this is sponsored by ukraine governent or usaid, so you likely don't give a shit anyway.
@@mark_bradly2581 Any of single of those........ in their majority a russian citizens.......
Ooooh, you tiresome little Ruzzbot,- go away!
Risking their lives day by day - if your so brave why don't you go ??????????????
Surprise-surprise. Its what not having unlimited bombs and overwhelming aviation + tactical artillery looks like 😂
bit different when the enemy is an actual trained soldier as well right? not being rude, just stating the obvious. much respect to the volunteers over there
Some of these stories a bit exaggerated.
Some? This is straight up Ukro propaganda BS start to finish!
Thank you for your support and your sacrifice!
Surprise, it’s nothing like in the Call of Duty games.
If they aren't mercenaries, then the US is waging a war of aggression 🤷🏻
Much respect to you guys for being on the right side of history! God bless you all!!!
Thank you for the video. The soldiers from other countries helping the Ukrainian people are true heroes.
They're finally fighting people who can fight back. Pretty different. I can respect these guys.
These guys are awesome.
They finally went to a real frontline! They were used to fight 4th world warriors with no technology, now they probably went from playing videogames, to real fighting.....
These absolut heroes are saving America's image worldwide.
@@ninokamps4407 🤣🤣🤣
@@JamesJones-c7g ? 🤡
@@JamesJones-c7g You have created your RUclips acount in the end of January, 2025.
STFU bot.
When Germany fought against the Russians they too had foreign fighters fighting alongside the Germans.
You mean nord korean soldiers right?
Those Russians were exact same as German nazis, your mental gymnastics are hilarious. Do you know why in Russia they don't teach what happened in 1939-1941? Because that would cause their brains to melt down, if they would realize that they were friends with nazis and started it TOGETHER.
@@the_g371 I'm Russian and I can confirm. 90% of Russians think WW2 started in 1941
Nobody wanted to fight for Stalin and the bloody red empire. At the beginning of the war, 3 million Red Army soldiers surrendered to the Germans. More than a million Russians fought against Stalin in the ranks of the German army. After all the bloody repressions, after the Holodomor, the Soviet people were against the Bolsheviks. World War II is essentially a civil war, a continuation of the civil war in Russia. In the west of Ukraine, where there was no Holodomor, all the young people went into the forests to fight against Stalin.
On Ya Men you've got a heart ❤️ a Big Heart Respect. From millions of people whom need your help 🙏 .
"I never saw a US Abrahams disappear due to corruption..." - Seriously, that's what disappearing due to corruption means, it never shows up at the front... gee, this level of propaganda must be for the dnmbest segment of viewers.
I want to said thank you from the bottom of my heart to All American soldiers who fight for Ukraine you are our heroes.
Remember 2yrs ago when the news kept saying russias runnin out of weapons?
Ukraine is putting up hell of a fight. Much respect.
russia never wanted ANY of Ukraine. They only wanted NATO off their borders, which is exactly what this video is promoting x.x
A Fake Nationalism, These are the same people who believed Iraq has Nuclear weapons and successfully Neutralised after killing millions of unarmed People.
@@OnlyTruthLove really ,even crimea back in 2014?
that is why they occupy Crimea, Donetsk, Luhansk, Mariupol, many others smaller cities and villiages and demand Kherson and Zaporozhye?
@CaptainSherst yep, bcoz these small and poor nations can be used as proxies against Russia 🇷🇺.
Money can buy their congress and make it anti Russia , just like elected president was ousted and unelected zelensky became president in 2014 👍.
Don't watch all these BBC, CNN bulshit.
@@CaptainSherst Russia was ready to sign any peace treaty leaving all those territories to Ukraine in return for a militarily neutral Ukraine. It was the west that told Ukraine to reject those treaties. All they had to do is stay militarily neutral. But you know the Empire will not stop.
They're fighting for money, that's all... You know, if you compare it, imagine the invasion of Iraq in 2003 or Libya in 2011 in the name of oil... and Ukraine is of course different :)))
Welcome to a battle where the enemy is smart, has everything and not simple farmers in flip-flops and knows all the tactics of the army and air force.
Smart? You must be kidding. If they were smart, russians would have conquered Ukraine in two weeks back in 2022. But they are a bunch of incompetent morons, at least their generals. "Has everything"? Nowadays they have started using donkeys, horses and camels for logistics. But they still have boots instead of flip-flops, so they will surely win...
@@ingemarsjoo4542 Two weeks without NATO interference sounds about right. Donkeys, horses and camels seems to be doing the trick since the Ukro-Nazis are retreating. Besides, it's how the war ends that matters, not how long it took to achieve.
These guys are probably fertiliser by now.